Document Type
- Master's Thesis (11)
- Bachelor Thesis (3)
- Doctoral Thesis (3)
- BPM (1)
- Business Process Management Recommender Systems Survey (1)
- Business Process Modeling (1)
- Business Rule Bases, Inconsistency Measurement (1)
- Business Software (1)
- DMN (1)
- ERP-System (1)
- Empfehlungssystem (1)
- GDPR (1)
- Integration (1)
Predictive Process Monitoring is becoming more prevalent as an aid for organizations to support their operational processes. However, most software applications available today require extensive technical know-how by the operator and are therefore not suitable for most real-world scenarios. Therefore, this work presents a prototype implementation of a Predictive Process Monitoring dashboard in the form of a web application. The system is based on the PPM Camunda Plugin presented by Bartmann et al. (2021) and allows users to easily create metrics, visualizations to display these metrics, and dashboards in which visualizations can be arranged. A usability test is with test users of different computer skills is conducted to confirm the application’s user-friendliness.
The main goal of this paper is to ascertain, if neural networks (especially LSTM) are helpful in predicting processes by making predictions as accurately as possible.
TensorFlow is the used framework in Python to build recurrent neural networks. Two networks are built, whereby one is used for training and the other one for prediction.
Used datasets contain several processes with several events each. With those processes, the network ist trained and afterwards, the parameters are saved. The network for prediction uses these parameters to make predictions.
The neural network is able to make clear predictions about subsequent events. Even branches can be predicted.
When developed further, integration in other programs is possible. It is recommended to use unique names for the events or to rename them.
To construct a business process model manually is a highly complex and error-prone task which takes a lot of time and deep insights into the organizational structure, its operations and business rules. To improve the output of business analysts dealing with this process, different techniques have been introduced by researchers to support them during construction with helpful recommendations. These supporting recommendation systems vary in their way of what to recommend in the first place as well as their calculations taking place under the hood to recommend the most fitting element to the user. After a broad introduction into the field of business process modeling and its basic recommendation structures, this work will take a closer look at diverse proposals and descriptions published in current literature regarding implementation strategies to effectively and efficiently assist modelers during their business process model creation. A critical analysis of presentations in the selected literature will point out strengths and weaknesses of their approaches, studies and descriptions of those. As a result, the final concept matrix in this work will give a precise and helpful overview about the key features and recommendation methods used and implemented in previous research studies to pinpoint an entry into future works without the downsides already spotted by fellow researchers.
The industry standard Decision Model and Notation (DMN) has enabled a new way for the formalization of business rules since 2015. Here, rules are modeled in so-called decision tables, which are defined by input columns and output columns. Furthermore, decisions are arranged in a graph-like structure (DRD level), which creates dependencies between them. With a given input, the decisions now can be requested by appropriate systems. Thereby, activated rules produce output for future use. However, modeling mistakes produces erroneous models, which can occur in the decision tables as well as at the DRD level. According to the Design Science Research Methodology, this thesis introduces an implementation of a verification prototype for the detection and resolution of these errors while the modeling phase. Therefore, presented basics provide the needed theoretical foundation for the development of the tool. This thesis further presents the architecture of the tool and the implemented verification capabilities. Finally, the created prototype is evaluated.
Unkontrolliert gewachsene Software-Architekturen zeichnen sich i.d.R. durch fehlende oder schlecht nachvollziehbare Strukturen aus. Hierfür können als Gründe beispielsweise mangelhafte Definitionen oder ein langsames Erodieren sein. Dies ist auch unter dem Begriff "Big Ball of Mud" bekannt. Langfristig erhöhen solche architekturellen Mängel nicht nur die Entwicklungskosten, sondern können letztendlich auch Veränderungen vollständig verhindern.
Die Software-Architektur benötigt somit eine kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung, um solchen Effekten entgegen wirken zu können. Eine gute Software-Architektur unterstützt die Software-Entwicklung und erhöht die Produktivität. Auf der Ebene von Quellcode existieren bereits etablierte Vorgehensweisen zur kontrollierten Verbesserung der Qualität. Im Gegensatz hierzu existieren für Verbesserungen einer Software-Architektur jedoch keine allgemeingültigen Vorgehensweisen, welche unabhängig vom Anwendungsfall angewandt werden können. An diesem Punkt setzt die vorliegende Arbeit an.
Bisherige Arbeiten beschäftigen sich einerseits nur mit Teilpunkten des Problems. Anderseits existieren zwar bereits Vorgehensweisen zum Treffen von Architekturentscheidungen, jedoch agieren diese auf einer stark abstrakten Ebene ohne praktische Beispiele. Diese Arbeit stellt eine leichtgewichtige Vorgehensweise zum gezielten Verbessern einer Software-Architektur vor. Die Vorgehensweise basiert auf einem generischen Problemlösungsprozess. Auf dieser Basis ist ein Prozess zum Lösen von Problemen einer Software-Architektur entwickelt worden. Im Fokus der Arbeit stehen zur Eingrenzung des Umfanges architektonische Probleme aufgrund geforderter Variabilität sowie externer Abhängigkeiten.
Die wissenschaftliche Methodik, welcher der Arbeit zugrunde liegt, agiert im Rahmen der Design Science Research (DSR). Über mehrere Iterationen hinweg wurde eine Vorgehensweise entwickelt, welche sich an Softwareentwickler mit zwei bis drei Jahren Erfahrung und Kenntnissen über Grundlage der Softwareentwicklung und Software-Architektur richtet. Fünf Schritte inkl. Verweise auf aussagekräftige Literatur leiten Anwender anschließend durch den Prozess zur gezielten Verbesserung einer Software-Architektur.
The application of artificial intelligences on digital games became more and more successful in recent years. A drawback is, that they need lots of computing power to achieve good results, the more complex the game, the more computing power is needed. In this thesis a strategy learning-system is implemented, which is based on crowd-learned heuristics. The heuristics are given in a wiki. The research is done according to the Design Science Research Methodology. The implemented system is allied to the game Dominion. To do this, an ontology for Dominion is designed. A mapping language is defined and implemented in the system, which allows the mapping of information in the wiki to an ontology. Furthermore, metrics to rate the found strategies are defined. Using the system, users can enter a mapping for the information transfer and apply it. They can also select cards from Dominion, for which the system determines and rates strategies. Finally, the system is evaluated by Dominion-players by rating the strategies, which are found by the system, and the defined metrics.
Business Process Querying (BPQ) is a discipline in the field of Business Process Man- agement which helps experts to understand existing process models and accelerates the development of new ones. Its queries can fetch and merge these models, answer questions regarding the underlying process, and conduct compliance checking in return. Many languages have been deployed in this discipline but two language types are dominant: Logic-based languages use temporal logic to verify models as finite state machines whereas graph-based languages use pattern matching to retrieve subgraphs of model graphs directly. This thesis aims to map the features of both language types to features of the other to identify strengths and weaknesses. Exemplarily, the features of Computational Tree Logic (CTL) and The Diagramed Modeling Language (DMQL) are mapped to one another. CTL explores the valid state space and thus is better for behavioral querying. Lacking certain structural features and counting mechanisms it is not appropriate to query structural properties. In contrast, DMQL issues structural queries and its patterns can reconstruct any CTL formula. However, they do not always achieve exactly the same semantic: Patterns treat conditional flow as sequential flow by ignoring its conditions. As a result, retrieved mappings are invalid process execution sequences, i.e. false positives, in certain scenarios. DMQL can be used for behavioral querying if these are absent or acceptable. In conclusion, both language types have strengths and are specialized for different BPQ use cases but in certain scenarios graph-based languages can be applied to both. Integrating the evaluation of conditions would remove the need for logic-based languages in BPQ completely.
Nowadays, almost any IT system involves personal data processing. In
such systems, many privacy risks arise when privacy concerns are not
properly addressed from the early phases of the system design. The
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) prescribes the Privacy by
Design (PbD) principle. As its core, PbD obliges protecting personal
data from the onset of the system development, by effectively
integrating appropriate privacy controls into the design. To
operationalize the concept of PbD, a set of challenges emerges: First, we need a basis to define privacy concerns. Without such a basis, we are not able to verify whether personal data processing is authorized. Second, we need to identify where precisely in a system, the controls have to be applied. This calls for system analysis concerning privacy concerns. Third, with a view to selecting and integrating appropriate controls, based on the results of system analysis, a mechanism to identify the privacy risks is required. Mitigating privacy risks is at the core of the PbD principle. Fourth, choosing and integrating appropriate controls into a system are complex tasks that besides risks, have to consider potential interrelations among privacy controls and the costs of the controls.
This thesis introduces a model-based privacy by design methodology to handle the above challenges. Our methodology relies on a precise definition of privacy concerns and comprises three sub-methodologies: model-based privacy analysis, modelbased privacy impact assessment and privacy-enhanced system design modeling. First, we introduce a definition of privacy preferences, which provides a basis to specify privacy concerns and to verify whether personal data processing is authorized. Second, we present a model-based methodology to analyze a system model. The results of this analysis denote a set of privacy design violations. Third, taking into account the results of privacy analysis, we introduce a model-based privacy impact assessment methodology to identify concrete privacy risks in a system model. Fourth, concerning the risks, and taking into account the interrelations and the costs of the controls, we propose a methodology to select appropriate controls and integrate them into a system design. Using various practical case studies, we evaluate our concepts, showing a promising outlook on the applicability of our methodology in real-world settings.
The goal of this thesis is to create a recommender system (RS) for business processes, based on the existing ProM plugin RegPFA. To accomplish this task, firstly an interface must be created that sets up and expands a database receiving probabilistic finite automata (PFA) created by RegPFA in tsml format as input. Secondly, a Java program must be designed that uses said database to recommend the process elements that are most likely to follow a given sequence of process elements.
Regarding the rising amount of legal regulations, businesses should get the opportunity to use software to fulfill their Compliance Management with the usage of compliance pattern. These patterns are used to represent substantive and structural parts of the processes. This means companies can increase their efficiency and react to new regulations quickly to avoid possible violation which can lead to monetary losses or legal consequences. In the literature are many approaches that deal with compliance pattern but currently there does not exist any list with necessary compliance pattern that companies should face at (Delfmann and Hübers, 2015). The following bachelor thesis classifies 80 research contributions regarding their different approaches of compliance pattern. For that a systematic literature review was executed. As a result, the author developed a graphical classification context that provides an overview of connections between different compliance approaches. Furthermore, an appendix with 32 compliance patterns of the analyzed papers was developed that contains real-world patterns with the classification of the previous sections.