003 Systeme
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (2)
- Bachelor Thesis (1)
- Master's Thesis (1)
- Benefits Realisation Management (1)
- CCRDMT (1)
- CSCW (1)
- Internet of Things (1)
- KPI (1)
- Kennzahl (1)
- Kollaborationsplattform (1)
- Konzeption (1)
- Messung (1)
- Nutzen (1)
Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS) werden zunehmend als Kernkomponenten des digitalen Arbeitsplatzes in Unternehmen eingesetzt, die mit der Implementierung dieser neuen Softwaregattung jeweils unterschiedliche Ziele für die innerbetriebliche Zusammenarbeit verfolgen. Diese Ziele werden in der Praxis oftmals nicht eindeutig genug formuliert. Der Einsatz von traditionellen Controlling-Kennzahlen mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Termineinhaltung und Kosten sind zudem ungeeignet, um die Realisierung des individuellen Nutzens von ECS zu messen. Diese Forschungsarbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung und Anwendung des Benefits Scorecards for Collaboration Platforms in Enterprises (SCoPE) Frameworks, das als ein Rahmenwerk für die kennzahlengestützte Nutzenmessung von ECS dient und an dem Goal-Question-Metrics-Approach der NASA sowie der Balance Scorecard von Kaplan & Norton angelehnt ist. Die Ergebnisse tragen zu einem breiteren Verständnis der kennzahlenbasierten Nutzenanalyse für ECS in Organisationen bei. Das Benefits-SCoPE-Framework wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Experten aus 16 Anwenderunternehmen im Rahmen der Initiative IndustryConnect entwickelt. In einem design-orientierten Ansatz wurde ein ausgewählter Methodenmix angewandt, inklusive Experteninterview, Fokusgruppe, Workshop und Card Sorting. Der von Anwenderunternehmen erwartete Nutzen des ECS wird in spezifische, durch Kennzahlen beantwortbare Fragestellungen umformuliert und fragmentiert. Insgesamt konnten so 313 nutzenorientierte Fragen von drei Anwenderunternehmen identifiziert werden. Die durchgeführte Kategorisierung der Fragen verdeutlicht zum einen das gemeinsame Verständnis der Unternehmen hinsichtlich der entscheidenden Faktoren für die Nutzenrealisierung von ECS und zum anderen die Nutzen-ziele, die die Unternehmen durch den Einsatz des ECS anvisieren. Die Entwicklung und Erhebung von Kennzahlen zur quantitativen Beantwortung von ausgewählten Fragestellungen wird mit funktions-fähigen Prototypen auf einer operativen Kollaborationsplattform demonstriert, die seit mehr als sieben Jahren im Einsatz ist und mehr als 5.000 registrierte Benutzer aufweist. Die Kennzahlenentwicklung, die Auswahl der Datenerhebungsmethode, die Durchführung der Messung sowie die Interpretation der Messergebnisse werden im Framework durch die Verwendung von Benefits Scorecards unterstützt. Die individuelle Orchestrierung mehrerer Benefits Scorecards repräsentiert die Struktur eines Ordnungssystems zur ECS-Nutzenanalyse in Anwenderunternehmen und verdeutlicht das Vorgehen zur Erhebung der äquivalenten Daten.
In this thesis criteria and requirements for a successful collaboration platform for the improvement of communication between scientific institutes of the railway industry distributed worldwide are developed and evaluated. First, an introduction to collaboration platforms and their current market situation and trends will be given. The result-ing knowledge will be used for a qualitative content analysis in the form of interviews with the target group of the planned collaboration platform. Based on the basic knowledge and the interviews carried out, hypotheses for communication in scientific institutes will then be formed. These hypotheses serve to create a questionnaire for a quantitative survey of the target group. The following analysis of general collaboration platforms and those of the railway industry provides further insights and describes requirements for a successful conception of a collaboration platform.
A subsequently planned conception of this platform cannot be carried out within the scope of this research work due to a lack of meaningful results and information. The planned quantitative content analysis was too complex for the chosen research context. In this research work, the quantitative questioning will be prepared for the following research work in this topic area. Further work results will be evaluated and made available for the following research work.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of addressable, physical objects that contain embedded sensing, communication and actuating technologies to sense and interact with their environment (Geschickter 2015). Like every novel paradigm, the IoT sparks interest throughout all domains both in theory and practice, resulting in the development of systems pushing technology to its limits. These limits become apparent when having to manage an increasing number of Things across various contexts. A plethora of IoT architecture proposals have been developed and prototype products, such as IoT platforms, been introduced. However, each of these architectures and products apply their very own interpretations of an IoT architecture and its individual components so that IoT is currently more an Intranet of Things than an Internet of Things (Zorzi et al. 2010). Thus, this thesis aims to develop a common understanding of the elements forming an IoT architecture and provide high-level specifications in the form of a Holistic IoT Architecture Framework.
Design Science Research (DSR) is used in this thesis to develop the architecture framework based on the pertinent literature. The development of the Holistic IoT Architecture Framework includes the identification of two new IoT Architecture Perspectives that became apparent during the analysis of the IoT architecture proposals identified in the extant literature. While applying these novel perspectives, the need for a new component for the architecture framework, which was merely implicitly mentioned in the literature, became obvious as well. The components of various IoT architecture proposals as well as the novel component, the Thing Management System, were combined, consolidated and related to each other to develop the Holistic IoT Architecture Framework. Subsequently, it was shown that the specifications of the architecture framework are suitable to guide the implementation of a prototype.
This contribution provides a common understanding of the basic building blocks, actors and relations of an IoT architecture.
This dissertation answers the research question which basically suitable approaches and which necessary information technologies are to be considered for the management of business processes in large amounts (Mass Business Process Management, MBPM) in service companies. It could be shown that for the execution of mass processes a special approach that uses methods of the manufacturing industry is necessary. The research aim to develop an MBPM approach for service companies was accomplished by using the Design Science Research approach and is explained in this dissertation in consecutive steps. For the development of the MBPM approach a longitudinal indepth case study was conducted with a business process outsourcing provider to gain insights from his approach. Outsourcing providers have to produce their services in a very efficient and effective way, otherwise they will not be able to offer their products at favorable conditions. It was shown that the factory-oriented approach of the out-sourcing service provider in the observation period of ten years was suitable to execute mass processes of highest quality, at constantly decreasing prices with less and less people.
The assumed need for research concerning MBPM was verified on the basis of an extensive literature research based on the Journal Rating VHB-Jourqual and other literature sources. As many approaches for the introduction of BPM were found, a selection of BPM approaches was analyzed to gain further insights for the development of the MBPM approach. Based on the analysis and the comparison of the different BPM approaches as well as the comparison with the approach of the process outsourcing provider it was found, that BPM and MBPM differ in many aspects. MBPM has a strong operational focus and needs intensive IT support. The operative focus mainly shows in the operative control of processes and people as well as in the corresponding high demands on process transparency. With detailed monitoring and fine grained process measurements as well as timely reporting this process transparency is achieved. Information technology is needed for example to conduct process monitoring timely but also to give internal as well as external stakeholders the desired overview of the current workload and of the invoicing of services.
Contrary to the approach of the process outsourcing provider it could also been shown, that change management can influence the implementation, the continuous operation and the constant change associated with MBPM in a positive way.