80 Pädagogik
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (4)
- Diploma Thesis (1)
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- BNE-Kriterien (1)
- Begutachtung (1)
- Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (1)
- Experimente (1)
- Experimentieren (1)
- Filmdarstellung (1)
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Cross Cultural Adaptation of Design Thinking in Entrepreneurship Higher Education in Indonesia
Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education have expanded together, and their conceptual and methodological challenges do not prevent the implementation of entrepreneurial education in educational contexts. The desire for a global workforce that can handle uncertainties and solve problems that cannot be solved by pure analytical inquiry drives the rapidly expanding number of educational programs and activities that are design-based. A growing number of educational programs for entrepreneurs increasingly incorporate design-based methods. However, design thinking-based theoretical assumptions may also be lacking. Despite growing academic interest in design thinking and entrepreneurship education, little is known about design thinking in higher entrepreneurship education, especially in Eastern nations. A Western teaching method, entrepreneurial design thinking may be adapted to many cultures. In this instance, the West has established entrepreneurship education as a respectable study subject and teaching practice in higher education over the past 40 years. The Eastern nations' occurrence varies, including Indonesia. Indonesia is an intriguing research subject since it has over 50% youth due to its abundant natural resources. However, it needs more opportunity-based entrepreneurs and requires assistance in implementing entrepreneurship education with a more innovative, design-based, and successful method. Entrepreneurial design thinking fulfills this demand. Indonesian students and teachers' norm-based attitudes and cultural mindsets towards a new western creative method may hinder entrepreneurial design thinking's acceptance. The literature review found that Indonesian university students are collaborative, compassionate, and practical, like design thinkers. However, they may also be risk-averse, self-restrained, and dependent on teachers as stereotypical Asians. Classroom space, educators' design thinking competence, and university or institution support are further barriers. Additional study into these challenges is needed to adapt design thinking to Indonesian entrepreneurial higher education culturally.
Based on the above research needs, the purpose of this research endeavor is to look into the cultural nuances of the design thinking technique for entrepreneurial higher education and postulate how it could be adapted to other cultures, especially in Indonesia. This thesis uses deductive and qualitative case-study research methods. In particular, the latter used thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006; Terry & Hayfield, 2021) as the data analysis technique to provide a means and tools for understanding from interviews, class observation, and literature studies. Since this thesis follows the constructivist-relativist research paradigm, it explores contextual and cultural differences in Indonesian entrepreneurship education and its potential and obstacles to adapt the Western teaching methodology of entrepreneurial design thinking in higher education. In summary, this study searches for elements that might aid or hinder the cross-cultural adaption of entrepreneurial design thinking. This research wants to understand how cross-cultural adaptability fits into entrepreneurial design thinking research, especially for Indonesia. This thesis aims to provide new theoretical insights and practical advice on adapting entrepreneurial design thinking from Western to Eastern cultures.
From the findings, this thesis concluded at least seven educational value differentials before adaptation from the exhaustive literature and case study evaluations. For Indonesian entrepreneurship higher education institutions to use entrepreneurial design thinking, they must consider educational culture, technological infrastructure, language, primary audience, learning and teaching style, reasoning patterns, and social-cultural environment. This study provides four practical adaptation recommendations: socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization. Finally, this research demonstrated that cross-cultural adaption of entrepreneurial design thinking in Indonesia might be difficult but worthwhile. This thesis' case study, "School of Business Management – Bandung Institute of Technology (SBM ITB)", showed that Indonesian entrepreneurial higher education might use design thinking as a teaching approach. All stakeholders must improve internally and publicly. Thus, this study recommended integrating most Indonesian higher education institutions' entrepreneurship teaching approaches with a "student-centered" approach that stresses business mentorship, uses design thinking tools and processes, and links them to students' entrepreneurial initiatives.
To summarize, this research contributes to the field since it draws on and combines the findings of several other fields of study, including entrepreneurial education, design thinking, and cross-cultural adaptation. This study stepped out of the "usual and proper" pedagogical ruts to investigate "non-human" cross-cultural adaptability. It has attempted to apply these ideas to a real-world, unique case study in a developing nation (in this case, Indonesia).
Scientific experimentation in the special needs schools for pupils with intellectual disabilities
Naturwissenschaftliches Experimentieren im Förderschwerpunkt geistige Entwicklung: An Schulen mit dem Förderschwerpunkt geistige Entwicklung führen Schülerinnen und Schüler nur selten naturwissenschaftliche Experimente durch. Doch auch diese Schülerschaft kann mit adressatengerechten Lernmaterialien Experimente durchführen, deren Gestaltungskriterien in dieser Studie ermittelt werden. Zudem wird in der Studie erfasst, wie sich die Schülerinnen und Schüler über ein Schuljahr in ihrer experimentellen Kompetenz weiterentwickeln.
There has been little research on out-of-school places of learning and their effec-tiveness in the context of ESD education measures. With the help of a multi-stage analysis, this study identifies out-of-school places of learning with reference to the ESD education concept in the Rhineland-Palatinate study area. To this end, qualita-tive literature analyses were first used to generate ESD criteria, which were opera-tionalised as a methodological instrument in the form of an ESD checklist for out-of-school places of learning. The data obtained in this way provide the basis for the creation of a geographically oriented learning location database with ESD refer-ence. A cartographic visualisation of the data results in a spatial distribution pattern: Thus, there are districts and cities that are well supplied with ESD learning loca-tions, but also real ESD learning location deserts where there is a need to catch up. Furthermore, there is an accumulation of ESD learning sites in areas close to for-ests.
A guideline-based explorative interview with two ESD experts provides additional insights into the question of how ESD has been implemented in the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate, the extent to which there is a need for optimisation, and which continuing measures are being taken for ESD outside schools within the framework of Agenda 2030.
In addition, a quantitative questionnaire study was carried out with 1358 pupils at 30 out-of-school places of learning after participation in an educational measure, in which environmental awareness, attitudes towards environmental behaviour and local learning were also considered. By including non-ESD learning locations, a comparative study on the effectiveness of ESD learning locations became possible. The statistical data evaluation leads to a variety of interesting results. Contra-intuitively, for instance, the type of learning location (ESD or non-ESD learning lo-cation) is not a significant predictor for the environmental awareness and environ-mental behaviour of the surveyed students, whereas communication structures within educational measures at extracurricular learning locations, the multimediality and action orientation and the duration of educational measures have a significant influence.
Keywords: extracurricular learning locations, education for sustainable develop-ment (ESD), ESD criteria, learning location landscape Rhineland-Palatinate, ESD learning locations, environmental awareness, environmental behaviour.
Begutachtungen durch Sachverständige gehören zum alltäglichen Prozess der sozialgerichtlichen Arbeit. Sie nehmen nicht nur einen hohen ökonomischen Stellenwert ein, sondern sind ein entscheidendes Moment im Verfahrensverlauf. Denn Kläger und Beklagte erhoffen sich eine Beurteilung, die die eigenen Interessen stützt und den Ausgang des Verfahrens zur jeweiligen Zufriedenheit leitet. Die Studie am Sozialgericht Düsseldorf aus dem Jahr 2012 "Das rundum gute Gutachten – wie Kohärenz zum Rechtsfrieden beiträgt" zeigt bereits, dass das Gefühl der Beteiligten, den Zusammenhang zwischen sozialgerichtlichem Verfahren und der medizinischen Begutachtung zu erkennen und zu verstehen (Kohärenzerleben), ausschlaggebend für das Ergebnis des Rechtstreits ist. Es werden mehr Rechtsurteile statt einvernehmlicher Lösungen gesprochen und mehr Rechtsmittel eingelegt, wenn das Kohärenzerleben bei den Klägern niedrig ausfällt. Daraus lässt sich prognostizieren, dass eine Förderung von Kohärenz im sozialgerichtlichen Prozess der Begutachtung einen positiven Effekt für die Gerichtsarbeit erzielt. Die Forschung innerhalb dieses Projekts basiert auf den Ergebnissen der o.g. Studie und sucht gestützt von Experteninterviews nach Lösungen, Tools und Konzepten, um Kohärenzerleben im sozialgerichtlichen Alltag zu initialisieren, zu stabilisieren und zu fördern. Bei der Entwicklung von transparenzfördernden Kommunikationsinstrumenten soll insbesondere der multi-effektive Nutzen im Vordergrund stehen: wenig bürokratischer wie ökonomischer Aufwand, bei gleichzeitig hoher Informationsdichte und -Präsenz.
Science education has been facing important challenges in the recent years: the decline in student’s interest in scientific topics, and moreover, the decrease of students pursuing science beyond their compulsory studies (Bennett, Hogarth, Lubben, 2003). As a result, research has focus on examining different approaches that could attempt to improve the situation. One of these approaches has been the use of context-based problem-solving tasks (Kölbach & Sumfleth, 2011; Bennett, Hogarth, Lubben, 2003). While research into context-based problem-solving tasks suggest that they are very motivating for students, it is still unclear how they influence motivation. Following an experimental pretest-postest design, two studies examined the effects of context-based task characteristics of contextualization, complexity, and transparency, on students’ motivational variables, performance, and metacognitive experiences.
Results from both studies suggest that the task characteristic of contextualization directly influences how students’ interest is triggered and maintained throughout the task. On the other hand, the task characteristics of complexity and transparency had different effects for the other dependent variables of effort, difficulty, and solution correctness.
Moreover, data shows that other motivational variables such as anxiety and success expectancies are strongly influenced by the interaction of the parameters under study. The dissertation concludes that appropriate design and use of context-based task characteristics can benefit students’ learning processes and outcomes.
Animated children’s films can be seen as integral parts of western children’s culture and are very popular among their young target group. Accordingly an accurate scientific examination of these film’s contents seems useful. Previous quantitative content analyses are mainly concerned with “classic” Disney animated films. There is less research regarding more modern computer-animated films from different film studios. Thus the aim of the quantitative content analysis in this study is to contribute to the research field by examining portrayals in 20 very popular computer-animated films from 2000 to 2013. The focus here is on the relations between demographic, physical, linguistic as well as on personality-based and behavioral features of the film characters and their “goodness” or rather “evilness”. In conjunction with analyses of extreme groups the features of particularly “good” or rather particularly “evil” film characters are also taken into account.
In addition the features of film characters undergoing a fundamental change of their “goodness” or “evilness” during the film plot are examined. Hereby a comprehensive picture of depiction-tendencies regarding the “goodness” or rather the “evilness” of animated film characters and of the extent to which they may be associated with certain stereotypes should be enabled. In the theoretical part of this study important findings from the actual state of research concerning typical depictions in animated children’s films are summed up. Then theories and empirical findings about possible effects on children who watch such films are described. Subsequently in the empirical part of the study the methodological approach in this content analysis is explained and the corresponding results are mentioned and discussed with regard to possible effects and pedagogical conclusions. The findings indicate that the portrayal of “good” and “evil” in the films examined as a whole can be considered as stereotypical only in some points: For example “good” film characters are significantly more attractive and achieve better results at the end of a film compared to “evil” characters. But in total the findings of this content analysis can be viewed rather positive, also regarding potential effects on children. Nevertheless further research on that topic can deemed to be of concern.