Year of publication
Document Type
- Bachelor Thesis (42)
- Master's Thesis (33)
- Part of Periodical (32)
- Doctoral Thesis (8)
- Diploma Thesis (1)
- Habilitation (1)
- Innovation (3)
- World of Warcraft (3)
- Business Intelligence (2)
- CCRDMT (2)
- Computerspiel (2)
- Crowdsourcing (2)
- Innovationsmanagement (2)
- Rollenspiel (2)
- Absorptive capacity (1)
- Advertising (1)
- Institut für Management (117) (remove)
The lasting hype around the mobile internet and the related technology of the mobile applications seem not to drop off. The immense economic potential of this market leads the businesses and ventures to continuously find new ways of monetization. The underlying causes of that phenomenon are rarely challenged. Scientific research in the field of "ubiquitous mobile" has not yet developed a clear overall picture of the causes and effect chains. Attempts of deriving causes by studies in related mass media such as the computer or the internet have been discussed controversially. By combining the research streams of media motive usage and the customer retention, this paper will present a new research model. Based on a quantitative survey in the German speaking the gained data proves the motives for mobility, information gathering and entertainment purposed to be the most important drivers of customer satisfaction in mobile applications. The paper also highlights a significant correlation between the customer satisfaction and the other determinants of customer retention.
The goal of this master thesis was to develop a CRM system for the Assist team of CompuGroup Medical that is aiding in integrating open innovation into the development of the Minerva 2.0 software. To achieve this, CRM methodology has been combined with Social Networking Systems, following the research of Lin and Chen (2010, pp. 11 – 30). To achieve the predefined goals literature has been analyzed on how to successfully im- plement a CRM system as well as an online community. Subsequently the results have been applied to the development of the Minerva Community according to the guidelines of Design Science suggested by Hevner et al. (2004, pp. 75 – 104). The finished product is designed based on customer and management requirements and evaluated from a customer and company perspective.
New techniques concerning the automatic identification of objects (Auto-ID) show unique potential for being used in the economy. This paper focuses on the technology of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and examines its uses and potentials regarding selected economic sectors. In the course of this paper, RFID will be directly compared to the bar code, the currently most prevalent system for object identification in the economy. To this end, the different basic modes of operation of both technologies will be introduced, and differences between their technical realizations will be brought to light. Moreover, this paper distinguishes and evaluates both technologies with regards to their potential use in three different branches of industry. Their differentiation provides the basis for determining and evaluating the RFID technology- probability of replacing the bar code in the consumer goods sector, the logistic sector, and the pharmaceutic sector.
This thesis deals with the question of which success factors apply to social media marketing. German start-up companies are examined for this purpose. The investigation is based on ten semi-structured expert interviews, which are evaluated using a qualitative content analysis. The results show that there are many success factors and that companies proceed differently in many areas when implementing social media marketing measures. Important success factors are a tailor-made, company-specific social media strategy with a clear formulation of goals, integration of social media marketing into the corporate strategy, openness to new social media trends, credibility and reputation, compliance with data protection, the correct handling of criticism, use of social media as a market research tool and a long-term social media strategy. However, the significance of the results should not be overestimated, since this is a qualitative study with a limited range and only examines individual cases. Further research on the success factors could be based on quantitative studies or group discussions in which experts or users or customers are interviewed. Another possibility is the qualitative examination of the user-generated content.
In the last few years, information technology experienced a great increase. People and Enterprises are able to exchange information through the development of the Web 2.0 to the Social Web. Social Networks like Facebook or Xing, blogs from known and unknown people or the many discussion forums are common platforms where people have the opportunity to share and exchange information. Enterprises and people have to accept this fact and development. The reputation is also influenced by the overabundance of information. The result of this development is the digital reputation, which extend the entire reputation. Everyone who is looking for an order or a job can assume that his orrnher name will be "googled", whether he or she is a part of an internet branch or not. Every information is available through search engines. Just a quick look at the Facebook or Xing profile is needed to get a brief impression of someone. The communications expert Klaus Eck said that someone who takes the internet seriously will get a benefit for the development of his digital reputation. This research work will show you through a self made questionnaire what is seen as positive and negative influences on the reputation in Social Networks and how the digital reputation impacts the entire reputation.
Implementation of Agile Software Development Methodology in a Company – Why? Challenges? Benefits?
The software development industry is enhancing day by day. The introduction of agile software development methodologies was a tremendous structural change in companies. Agile transformation provides unlimited opportunities and benefits to the existing and new developing companies. Along with benefits, agile conversion also brings many unseen challenges. New entrants have the advantage of being flexible and cope with the environmental, consumer, and cultural changes, but existing companies are bound to rigid structure.
The goal of this research is to have deep insight into agile software development methodology, agile manifesto, and principles behind the agile manifesto. The prerequisites company must know for agile software development implementation. The benefits a company can achieve by implementing agile software development. Significant challenges that a company can face during agile implementation in a company.
The research objectives of this study help to generate strong motivational research questions. These research questions cover the cultural aspects of company agility, values and principles of agile, benefits, and challenges of agile implementation. The project management triangle will show how benefits of cost, benefits of time, and benefits of quality can be achieved by implementing agile methodologies. Six significant areas have been explored, which shows different challenges a company can face during implementation agile software development methodology. In the end, after the in depth systematic literature review, conclusion is made following some open topics for future work and recommendations on the topic of implementation of agile software development methodology in a company.
In the age of Web 2.0 the internet as a platform to provide services or sell goods gained more attention in companies. Especially for customer support customer forums can be a useful tool for companies. By providing customer forums, companies can reduce their support costs dramatically. Nevertheless, it is often difficult for companies to measure the success of customer forums. In the research literature the determinants of success of customer forums have seldom been studied. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to fill this research gap by applying the model of Lin and Lee to measure the success of online-communities on customer forums. In addition, metrics for measuring the success of this model are discussed. The discussion of this topic leads to the conclusion that the model of Lin and Lee is mostly applicable for customer forums, and provides a useful approach to measuring suc-cess both in theory and in practice. This could be demonstrated by the example of the 1&1 customer forum. The metrics that were found in the theoretical part were quite relevant in practice. Nevertheless, future research should focus more on monetary indicators to also make success of customer forums financially assessable.