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- Tableau Calculus (1)
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- Zentrale Einrichtungen (173)
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- Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik (35)
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- Institute for Web Science and Technologies (15)
- Institut für Computervisualistik (12)
- Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (7)
- Institut für Evangelische Theologie (7)
- Institut für Kulturwissenschaft (7)
This paper offers an informal overview and discussion on first order predicate logic reasoning systems together with a description of applications which are carried out in the Artificial Intelligence Research Group of the University in Koblenz. Furthermore the technique of knowledge compilation is shortly introduced.
Im Gesundheitswesen geht es nicht nur um die Vertraulichkeit von Patientendaten, sondern auch um ihre Integrität, von der die richtige Behandlung und Pflege des Patienten abhängen. Eine Maßnahme zur Absicherung eines Krankenhausinformationssystems (KIS) gegen unautorisierte Angreifer ist eine flexibel organisierte Zugriffskontrolle zum Schutz der patientenbezogenen Daten. Dieser Artikel beschreibt das Konzept einer rollenbasierten Zugriffskontrolle (RBAC - Role Based Access Control) und seine Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Gesundheitswesen.
Die Workshop-Reihe 'Algorithmen und Werkzeuge für Petrinetze' wurde 1994 mit dem Ziel initiiert, in der deutschsprachigen Petrinetz-Community den fachlichen Austausch und die inhaltliche Zusammenarbeit zwischen den mit der Entwicklung und Analyse von Algorithmen beschäftigten Arbeitsgruppen und den im Bereich der Implementierung von Werkzeugen tätigen Arbeitsgruppen zu fördern. Der vorliegende Sammelband enthält die Vorträge, die auf dem Workshop präsentiert worden sind. Um auch die Vorstellung von noch unfertigen Ideen oder von in Entwicklung befindlichen Werkzeugen zu ermöglichen, fand wie in den vergangenen Jahren kein formaler Begutachtungsprozess statt. Die eingereichten Beiträge wurden lediglich auf ihre Relevanz für das Workshop-Thema hin geprüft.
The E-KRHyper system is a model generator and theorem prover for first-order logic with equality. It implements the new E-hyper tableau calculus, which integrates a superposition-based handling of equality into the hyper tableau calculus. E-KRHyper extends our previous KRHyper system, which has been used in a number of applications in the field of knowledge representation. In contrast to most first order theorem provers, it supports features important for such applications, for example queries with predicate extensions as answers, handling of large sets of uniformly structured input facts, arithmetic evaluation and stratified negation as failure. It is our goal to extend the range of application possibilities of KRHyper by adding equality reasoning.
We introduce linear expressions for unrestricted dags (directed acyclic graphs) and finite deterministic and nondeterministic automata operating on them. Those dag automata are a conservative extension of the Tu,u-automata of Courcelle on unranked, unordered trees and forests. Several examples of dag languages acceptable and not acceptable by dag automata and some closure properties are given.
The impact of innovation in order to secure a company- existence is increasing. Especially in the field of information and communication systems, modified conditions, reduced product life cycles (in some markets e.g. in the software market down to a few months), and increased competition force many companies to adapt their innovation speed. Long-term profit will just be obtained by those companies that will manage to consolidate or further to enlarge their competitive position with technological innovation. The increasing relevance of new developments requires a separate treatment of technological innovations and demands for a technology and innovation management. Not every innovation is thereby a result of a single, spontaneous idea. Many innovations evolve from the integration or combination of already existing technologies. Especially in markets with insignificant growing rates, this kind of innovation is quite important. The purpose of this article is a case-oriented identification of existing deficiencies within established recommendations for a strategic technology and innovation management and the discussion about the role of modularity and technology integration as an alternative way to innovate.
The model evolution calculus
The DPLL procedure is the basis of some of the most successful propositional satisfiability solvers to date. Although originally devised as a proof procedure for first-order logic, it has been used almost exclusively for propositional logic so far because of its highly inefficient treatment of quantifiers, based on instantiation into ground formulas. The recent FDPLL calculus by Baumgartner was the first successful attempt to lift the procedure to the first-order level without resorting to ground instantiations. FDPLL lifts to the first-order case the core of the DPLL procedure, the splitting rule, but ignores other aspects of the procedure that, although not necessary for completeness, are crucial for its effectiveness in practice. In this paper, we present a new calculus loosely based on FDPLL that lifts these aspects as well. In addition to being a more faithful litfing of the DPLL procedure, the new calculus contains a more systematic treatment of universal literals, one of FDPLL's optimizations, and so has the potential of leading to much faster implementations.
The Living Book is a system for the management of personalized and scenario specific teaching material. The main goal of the system is to support the active, explorative and selfdetermined learning in lectures, tutorials and self study. The Living Book includes a course on 'logic for computer scientists' with a uniform access to various tools like theorem provers and an interactive tableau editor. It is routinely used within teaching undergraduate courses at our university. This paper describes the Living Book and the use of theorem proving technology as a core component in the knowledge management system (KMS) of the Living Book. The KMS provides a scenario management component where teachers may describe those parts of given documents that are relevant in order to achieve a certain learning goal. The task of the KMS is to assemble new documents from a database of elementary units called 'slices' (definitions, theorems, and so on) in a scenario-based way (like 'I want to prepare for an exam and need to learn about resolution'). The computation of such assemblies is carried out by a model-generating theorem prover for first-order logic with a default negation principle. Its input consists of meta data that describe the dependencies between different slices, and logic-programming style rules that describe the scenario-specific composition of slices. Additionally, a user model is taken into account that contains information about topics and slices that are known or unknown to a student. A model computed by the system for such input then directly specifies the document to be assembled. This paper introduces the elearning context we are faced with, motivates our choice of logic and presents the newly developed calculus used in the KMS.
We aim to demonstrate that automated deduction techniques, in particular those following the model computation paradigm, are very well suited for database schema/query reasoning. Specifically, we present an approach to compute completed paths for database or XPath queries. The database schema and a query are transformed to disjunctive logic programs with default negation, using a description logic as an intermediate language. Our underlying deduction system, KRHyper, then detects if a query is satisfiable or not. In case of a satisfiable query, all completed paths -- those that fulfill all given constraints -- are returned as part of the computed models. The purpose of our approach is to dramatically reduce the workload on the query processor. Without the path completion, a usual XML query processor would search the database for solutions to the query. In the paper we describe the transformation in detail and explain how to extract the solution to the original task from the computed models. We understand this paper as a first step, that covers a basic schema/query reaÂsoning task by model-based deduction. Due to the underlying expressive logic formalism we expect our approach to easily adapt to more sophisticated problem settings, like type hierarchies as they evolve within the XML world.