Year of publication
Document Type
- Master's Thesis (194) (remove)
- Augmented Reality (3)
- Computersimulation (3)
- Datenschutz (3)
- Internet of Things (3)
- virtual reality (3)
- Beschaffung (2)
- E-Partizipation (2)
- E-participation (2)
- Simulation (2)
- Sport (2)
- Institut für Computervisualistik (46)
- Fachbereich 4 (34)
- Institut für Management (33)
- Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik (27)
- Institute for Web Science and Technologies (21)
- Institut für Informatik (16)
- Institut für Softwaretechnik (6)
- Fachbereich 1 (1)
- Fachbereich 3 (1)
- Fachbereich 6 (1)
The findings of this study demonstrate that the Random Forest (RF) algorithm provided the most accurate predictions in comparison with other boosting machine learning algorithms. Key drivers of energy consumption identified through XAI techniques such as SHAP and LIME include energy star rating, facility type, and floor area. These XAI methods helped enhance the interpretability of the models, making them more accessible for non-expert users, such as building managers and policymakers. By leveraging machine learning and XAI, this research provides a transparent and actionable framework for optimizing building energy efficiency and supporting sustainable energy management.
In the realm of education, the timely identification of students who need further support to succeed in their respective courses, plays a pivotal role in fostering aca- demic success and preventing potential setbacks. This thesis thus aims to contribute to this critical area by focusing on the development of predictive models for the early detection of at-risk students in their academic journey. The primary dataset used for this thesis is provided by kaggle, encompassing diverse student informa- tion, including demographic, socio-economic factors, and academic performance categorized into three different classes, presenting an imbalanced nature that poses a significant challenge.
Thus the primary objectives of this thesis are to address the problem of imbal- anced data, explore and assess the performance of multiple classification methods such as, logistic regression, decision tress, random forests and support vector ma- chines (SVM), neural networks, and create a comprehensive end-to-end processing pipeline which includes the systematic steps of balancing the data, model training and evaluation. Additionally the developed pipeline is tested on two additional datasets to assess its generalizability and robustness. This research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of addressing the challenges of imbalanced data and how different classification methods and regression can be optimally applied to early detection of at-risk students. The findings are expected to aid educational institutions in supporting their students and enhancing academic success through timely interventions.
Key findings demonstrates the robustness of SVM SMOTE balancing technique acro- ss the datasets used in this study, where it consistently achieved best results when combined with various models, particularly highlighting the success of the combi- nation of Random Forest model with SVM SMOTE, and Decision tree model with SVM SMOTE in achieving notable accuracy rates. This emphasizes the adaptability of the balancing techniques employed, providing a strong foundation for predictive intervention educational settings.
Assessing ChatGPT’s Performance in Analyzing Students’ Sentiments: A Case Study in Course Feedback
The emergence of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT has impacted fields such as education, transforming natural language processing (NLP) tasks like sentiment analysis. Transformers form the foundation of LLMs, with BERT, XLNet, and GPT as key examples. ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a state-of-the-art model and its ability in natural language tasks makes it a potential tool in sentiment analysis. This thesis reviews current sentiment analysis methods and examines ChatGPT’s ability to analyze sentiments across three labels (Negative, Neutral, Positive) and five labels (Very Negative, Negative, Neutral, Positive, Very Positive) on a dataset of student course reviews. Its performance is compared with fine tuned state-of-the-art models like BERT, XLNet, bart-large-mnli, and RoBERTa-large-mnli using quantitative metrics. With the help of 7 prompting techniques which are ways to instruct ChatGPT, this work also analyzed how well it understands complex linguistic nuances in the given texts using qualitative metrics. BERT and XLNet outperform ChatGPT mainly due to their bidirectional nature, which allows them to understand the full context of a sentence, not just left to right. This, combined with fine-tuning, helps them capture patterns and nuances better. ChatGPT, as a general purpose, open-domain model, processes text unidirectionally, which can limit its context understanding. Despite this, ChatGPT performed comparably to XLNet and BERT in three-label scenarios and outperformed others. Fine-tuned models excelled in five label cases. Moreover, it has shown impressive knowledge of the language. Chain-of-Thought (CoT) was the most effective technique for prompting with step by step instructions. ChatGPT showed promising performance in correctness, consistency, relevance, and robustness, except for detecting Irony. As education evolves with diverse learning environments, effective feedback analysis becomes increasingly valuable. Addressing ChatGPT’s limitations and leveraging its strengths could enhance personalized learning through better sentiment analysis.
Exploring Academic Perspectives: Sentiments and Discourse on ChatGPT Adoption in Higher Education
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more widely used in a number of industries, including in the field of education. Applications of artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming crucial for schools and universities, whether for automated evaluation, smart educational systems, individualized learning, or staff support. ChatGPT, anAI-based chatbot, offers coherent and helpful replies based on analyzing large volumes of data. Integrating ChatGPT, a sophisticated Natural Language Processing (NLP) tool developed by OpenAI, into higher education has sparked significant interest and debate. Since the technology is already adapted by many students and teachers, this study delves into analyzing the sentiments expressed on university websites regarding ChatGPT integration into education by creating a comprehensive sentiment analysis framework using Hierarchical Residual RSigELU Attention Network (HR-RAN). The proposed framework addresses several challenges in sentiment analysis, such as capturing fine-grained sentiment nuances, including contextual information, and handling complex language expressions in university review data. The methodology involves several steps, including data collection from various educational websites, blogs, and news platforms. The data is preprocessed to handle emoticons, URLs, and tags and then, detect and remove sarcastic text using the eXtreme Learning Hyperband Network (XLHN). Sentences are then grouped based on similarity and topics are modeled using the Non-negative Term-Document Matrix Factorization (NTDMF) approach. Features, such as lexico-semantic, lexico structural, and numerical features are extracted. Dependency parsing and coreference resolution are performed to analyze grammatical structures and understand semantic relationships. Word embedding uses the Word2Vec model to capture semantic relationships between words. The preprocessed text and extracted features are inputted into the HR-RAN classifier to categorize sentiments as positive, negative, or neutral. The sentiment analysis results indicate that 74.8% of the sentiments towards ChatGPT in higher education are neutral, 21.5% are positive, and only 3.7% are negative. This suggests a predominant neutrality among users, with a significant portion expressing positive views and a very small percentage holding negative opinions. Additionally, the analysis reveals regional variations, with Canada showing the highest number of sentiments, predominantly neutral, followed by Germany, the UK, and the USA. The sentiment analysis results are evaluated based on various metrics, such as accuracy, precision, recall, F-measure, and specificity. Results indicate that the proposed framework outperforms conventional sentiment analysis models. The HR-RAN technique achieved a precision of 98.98%, recall of 99.23%, F-measure of 99.10%, accuracy of 98.88%, and specificity of 98.31%. Additionally, word clouds are generated to visually represent the most common terms within positive, neutral, and negative sentiments, providing a clear and immediate understanding of the key themes in the data. These findings can inform educators, administrators, and developers about the benefits and challenges of integrating ChatGPT into educational
settings, guiding improvements in educational practices and AI tool development.
This thesis explores and examines the effectiveness and efficacy of traditional machine learning (ML), advanced neural networks (NN) and state-of-the-art deep learning (DL) models for identifying mental distress indicators from the social media discourses based on Reddit and Twitter as they are immensely used by teenagers. Different NLP vectorization techniques like TF-IDF, Word2Vec, GloVe, and BERT embeddings are employed with ML models such as Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), Logistic Regression (LR) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) followed by NN models such as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) to methodically analyse their impact as feature representation of models. DL models such as BERT, DistilBERT, MentalRoBERTa and MentalBERT are end-to-end fine tuned for classification task. This thesis also compares different text preprocessing techniques such as tokenization, stopword removal and lemmatization to assess their impact on model performance. Systematic experiments with different configuration of vectorization and preprocessing techniques in accordance with different model types and categories have been implemented to find the most effective configurations and to gauge the strengths, limitations, and capability to detect and interpret the mental distress indicators from the text. The results analysis reveals that MentalBERT DL model significantly outperformed all other model types and categories due to its specific pretraining on mental data as well as rigorous end-to-end fine tuning gave it an edge for detecting nuanced linguistic mental distress indicators from the complex contextual textual corpus. This insights from the results acknowledges the ML and NLP technologies high potential for developing complex AI systems for its intervention in the domain of mental health analysis. This thesis lays the foundation and directs the future work demonstrating the need for collaborative approach of different domain experts as well as to explore next generational large language models to develop robust and clinically approved mental health AI systems.
Im Rahmen der Masterthesis „Analyse des Managements invasiver gebietsfremder Arten am Beispiel des Roten Amerikanischen Sumpfkrebses (Procambarus clarkii) während und im Anschluss an notwendige Sanierungsarbeiten am Hochwasserrückhaltebecken Breitenauer See östlich von Heilbronn“ wurde das Vorkommen des invasiven Roten Amerikanischen Sumpfkrebses am Breitenauer See umfangreich kartiert. Auch die nahegelegene Sulm mit bekanntem Vorkommen des Signalkrebses sowie das Nonnenbachsystem mit bekanntem Vorkommen des Steinkrebses wurden erfasst. Der Fokus lag auf der Beantwortung dreier Kernfragen. Zunächst wurde untersucht, ob und wie ein dauerhaftes IAS-Management (invasive alien species) des Roten Amerikanischen Sumpfkrebses am Breitenauer See nachhaltig durchgeführt werden kann, um inakzeptable ökologische Effekte zu vermeiden. Die zweite Fragestellung bezog sich auf die Wirksamkeit ergriffener Risikomanagementmaßnahmen während der Ablassaktion des Breitenauer Sees. Abschließend war fraglich, wie sich der Rote Amerikanische Sumpfkrebs verhält, wenn sein besiedeltes Gewässer trockenfällt.
Artificial neural networks is a popular field of research in artificial intelli-
gence. The increasing size and complexity of huge models entail certain
problems. The lack of transparency of the inner workings of a neural net-
work makes it difficult to choose efficient architectures for different tasks.
It proves to be challenging to solve these problems, and with a lack of in-
sightful representations of neural networks, this state of affairs becomes
entrenched. With these difficulties in mind a novel 3D visualization tech-
nique is introduced. Attributes for trained neural networks are estimated
by utilizing established methods from the area of neural network optimiza-
tion. Batch normalization is used with fine-tuning and feature extraction to
estimate the importance of different parts of the neural network. A combi-
nation of the importance values with various methods like edge bundling,
ray tracing, 3D impostor and a special transparency technique results in a
3D model representing a neural network. The validity of the extracted im-
portance estimations is demonstrated and the potential of the developed
visualization is explored.
Digital transformation is a prevailing trend in the world, especially in dynamic Asia. Vietnam has recorded remarkable changes in the economy as domestic enterprises have made new strides in the digital transformation process. MB Bank, one of the prestigious financial groups in Vietnam, also takes advantage of digital transformation to have the opportunity to break through to become a large-scale technology enterprise with many factors such as improving customer experience, increasing customer base and increasing customer satisfaction. enhance competitiveness, build trust and loyalty for customers. However, in the process of converting MB, there are also many challenges that require banks to have appropriate policies to handle. It can be said that MB Bank is a typical case study of digital transformation in the banking sector in Vietnam.
Digital Transformation Maturity of Vietnam Aviation Industry: The Effect of Organizational Readiness
The paper studies the digital transformation maturity in the context of the aviation industry in Vietnam. Digital transformation can mean enhancing existing processes, finding new opportunities within existing business domains, or finding new opportunities outside existing business domains. In the era of post Covid-19, digital transformation will play a vital role in the recovery with the support from digital technology to leverage the communication and implementation of new projects or changes.
Digital transformation and digital transformation maturity sometimes are used indistinguishing, but they are two different definitions. This paper will further explain the differences and will apply digital transformation maturity as a scale for the digital transformation in the report.
Due to the lack of experiment in the relationship between digital transformation maturity and the organizational readiness, the study will explore four components of organizational readiness, including digital leadership, digital culture, digital capabilities, and digital partnering.
FinTech is deemed to be an underexplored phenomenon even in academic and real environments. Among (1) “Sustainable FinTech” – the application of information technology as innovation in established financial services providers’ business operation; and (2) “Disruptive FinTech” – the provision of financial products and services by non-incumbents which in most cases are information technology entrepreneurs, the former receives more attention. In order to contribute to Disruptive FinTech category, the thesis strive to examine Entrepreneurial Strategy framework applied for technology players taking part in Vietnam financial market.