live video performances at cultural events since 2005. Until now, we have been developing single video-performance applications that mostly met the demands of a certain project. What we did not achieve so far is a) a modular software design and, b) a feature for deskewing planar surfaces that are projected at a non perpendicular angle (assuming the use of visual projectors). This paper deals with solving the first problem by desiging a modular framework and the second problem by implementing an user-friendly module for deskewing planar surfaces. The deskewing process is completely manual, letting the user edit the coordinates of the surfaces" cornerpoints by dragging the points with the mouse. For this, the cornerpoints" x- and y-values are manipulated and the z-value is left constant. While in this way, the 3D-interaction with a 2D-interface can be avoided, the exclusivley two-dimensional transformation of planar surfaces introduces undesired texture-mapping artifacts produced by the triangulation-based rendering of graphic-cards. In order to avoid these artifacts, a selected method called "adaptive subdivision" is presented that corrects the introduced rendering errors.