Document Type
- Bachelor Thesis (1)
- Master's Thesis (1)
- Computeranimation (1)
- Echtzeitphysik (1)
- Menschenmengen-Evakuierung (1)
- Serviceroboter (1)
- Simulation (1)
- Videospiele (1)
- crowd evacuation (1)
- physical interaction (1)
- physische Interaktion (1)
- psychisches Verhalten (1)
Systems to simulate crowd-behavior are used to simulate the evacuation of a crowd in case of an emergency. These systems are limited to the moving-patterns of a crowd and are generally not considering psychological and/or physical conditions. Changing behaviors within the crowd (e.g. by a person falling down) are not considered.
For that reason, this thesis will examine the psychological behavior and the physical impact of a crowd- member on the crowd. In order to do so, this study develops a real-time simulation for a crowd of people, adapted from a system for video games. This system contains a behavior-AI for agents. In order to show physical interaction between the agents and their environment as well as their movements, the physical representation of each agent is realized by using rigid bodies from a physics-engine. The movements of the agents have an additional navigation mesh and an algorithm for collision avoidance.
By developing a behavior-AI a physical and psychological state is reached. This state contains a psychological stress-level as well as a physical condition. The developed simulation is able to show physical impacts such as crowding and crushing of agents, interaction of agents with their environment as well as factors of stress.
By evaluating several tests of the simulation, this thesis examines whether the combination of physical and psychological impacts is implementable successfully. If so, this thesis will be able to give indications of an agent- behavior in dangerous and/or stressful situations as well as a valuation of the complex physical representation.
Domestic robots will become more important in current time. They will find use in everyday situations like cleaning the floor, mowing the lawn or helping to monitor buildings and outdoor installations. However, most of these robots lack in a "human" face, a crucial factor.
In this bachelor thesis a virtual, exchangeable face for the robot Lisa of the study group "Active Vision" of the University Koblenz will be developed. Psychological studies by Krach et al. (2008) have shown that robots with features attractrnattention of the observers and are considered to be more intelligent.
Computerfaces or also Talkingheads are not only used with robots but also in videogames and animation movies. But the movement and mime of the face is usually constructed by hand that provides a fixed course of motions. More interesting is the usage in applications free of barrier. In this field the phonemes are extracted from an incoming audio signal and are assigned to the appropriate visemes.
Within this bachelor thesis this occurrence is achieved with the help of the Text-to-Speech-Synthesizer Festival whereby the movement of the lips change dynamically according to the given text. Not only is the correct movement of the lips of great importance, but also the showingrnof emotions. With the help of a special emoticon arithmetic which is added to the text that is to be synthesized the visualization of emotions is possible.