This thesis is about the design and the implementation of a virtual reality experience. The goal is to answer two questions: Is it possible to create an immersive virtual reality experience which is mainly using impulses and triggers to scare and frighten users? Secondly, is this immersion strong enough to create an illusion in which the user can't separate the real world from the virtual world? To realise this project the design program Unity3D as well as Visual Studios 2017 were used. Furthermore, in order to verify that the experience is indeed immersive for the user, an experiment with a sample size of seven people was created. Afterwards the candidates were interviewed via a questionnaire how they felt during the virtual reality application. As a result the study showed that the application has tendencies to be immersive but the users were still aware of the situation. It can be concluded that the immersion was not strong enough to fool users regarding the separation of virtual and real world.