Document Type
- Diploma Thesis (1)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Befragungsinstrument (1)
- Computerbased Communication (1)
- Computerunterstützte Kommunikation (1)
- Dyadische Interaktion (1)
- Eating Disorder (1)
- Essstörung (1)
- Fremdeinschätzung (1)
- Führungskraft (1)
- Kommunikative Kompetenz (1)
- LMX (1)
Purpose: Leader-follower communication plays an important role in all organizations. However, research on school leadership did not focus on communication competency (CC) and its impact on school quality (e.g. on teachers' commitment, job satisfaction) so far; there is a striking lack of theory and empirical data. Therefore, this paper describes the development and validation of a standardized measure for CC of school principals. It is based on a theoretical framework with LMX as a communication-based approach to leadership and an interpersonal communication process model. Design/Methodology: CC was conceptualized as a 3-dimensional construct. Five studies were conducted with German teachers and school principals from all types of schools (total N=1649): selection of items via expert ratings, exploring the dimensionality, cross-validation of the structure, test-retest-reliability, external validity. Results: Analyses led to a 3-factor solution - Altercentrism, Knowledge and Willingness to Communicate, Self-Regulation - with 14 items and good internal consistencies. CFA, exploring the nomological network, and invariance measurement supported construct validity. Limitations: Empirical studies still have to be conducted to evaluate the application in other leader - follower contexts apart from school. Research/Practical Implications: The measure and the theoretical framework can be applied for analyzing principal - teacher interactions in detail and for detecting problems in communication processes. The measure can also be used for feedback processes and for demand-oriented trainings.Originality/Value: For the first time, this paper explicitly combines the concepts of CC and leadership in schools and provides a measure within a theoretical framework to assess principals' CC. Such a valid instrument is the prerequisite for further investigating the importance of CC in the context of (school) leadership.
Since the 1990s special platforms exist on the internet which offer information and communication for people with eating disorder. Their function is consistently and ambivalently discussed. The study analyses the expectations and the perceived benefit of the persons who use self-help internet platforms and identifies moderators. Data of 230 user of a self-help platform were collected. Scales about general motives of internet use were modified and provided a basis. Results: The most important factor for gratifications sought and obtained was social helpfulness in terms of reciprocal social support. Furthermore the will to recovery (gratification sought) and convenient information retrieval (gratification obtained) played an important role. Significant moderators for gratifications sought were psychological strain, the age of the user and the duration of eating disorder. Gratifications obtained were primarily influenced by the degree of utilization of the platform offers and the use of non-medial offers. The results confirm cues to reasons of use from former studies and concretize them by explicit factors of gratifications sought and obtained. The study has been a first effort to create a theoretical model in the context of media psychological research. Thus also moderators with impact on gratifications sought and obtained for user of such internet platforms could be identified.