- Authentisierung (1)
- Bluetooth (1)
- Personal Key Infrastruktur (1)
- Projekt iCity (1)
- Werbung (1)
- Zertifikat (1)
- iCity project (1)
- privacy protection (1)
- public key infrastructure (1)
- Fachbereich 4 (3)
- Institut für Informatik (3)
Dieses Dokument schlägt ein Konzept für eine Personal Key Infrastruktur in iCity vor. Über ein Trust Center (TC) ausgestellte Zertiffkate gewährleisten einen sicheren Schlüsselaustausch mit nachweisbarer Authentisierung des Kommunikationspartners, Abhörsicherheit sowie Unverf älschtheit und Nachweisbarkeit der Nachrichten. Das gemeinsam vertrauensw ürdige TC muss während der Kommunikation nicht erreichbar sein. Es erhält lediglich öffentliche Informationen. Das Konzept stellt mehrere Sicherheitsstufen vor, die sichere Identiffkation und Anonymität unterschiedlich gewichten.
Conventional security infrastructures in the Internet cannot be directly adopted to ambient systems, especially if based on short-range communication channels: Personal, mobile devices are used and the participants are present during communication, so privacy protection is a crucial issue. As ambient systems cannot rely on an uninterrupted connection to a Trust Center, certiffed data has to be veriffed locally. Security techniques have to be adjusted to the special environment. This paper introduces a public key infrastructure (PKI) to provide secure communication channels with respect to privacy, confidentiality, data integrity, non-repudiability, and user or device authentication. It supports three certiffcate levels with a different balance between authenticity and anonymity. This PKI is currently under implementation as part of the iCity project.
An empirical study to evaluate the location of advertisement panels by using a mobile marketing tool
The efficiency of marketing campaigns is a precondition for business success. This paper discusses a technique to transfer advertisement content vie Bluetooth technology and collects market research information at the same time. Conventional advertisement media were enhanced by devices to automatically measure the number, distance, frequency and exposure time of passersby, making information available to evaluate both the wireless media as well as the location in general. This paper presents a study analyzing these data. A cryptographic one-way function protects privacy during data acquisition.