Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Part of Periodical (1)
- Augmented Reality (1)
- Digitale Bibliothek (1)
- Distribution <Linguistik> (1)
- Elektronische Bibliothek (1)
- GIRT (1)
- Information Retrieval (1)
- Informetrie (1)
- Interaktionselemente (1)
- Kookkurrenz (1)
- Literaturrecherche (1)
Die folgende Arbeit soll einen Überblick über bestehende Lösungen zur Interaktion in Erweiterten Realitäten (Augmented Reality) schaffen. Hierzu werden anhand dreier grundlegender Betrachtungsweisen unterschiedliche Interaktionskonzepte und -umsetzungen sowohl von der technischen, als auch von der konzeptuellen Seite her, vorgestellt. Neben Fragen der Visualisierung werden unterschiedliche Typen von Benutzungsschnittstellen vorstellt. Den größten Teil nehmen die drei typischen Interaktionsaufgaben Selektion- und Manipulation, Navigation und Systemkontrolle und die damit verbundenen Interaktionstechniken ein. Die Inhalte des Arbeitsberichts beschränken sich auf den Einsatz von Interaktionelementen in Augmented Reality Umgebungen. Dies geschieht in Abgrenzung zu Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiet zu Interaktionstechniken in Virtual Reality Umgebungen (vollimmersiv oder auch desktoporientiert). Zwar standen und stehen viele Interaktionstechniken aus dem Bereich VR in der AR Pate, doch haben sich gerade im Bereich der AR neue Techniken und Konzepte entwickelt. Folglich sollen VR Techniken nur dann betrachtet werden, wenn Sie in AR Anwendungen angewendet wurden bzw. wenn ihre Anwendung sinnvoll erscheint.
The search for scientific literature in scientific information systems is a discipline at the intersection between information retrieval and digital libraries. Recent user studies show two typical weaknesses of the classical IR model: ranking of retrieved and maybe relevant documents and the language problem during the query formulation phase. At the same time traditional retrieval systems that rely primarily on textual document and query features are stagnating for years, as it could be observed in IR evaluation campaigns such as TREC or CLEF. Therefore alternative approaches to surpass these two problem fields are needed. Two different search support systems are presented in this work and evaluated with a lab evaluation using the IR test collection GIRT and iSearch with 150 and 65 topics, respectively. These two systems are (1) a query expansion that is based on the analysis of co-occurrences of document attributes and (2) a ranking mechanism that applies informetric analysis of the productivity of information producers in the information production process. Both systems were compared to a baseline system using the Solr search engine. Both methods showed positive effects when applying additional document attributes like author names, ISSN codes and controlled terms. The query expansion showed an improvement in precision (bpref +12%) and in recall (R +22%).
he alternative ranking methods were able to compete with the baseline for author names and ISSN codes and were able to beat the baseline by using controlled terms (MAP +14%). A clear negative influence was seen when using entities like publishers or locations. Both methods were able to generate a substantially different sorting of the result set, measured using Kendall. So, additional to the improved relevance in the result list, the user can get a new and different view on the document set. Query expansion using author names, ISSN codes and thesaurus terms showed great potential that lies within the rich metadata sets of digital library systems. The proposed ranking methods could outperform standard relevance ranking methods after they were filtered by the existence of a so-called power law. This showed that the proposed ranking methods cannot be used universally in any case but require specific frequency distributions in the metadata. A connection between the underlying informetric laws of Bradford, Lotka and Zipf is made clear. The evaluated methods were implemented as interactive search supporting systems that can be used in an interactive prototype and the social science digital library system Sowiport. Besides that, the methods are adaptable to other systems and environments using a free software framework and a web API.