This research examines information audit methodologies and information capturing methods for enterprise social software which are an elementary part of the audit process. Information auditing is lacking of a standardized definition and methodology because the scope of the audit process is diversified and dependent on the organization undertaking the audit. The benefits of information auditing and potential challenges of Enterprise 2.0 the audit can overcome are comprehensive and provide a major incentive for managers to conduct an audit. Information asset registers as a starting point for information auditing are not specifically focusing on social software assets. Therefore this research pro-ject combines asset registers from different areas to create a new register suitable for the requirements of Enterprise 2.0. The necssary adaptations caused by the new character of the assets are minor. The case study applying the asset register for the first time however reveals several problematic areas for information auditors completing the register. Rounding up the thesis a template is developed for setting up new work spaces on enterprise social software systems with appropriate metadata taking into account the meaningful metadata discovered in the asset register.