Document Type
- Master's Thesis (1) (remove)
Modern software projects are composed of several software languages, software technologies and different kind of artifacts. Therefore, the understanding of the software project at hand, including the semantic links between the different parts, becomes a difficult challenge for a developer. One approach to attack this issue is to document the software project with the help of a linguistic architecture. This kind of architecture can be described with the help of the MegaL ontology. A remaining challenge is the creation of it since it requires different kind of skills. Therefore, this paper proposes an approach for the automatic extraction of a linguistic architecture. The open source framework Apache Jena, which is focusing on semantic web technologies like RDF and OWL, is used to define custom rules that are capable to infer new knowledge based on the defined or already extracted RDF triples. The complete approach is tested in a case study on ten different open source projects. The aim of the case study is to extract a linguistic architecture that is describing the use of Hibernate in the selected projects. In the end, the result is evaluated with the help of different metrics. The evaluation is performed with the help of an internal and external approach.