- Umweltpsychologie (2)
- Animation (1)
- Anreiz (1)
- Bewertungskriterien (1)
- Bildverstehen (1)
- Climate change (1)
- Consumption renunciation (1)
- Delphi (1)
- Einstellung (1)
- Einstellungen gegenüber bestimmten Filmeigenschaften (1)
Früher wurden in Museen den Besuchern meist gesicherte Wissensbestände präsentiert. Heute ist das vielfach anders: Nicht nur fraglos geltendes Wissen, sondern auch der Prozess dorthin wird aufgezeigt. Die dargebotene Information ist teilweise nicht mehr konsistent und widerspruchsfrei sondern konfligierend. Wie aber reagieren die Besucher auf konfligierende Information? Wie unterstützen ihre persönlichen Vorrausetzungen eine differenziertere Betrachtung? Wie können Museen " obwohl ihre Information doch freiwillig, selbstbestimmt, ohne Zwang und Pression rezipiert wird - die Informationsverarbeitung ihrer Besucher durch eine bestimmte räumliche Informationsanordnung beeinflussen? Diese Fragen wurden mittels vier Feldstudien vor Ort untersucht:
Studie 1 charakterisiert Museumsbesucher durch Persönlichkeitsprofile, die aus den für die Verarbeitung konfligierender Information als relevant betrachteten Personenmerkmalen (epistemologischen Überzeugungen, Ambiguitätstoleranz, Selbstwirksamkeitsannahmen) erstellt sind.
Studie 2 untersucht den Einfluss dieser Personenmerkmale und des situationalen Interesses auf die Tendenz zur Konfliktverarbeitung, ohne Fähigkeiten und Fassungskraft des Besuchers zu berücksichtigen.
Studie 3 überprüft die Effekte von situationalem Interesse, epistemologischen Überzeugungen, Ambiguitätstoleranz und Selbstwirksamkeitsannahmen auf die Konfliktverarbeitungsleistung.
In Studie 4 wird schließlich die Wirkung räumlich naher Informationspräsentation untersucht.
Museumsbesucher können durch die Persönlichkeitsprofile "selbstzweifelnd skeptisch", "selbstbewusst vertrauensvoll" und "stabilitätsgläubig" charakterisiert werden. Eine überwältigende Mehrheit zeigt die Bereitschaft, Konflikte wahrzunehmen und ein großer Teil ist darüber hinaus bereit, konfligierende Informationen auf tieferer Ebene zu verarbeiten. Eine räumlich nahe (thematisch kontinuierliche) Präsentation unterstützt die Tendenz, tief zu verarbeiten. Etwa drei Viertel der Besucher konnten erkennen, wann konfligierende Information logisch widersprüchlich ist und konnten überzufällig gut bei konsistenter und konfligierender Information Kohärenz bilden. Positive Selbstwirksamkeitsannahmen unterstützen vermittelt über hohes situationales Interesse die Tendenz, Information tiefer zu verarbeiten und steigern die Fähigkeit, Kohärenz zu bilden. Reifere epistemologische Überzeugungen der Dimension "Sicherheit" und "Veränderlichkeit" fördern Kohärenzbildung.
This dissertation is dedicated to a new concept for capturing renunciation-oriented attitudes and beliefs — sufficiency orientation. Sufficiency originates in the interdisciplinary sustain-ability debate. In contrast to efficiency and consistency, sufficiency considers human behaviour as the cause of socio-ecological crises and strives for a reduction in consumption respecting the planetary boundaries. The present work places sufficiency in a psychological research context and explores it qualitatively and quantitatively. On the basis of five manuscripts, the overarching question pursued is to what extent sufficiency orientation contributes to socio-ecological transformation. Based on one qualitative study and five further quantitative studies, sufficiency orientation is investigated in different behavioural contexts that are of particular importance with regard to CO2 emissions. In addition, sufficiency orientation is linked to a wider range of psychologically relevant theories that help gain an overview of correlates and possible causes for the development of a sufficiency orientation.
Manuscript 1 uses expert interviews (N = 21) to develop a heuristic framework on a transformation towards societal sufficiency orientation including barriers and enablers, as well as ambiguities on such a change. The derived elements are interpreted in the light of the leverage points approach. This framework can serve as a heuristic for future research and to develop measures concerning sufficiency orientation.
As part of an online study (N = 648), Manuscript 2 examines the extent to which sufficiency orientation can be embedded in classic models for explaining pro-environmental intentions and behaviour (Theory of Planned Behaviour, Norm Activation Model), and showed a significant contribution to the explanation of intentions and behaviour in the field of plastic consumption.
Manuscript 3 reports two framing experiments (Study 1, N = 123, Study 2, N = 330) to investigate how pro-social justice sensitivity contributes to making sufficiency orientation more salient and promoting it. While sufficiency orientation and pro-social facets of justice sensitivity were positively related to each other, there was no effect of the framing intervention in the hypothesised direction. The results indicate that justice-related information at least in the presented manner is more likely to generate reactance.
Manuscript 4 presents an online study (N = 317) and targets the importance of sufficiency orientation for predicting actual greenhouse gas emissions in relation to flight behav-iour and policy support for the decarbonisation of mobility. In addition, the connection between sufficiency orientation and global identity is examined. It turns out that sufficiency orientation is superior to global identity in predicting actual emissions and decarbonisation policies. Contrary to expectations, sufficiency orientation and the form of global identity operationalised in the presented study shows a positive correlation and are compatible.
Manuscript 5 reports a reflective diary intervention (N = 252) that should lead to a short- and long-term increase in sufficiency orientation by satisfying basic psychological needs through induced self-reflection. For both groups with or without the intervention, sufficiency orientation increased slightly but significantly. Although no specific effect of the manipulation was found, basic psychological need satisfaction turns out to be the largest predictor for sufficiency orientation. Subjective well-being is positively associated with sufficiency orientation, while time affluence shows no clear associations in the study.
Overall, the results highlight the relevance of sufficiency orientation in relation to socio-ecological transformation and actual behavioural change. Sufficiency orientation is related to low-emission behaviour and support for political measures to decarbonize infrastructures. These results contribute to the discussion on the intention-behaviour gap in regard to impact-relevant behaviour, i.e. behaviour producing high emissions. The present findings suggest, that sufficiency orientation could be related to a strong intention-behavioural consistency. However, further research is needed to validate these results and improve the measurement of sufficiency orientation. Furthermore, the studies provided insights on correlates of sufficiency orientation: justice sensitivity, global identity, subjective well-being and left-wing liberal political ideologies are all found to be positively related to sufficiency orien-tation. Moreover, basic psychological need satisfaction was identified as a potential mechanism that can support the emergence of sufficiency orientation, however, causality remains unclear. From these findings, the work derives practical implications how to possibly strengthen sufficiency orientation on the micro, meso and macro levels of society.
Taken together, the dissertation provides important insights into a new and still developing concept, and shows its connectivity to psychological theories. However, future research is required in order to grasp more precisely the complexity of sufficiency orientation and to understand origins and predictors of sufficiency orientation. This work contributes to the interdisciplinary debate on socio-ecological transformation and points out that sufficiency orientation can serve to a future worth living as being related to reduced consumption.
This work is mainly concerned with multiple goals as indicators of stable as well as situation-specific motivation. During school lessons, pupils strive for competence-oriented goals as well as goals which target psychological well-being. The goal to enlarge one- competence and to acquire deeper knowledge (mastery goal), to attain normative competence (performance approach goal) as well as the goal to avoid the demonstration of lack ofrncompetence (performance avoidance goal) belong to the category of academic goals. The category of well-being goals includes the goal to avoid hard work (work avoidance goal) as well as the aim to interact socially with relevant peers (affiliation goal).
It is still unclear, however, if goals are best defined as fluctuating state or stable trait variables. Here, both aspects of goals are conceptualized differentially and their connection is explored in two studies based on a longitudinal design. Another question that is raised here is concerned with the explanation of state-goal-genesis. Different motivational theories serve as the basis for the development of a new framework model, which explores the genesis of state goal-components due to trait goal-components, situational appraisals and their interaction. In the literature, three effect models between appraisals and trait goals regarding the state goals are identified: a) appraisals and trait goals might predict state goals additively (additive effect), b) trait goals might influence the state goals mediated by the appraisals (reactive effect), or c) the trait goals may have differential effects on the state goals for low or high values of the appraisals (interaction effect). Moreover, assumptions on proximal consequences of state-goals are made within the framework model.
Study 1 comprised of two samples (N = 197 and N = 297). Both multiple goal factors as well as their state- and trait-components were validated empirically in a longitudinal design. State goal measures proved to be sensitive to situational influences and to be differentially valid compared to trait goal measures. Study 2 primarily dealt with the explanationrnof the genesis of state goals in actual learning situations. The basic assumptions of the framework model as well as the three effect models were explored systematically in a longitudinal design (N = 542). As expected, competence oriented goals correlated with adaptive indicators of learning processes (e.g., flow), while the well-being goals did not. The additive effect hypothesis was confirmed while the reactive effect hypothesis was rejected. With the help of latent moderator models, some interaction effects were identified which showed that trait goals were differentially predictive for state goals depending on the level of situational appraisals.
Based on dual process models of information processing, the present research addressed how explicit disgust sensitivity is re-adapted according to implicit disgust sensitivity via self-perception of automatic behavioral cues. Contrary to preceding studies (Hofmann, Gschwendner, & Schmitt, 2009) that concluded that there was a "blind spot" for self- but not for observer perception of automatic behavioral cues, in the present research, a re-adaption process was found for self-perceivers and observers. In Study 1 (N = 75), the predictive validity of an indirect disgust sensitivity measure was tested with a double-dissociation strategy. Study 2 (N = 117) reinvestigated the hypothesis that self-perception of automatic behavioral cues, predicted by an indirect disgust sensitivity measure, led to a re-adaption of explicit disgust sensitivity measures. Using a different approach from Hofmann et al. (2009), the self-perception procedure was modified by (a) feeding back the behavior several times while a small number of cues had to be rated for each feedback condition, (b) using disgust sensitivity as a domain with clearly unequivocal cues of automatic behavior (facial expression, body movements) and describing these cues unambiguously, and (c) using a specific explicit disgust sensitivity measure in addition to a general explicit disgust sensitivity measure. In Study 3 (N = 130), the findings of Study 2 were replicated and display rules and need for closure as moderator effects of predictive validity and cue utilization were additionally investigated. The moderator effects give hints that both displaying a disgusted facial expression and self-perception of one- own disgusted facial expression are subject to a self-serving bias, indicating that facial expression may not be an automatic behavior. Practical implications and implications for future research are discussed.
Zentrale Aufgaben der Hochschule sind die Bewertung, die Ursachenklärung und die Förderung von Studienleistungen (Heublein & Wolter, 2011, S. 215). In diesem Kontext gilt neben intellektuellen Fähigkeiten die Leistungsmotivation als bedeutsamer Prädiktor für den akademischen Erfolg (z. B. Schmidt-Atzert, 2005, S. 132; Steinmayr & Spinath, 2009, S. 80). Im Fokus der vorliegenden Studie stehen deshalb Überlegungen zu Motivationsprozessen von 332 Studienanfängern der Hochschule der Bundesagentur für Arbeit und zu den Faktoren, die sich förderlich auf ihre Lernresultate auswirken. Mit einer Ausschöpfungsquote von 89 % sind die gewonnenen Daten für die Grundgesamtheit repräsentativ. Anhand einer Ex-post-facto-Versuchsanordnung in Form eines quantitativen Prädiktor-Kriteriums-Ansatzes (spezielle Variante eines Längsschnittdesigns) mit unterschiedlichen Erhebungsmethoden, wie standardisiertem Selbstbeurteilungsfragebogen, Leistungstests und offiziellen Dokumenten/Aktenmaterial, wurden folgende Forschungshypothesen zugrunde gelegt: Die Stärke der Leistungsmotivation ist sowohl von Erwartungskomponenten (Fähigkeitsselbstkonzept, Selbstwert, subjektive Notenerwartung, Erfolgszuversicht und Misserfolgsfurcht) als auch von Anreizkomponenten (Gegenstands-, Tätigkeits-, Folgenanreizen) abhängig, welche wiederum vermittelt über das leistungsmotivierte Verhalten einen Einfluss auf die Studienleistung besitzt. Dabei wurde postuliert, dass motivationale Variablen auch dann noch einen bedeutsamen Effekt auf die Studienleistung ausüben, wenn weitere Leistungsprädiktoren, wie die Schulabschlussnote, die Intelligenz, die emotionale Stabilität und die Gewissenhaftigkeit kontrolliert werden.
This doctoral thesis concerns the theoretical basis, development and validation of a multipart instrument to provide students of educational sciences with some feedback about their competence-development (instrument KIPBI) and report to their experiences in practical training (instrument EIPRA). It thus supports the reflection capability of the student teachers. Both instruments are part of an online self-assessment (Tour 3-RLP), which is similar to the Career-Counselling for Teachers (CCT, see but unlike this, does not focus on ability but on competence-development. The instruments serve to promote the professional development of student teachers. This is a goal of the reformed concept of teacher training in Rhineland-Palatinate, the so-called KMK-standards for teacher training and education, the Rhineland-Palatinate "Framework School Quality" as well as of handouts and manuals for the implementation of in-depth practical training in teacher education. The first part of this dissertation describes the theoretical framework for the development of instruments for the "CCT-Tour 3-RLP" starting with the issue of professionalization in teacher profession. Historical dimensions and their associated approaches to teacher education research are manifold. They range from the aspect of "teacher personality" to the implementation of teaching-standards and standards for teacher education and output orientation. While within the 60s and 70s the personality approach was pivotal in teacher education research, nowadays expertise-development and models of skills-development are discussed as central issues. Therefore, the theory section describes the influence of previous research-paradigms and their semantic content upon the current trend. As one part of the analysis the construct of "teacher self-efficacy" will be explained, along topological and typological models of competence-development.
Furthermore the practical elements of teacher education and their contribution to the professionalization of future teachers are presented. Professional reflection is assumed to be a basis for developing expertise. Therefore it is necessary to investigate how theoretical knowledge can be "transferred" to practical performance. A unifying theory connecting the integration hypothesis (assuming that knowledge is directly transferable into practice) with the differentiation hypothesis (teacher skills form their own knowledgebase independent from both theoretical and practical knowledge) is provided by cognitive psychology (particularly by research on expertise). Endpoint of the theoretical discourse is the evaluation of the referred theoretical positions and their meaning for the Rhineland-Palatinate reform of teacher education and teacher training and the role that the "Tour 3-RLP" is going to play in this context.In the empirical part the methodical and methodological steps for validation of the instruments are discussed. At first the Swiss standards for teacher profession (developed by the Pädagogische Hochschule Schwyz, Central Switzerland) are presented. They can serve as a model building a competency-oriented tool that refers to competency stages.
An analysis of various methods for the setting of cut-scores aiming to develop appropriate competency levels is also a fundament for the procedures developed in the context of the empirical investigations. The results of the pilot-study and a follow-up study conducted with both described instruments (KIPBI and EIPRA) show that the instruments for competence-measurement fulfil the requirements of psychometric criteria (like a scale-structure) and tend to support student teachers´ self-reflection. Core concern of both instruments is the promotion of students, realized by the online-self-assessment by the use of appropriate feedback structures and related recommendations for action.The final chapter of this thesis includes the discussion of the results of the validation and implementation study. This final view is devoted to the question whether or not competency-modeling or standard-based approaches to professionalization are the only possible accesses to map and explain skills development. The role of reflection seems to be important for both the integral and the differential approach and interconnects them.
Audiences' movie evaluations have often been explored as effects of experiencing movies. However, little attention has been paid to the evaluative process itself and its determinants before, during, and after movie exposure. Moreover, until recently, research on the subjective assessment of specific film features (e.g., story, photography) has played a less important role. Adding to this research, this dissertation introduces the idea of subjective movie evaluation criteria (SMEC) and describes the scale construction for their measurement and its validation process. Drawing on social cognition theories, SMEC can be defined as standards that viewers use for assessing the features of films and conceptualized as mental representations of - or attitudes towards - specific movie features guiding cognitive and affective information processing of movies and corresponding evaluative responses. Studies were conducted in five phases to develop and validate scales for measuring and examining the structure of SMEC. In Phase I, open-ended data were categorized and content validated via a modified structure formation technique and items were developed. Subsequently in Phase II, participants completed an online questionnaire including revised and pilot-tested items. Exploratory factor analyses were iteratively applied to explore the latent structure and to select items. The resulting 8-factor model was cross-validated with different samples in Phase III applying confirmatory factor analyses which yielded good fit indices, thereby supporting structural validity. In Phase IV, latent state"trait analyses were carried out to examine the reliability, occasion specificity, common consistency, and method specificity of the eight dimensions. All factors - Story Verisimilitude, Story Innovation, Cinematography, Special Effects, Recommendation, Innocuousness, Light-heartedness, and Cognitive Stimulation - are reliable and are largely determined by stable individual differences, albeit some of them also show substantial systematic, but unstable effects due to the situation or interaction. These results provide evidence for the substantive validity of the SMEC scales. Finally, in Phase V the nomological network of SMEC was explored (external validity by examining correlations with related constructs like film genre preferences and personality traits). Taken together, whereas the SMEC concept - compatible with contemporary social cognition theories - provides a framework to theorize and address research questions about the role of movie evaluation criteria and evaluative processes, the SMEC scales are the proper tool for investigating the role of these criteria and the processes they are involved in.
Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Positionierung und anbieterinternen Kommunikation der innovativen IT-Architektur SOA. Die zentralen Ziele der vorliegenden explorativen und empirischen Forschungsarbeit, die im Kontext der Innovations-Erfolgsfaktorenforschung angesiedelt ist, bestehen in der Beantwor-tung der beiden folgenden forschungsleitenden Fragestellungen:
Forschungsfrage 1: Welche Bedingungen tragen zu einer erfolgreichen Positionierung von SOA bei? Forschungsfrage 2: Welche Bedingungen tragen zu einer erfolgreichen anbieterinternen Kommunikation bezüglich SOA bei? Zur Überprüfung dieser beiden Forschungsfragen wurde ein zweistufiges Delphi-Verfahren durchgeführt. Hierbei wurde zunächst eine qualitative Befragungswelle (N=53) zur Identifizierung der SOA-Positionierungsbedingungen und anbieterinternen SOA-Kommunikations-bedingungen durchgeführt. Insgesamt wurden in der ersten Befragungswelle 122 SOA-Positionierungsbedingungen identifiziert, die sich in 65 Bedingungen auf Anbieterseite, 35 Bedingungen auf Kundenseite, 19 Bedingungen auf SOA-Seite und 3 Bedingungen aufseiten des weiteren Umfeldes aufteilen. Im Rahmen der anbieterinternen SOA-Kommunikation konnten 31 Bedingungen identifiziert werden. Die in der ersten Welle identifizierten SOA-Positionie-rungsbedingungen und anbieterinternen SOA-Kommunikationsbedingungen wurden mittels der zweiten Befragungswelle (N=83) einer quantitativen Analyse unterzogen. Somit liefert die vorliegende Studie Bedingungen, die sowohl zu einer erfolgreichen SOA-Positionierung als auch zu einer erfolgreichen anbieterinternen SOA-Kommunikation beitragen.
Die Resultate dieser Arbeit werden zusammengefasst und theoretisch eingeordnet. Ebenfalls wird die methodische Vorgehensweise kritisch diskutiert und die Güte der Daten beurteilt. Schließlich wird ein Ausblick auf zukünftige Forschungsfelder gegeben.
The aim of this dissertational work was to examine physiological (heart rate variability measures) and biomechanical parameters (step features) as possible anticipating indicators of psychological mood states. 420 participants (275 male and 145 female, age: M=34.7 years ± 9.7) engaged in a 60-minute slow endurance run while they were asked questions via a mobile answering and recording device. We measured several mood states, physiological measures, and biomechanical parameters. We used a latent growth curve analysis to examine the cross-lagged effects. Results demonstrated significant (p ≤.05) relationships between biomechanical shoe features anticipating psychological mood states, as well as psychological mood states anticipating physiological parameters.
The primary aims of the study are (1) to identify classroom instructional factors which have a crucial effect on the academic growth of ninth-graders in EFL in Vietnam, and (2) to gain insight into their interplay with each other and with context factors. Besides, this study has a strong focus on methodological approaches: (a) using multiple methods in order to deal with the “large p, small n” problem, (b) to understand the relevance of the scaling model used for the results.
Data from a research project carried out in Vietnam during the school year 2006–2007 were used in this study. Besides a longitudinal design with two measurement points (MPs) using adapted English tests and questionnaires from the DESI-study in Germany, a video study was conducted in the middle of the school year between two MPs. The recorded video data were transcribed, micro-analytically coded, and lessons were rated to gain indicators of classroom instruction. Different IRT scaling models were chosen to estimate student ability in the pretest and posttest. For the C-test, the unidimensional 1PL and 2PL models, the Rasch testlet model, and testlet 2PL model were selected to model student ability. To estimate student ability via the listening comprehension test (LC-test), the Rasch model, the unidimensional 2PL, and 3PL models were applied. The student ability estimates at the two MPs were linked to one common scale using the concurrent calibration approach with different a priori ability distributions. The plausible values (PVs) were generated and treated as student ability estimates for all analyses. To understand the relationship between the instructional variables and student growth, we explored the hypothesized linear and nonlinear, additive and interactive effects of classroom instructional factors. To examine these hypothetical effects, OLS and regularized regression models using lasso (least absolute shrinkage and selection operators) were applied, including main effects as well as quadratic and interaction terms of instructional variables. Initial student ability and the socioeconomic status of students were treated as context variables.
The results show, on the one hand, a positive view of important general instructional quality dimensions of teaching effectiveness and, on the other hand, a strongly teacher-centered and textbook-driven instruction and poor instructional quality from the point of view of EFL didactics. The most important instructional factors of student growth in the C-test were quality aspects of motivation in instruction as well as aspects related to the teaching language. Regarding the LC-test results, language-related aspects together with the relative frequency of repeated questions were the most important predictors of student growth. While the findings confirmed all the hypothesized instructional effects on student growth, aptitude treatment interaction effects of instruction were only confirmed with regard to student growth in the C-test. The different scaling models produced significant differences in the results regarding instructional effects on student growth.