Year of publication
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (22)
- Habilitation (2)
- Pestizid (5)
- Pflanzenschutzmittel (5)
- agriculture (4)
- risk assessment (4)
- Landwirtschaft (3)
- Fungizid (2)
- Pestizide (2)
- Wirbellose (2)
- aquatic macrophytes (2)
- pesticide (2)
Agricultural pesticides, especially insecticides, are an integral part of modern farming. However, these may often leave their target ecosystems and cause adverse effects in non- target, especially freshwater ecosystems, leading to their deterioration. In this thesis, the focus will be on Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs) that can in many ways cause disruption of the endocrine system of invertebrates. Freshwater invertebrates play important ecological, economic and medical roles, and disruption of their endocrine systems may be crucial, considering the important role hormones play in the developmental and reproductive processes in organisms. Although Endocrine Disruption Chemicals (EDCs) can affect moulting, behaviour, morphology, sexual maturity, time to first brood, egg development time, brood size (fecundity), and sex determination in invertebrates, there is currently no agreement upon how to characterize and assess endocrine disruption (ED). Current traditional ecotoxicity tests for Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) show limitations on generating data at the population level that may be relevant for the assessment of EDCs, which effects may be sublethal, latent and persist for several generations of species (transgenerational).
It is therefore the primary objective of this thesis to use a test method to investigate adverse effects of EDCs on endpoints concerning development and reproduction in freshwater invertebrates. The full life-cycle test over two generations that includes all sensitive life stages of C. riparius (a sexual reproductive organism) allows an assessment of its reproduction and should be suitable for the investigation of long-term toxicity of EDCs in freshwater invertebrates. C. riparius is appropriate for this purpose because of its short life cycle that enables the assessment of functional endpoints of the organism over several generations. Moreover, the chironomid life cycle consists of a complete metamorphosis controlled by a well-known endocrine mechanism and the endocrine system of insects has been most investigated in great detail among invertebrates. Hence, the full life-cycle test with C. riparius provides an approach to assess functional endpoints (e.g. reproduction, sex ratio) that are population-relevant as a useful amendment to the ERA of EDCs. In the laboratory, C. riparius was exposed to environmentally-relevant concentrations of the selected IGRs in either spiked water or spiked sediment scenario over two subsequent generations.
The results reported in this thesis revealed significant effects of the IGRs on the development and the reproduction of C. riparius with the second (F1) generation showing greater sensitivity. These findings indicated for the first time the suitability of multigenerational testing for various groups of EDCs and strongly suggested considering the full life-cycle of C. riparius as an appropriate test method for a better assessment of EDCs in the freshwater environment. In conclusion, this thesis helps to detect additional information that can be extrapolated at population level and, thus, might contribute to better protection of freshwater ecosystems against the risks of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs.) It may furthermore contribute to changes in the ERA process that are necessary for a real implementation of the new European chemical legislation, REACH (Registration, Evaluation Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals). Finally, significant interactions between temperature, chemical exposure and generation were reported for the first time and, may help predict impacts that may occur in the future, in the field, under predicted climate change scenarios.
Statistical eco(-toxico)logy
Freshwaters are of immense importance for human well-being.
Nevertheless, they are currently facing unprecedented levels of threat from habitat loss and degradation, overexploitation, invasive species and
To prevent risks to aquatic ecosystems, chemical substances, like agricultural pesticides, have to pass environmental risk assessment (ERA) before entering the market.
Concurrently, large-scale environmental monitoring is used for surveillance of biological and chemical conditions in freshwaters.
This thesis examines statistical methods currently used in ERA.
Moreover, it presents a national-scale compilation of chemical monitoring data, an analysis of drivers and dynamics of chemical pollution in streams and, provides a large-scale risk assessment by combination with results from ERA.
Additionally, software tools have been developed to integrate different datasets used in ERA.
The thesis starts with a brief introduction to ERA and environmental monitoring and gives an overview of the objectives of the thesis.
Chapter 2 addresses experimental setups and their statistical analyses using simulations.
The results show that current designs exhibit unacceptably low statistical power, that statistical methods chosen to fit the type of data provide higher power and that statistical practices in ERA need to be revised.
In chapter 3 we compiled all available pesticide monitoring data from Germany.
Hereby, we focused on small streams, similar to those considered in ERA and used threshold concentrations derived during ERA for a large-scale assessment of threats to freshwaters from pesticides.
This compilation resulted in the most comprehensive dataset on pesticide exposure currently available for Germany.
Using state-of-the-art statistical techniques, that explicitly take the limits of quantification into account, we demonstrate that 25% of small streams are at threat from pesticides.
In particular neonicotinoid pesticides are responsible for these threats.
These are associated with agricultural intensity and can be detected even at low levels of agricultural use.
Moreover, our results indicated that current monitoring underestimates pesticide risks, because of a sampling decoupled from precipitation events.
Additionally, we provide a first large-scale study of annual pesticide exposure dynamics.
Chapters 4 and 5 describe software solutions to simplify and accelerate the integration of data from ERA, environmental monitoring and ecotoxicology that is indispensable for the development of landscape-level risk assessment.
Overall, this thesis contributes to the emerging discipline of statistical ecotoxicology and shows that pesticides pose a large-scale threat to small streams.
Environmental monitoring can provide a post-authorisation feedback to ERA.
However, to protect freshwater ecosystems ERA and environmental monitoring need to be further refined and we provide software solutions to utilise existing data for this purpose.
In the new epoch of Anthropocene, global freshwater resources are experiencing extensive degradation from a multitude of stressors. Consequently, freshwater ecosystems are threatened by a considerable loss of biodiversity as well as substantial decrease in adequate and secured freshwater supply for human usage, not only on local scales, but also on regional to global scales. Large scale assessments of human and ecological impacts of freshwater degradation enable an integrated freshwater management as well as complement small scale approaches. Geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial statistics (SS) have shown considerable potential in ecological and ecotoxicological research to quantify stressor impacts on humans and ecological entitles, and disentangle the relationships between drivers and ecological entities on large scales through an integrated spatial-ecological approach. However, integration of GIS and SS with ecological and ecotoxicological models are scarce and hence the large scale spatial picture of the extent and magnitude of freshwater stressors as well as their human and ecological impacts is still opaque. This Ph.D. thesis contributes novel GIS and SS tools as well as adapts and advances available spatial models and integrates them with ecological models to enable large scale human and ecological impacts identification from freshwater degradation. The main aim was to identify and quantify the effects of stressors, i.e climate change and trace metals, on the freshwater assemblage structure and trait composition, and human health, respectively, on large scales, i.e. European and Asian freshwater networks. The thesis starts with an introduction to the conceptual framework and objectives (chapter 1). It proceeds with outlining two novel open-source algorithms for quantification of the magnitude and effects of catchment scale stressors (chapter 2). The algorithms, i.e. jointly called ATRIC, automatically select an accumulation threshold for stream network extraction from digital elevation models (DEM) by assuring the highest concordance between DEM-derived and traditionally mapped stream networks. Moreover, they delineate catchments and upstream riparian corridors for given stream sampling points after snapping them to the DEM-derived stream network. ATRIC showed similar or better performance than the available comparable algorithms, and is capable of processing large scale datasets. It enables an integrated and transboundary management of freshwater resources by quantifying the magnitude of effects of catchment scale stressors. Spatially shifting temporal points (SSTP), outlined in chapter 3, estimates pooled within-time series (PTS) variograms by spatializing temporal data points and shifting them. Data were pooled by ensuring consistency of spatial structure and temporal stationarity within a time series, while pooling sufficient number of data points and increasing data density for a reliable variogram estimation. SSTP estimated PTS variograms showed higher precision than the available method. The method enables regional scale stressors quantification by filling spatial data gaps integrating temporal information in data scarce regions. In chapter 4, responses of the assumed climate-associated traits from six grouping features to 35 bioclimatic indices for five insect orders were compared, their potential for changing distribution pattern under future climate change was evaluated and the most influential climatic aspects were identified (chapter 4). Traits of temperature preference grouping feature and the insect order Ephemeroptera exhibited the strongest response to climate as well as the highest potential for changing distribution pattern, while seasonal radiation and moisture were the most influential climatic aspects that may drive a change in insect distribution pattern. The results contribute to the trait based freshwater monitoring and change prediction. In chapter 5, the concentrations of 10 trace metals in the drinking water sources were predicted and were compared with guideline values. In more than 53% of the total area of Pakistan, inhabited by more than 74 million people, the drinking water was predicted to be at risk from multiple trace metal contamination. The results inform freshwater management by identifying potential hot spots. The last chapter (6) synthesizes the results and provides a comprehensive discussion on the four studies and on their relevance for freshwater resources conservation and management.
Recent EU-frameworks enforce the implementation of risk mitigation measures for nonpoint-source pesticide pollution in surface waters. Vegetated surface flow treatments systems (VTS) can be a way to mitigate risk of adverse effects in the aquatic ecosystems following unavoidable pollution after rainfall-related runoff events. Studies in experimental wetland cells and vegetated ditch mesocosms with common fungicides, herbicides and insecticides were performed to assess efficiency of VTS. Comprehensive monitoring of fungicide exposure after rainfall-related runoff events and reduction of pesticide concentrations within partially optimised VTS was performed from 2006-2009 at five vegetated detention ponds and two vegetated ditches in the wine growing region of the Southern Palatinate (SW-Germany).
Influence of plant density, size related parameters and pesticide properties in the performance of the experimental devices, and the monitored systems were the focus of the analysis. A spatial tool for prediction of pesticide pollution of surface waters after rainfall-related runoff events was programmed in a geographic information system (GIS). A sophisticated and high resolution database on European scale was built for simulation. With the results of the experiments, the monitoring campaign and further results of the EU-Life Project ArtWET mitigation measures were implemented in a georeferenced spatial decision support system. The database for the GIS tools was built with open data. The REXTOX (ratio of exposure to toxicity) Risk Indicator, which was proposed by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), was extended, and used for modeling the risk of rainfall-related runoff exposure to pesticides, for all agricultural waterbodies on European scale. Results show good performance of VTS. The vegetated ditches and wetland cells of the experimental systems showed a very high reduction of more than 90% of pesticide concentrations and potential adverse effects. Vegetated ditches and wetland cells performed significantly better than devices without vegetation. Plant density and sorptivity of the pesticide were the variables with the highest explanatory power regarding the response variable reduction of concentrations. In the experimental vegetated ditches 65% of the reduction of peak concentrations was explained with plant density and KOC. The monitoring campaign showed that concentrations of the fungicides and potential adverse effects of the mixtures were reduced significantly within vegetated ditches (Median 56%) and detention ponds (Median 38%) systems. Regression analysis with data from the monitoring campaign identified plant density and size related properties as explanatory variables for mitigation efficiency (DP: R²=0.57, p<0.001; VD:
R²=0.19, p<0.001). Results of risk model runs are the input for the second tool, simulating three risk mitigation measures. VTS as risk mitigation measures are implemented using the results for plant density and size related performance of the experimental and monitoring studies, supported by additional data from the ArtWET project. Based on the risk tool, simulations can be performed for single crops, selected regions, different pesticide compounds and rainfall events. Costs for implementation of the mitigation measures are estimated. Experiments and monitoring, with focus on the whole range of pesticides, provide novel information on VTS for pesticide pollution. The monitoring campaign also shows that fungicide pollution may affect surface waters. Tools developed for this study are easy to use and are not only a good base for further spatial analysis but are also useful as decision support of the non-scientific community. On a large scale, the tools on the one hand can help to compute external costs of pesticide use with simulation of mitigation costs on three levels, on the other hand feasible measures mitigating or remediating the effects of nonpoint-source pollution can be identified for implementation. Further study of risk of adverse effects caused by fungicide pollution and long-time performance of optimised VTS is needed.
Environmental processes transforming inorganic nanoparticles: implications on aquatic invertebrates
Engineered inorganic nanoparticles (EINPs) are produced and utilized on a large scale and will end up in surface waters. Once in surface waters, EINPs are subjected to transformations induced by environmental processes altering the particles’ fate and inherent toxicity. UV irradiation of photoactive EINPs is defined as one effect-inducing pathway, leading to the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), increasing EINP toxicity by exerting oxidative stress in aquatic life. Simultaneously, UV irradiation of photoactive EINP alters the toxicity of co-occurring micropollutants (e.g. pesticides) by affecting their degradation. The presence of natural organic matter (NOM) reduces the agglomeration and sedimentation of EINPs, extending the exposure of pelagic species, while delaying the exposure of benthic species living in and on the sediment, which is suggested as final sink for EINPs. However, the joint impact of NOM and UV irradiation on EINP-induced toxicity, but also EINP-induced degradation of micropollutants, and the resulting risk for aquatic biota, is poorly understood. Although potential effects of EINPs on benthic species are increasingly investigated, the importance of exposure pathways (waterborne or dietary) is unclear, along with the reciprocal pathway of EINPs, i.e. the transport back from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems. Therefore, this thesis investigates: (i) how the presence of NOM affects the UV-induced toxicity of the model EINP titanium dioxide (nTiO2) on the pelagic organism Daphnia magna, (ii) to which extent UV irradiation of nTiO2 in the presence and absence of NOM modifies the toxicity of six selected pesticides in D. magna, (iii) potential exposure pathway dependent effects of nTiO2 and silver (nAg) EINPs on the benthic organism Gammarus fossarum, and (iv) the transport of nTiO2 and gold EINPs (nAu) via the merolimnic aquatic insect Chaetopteryx villosa back to terrestrial ecosystems. nTiO2 toxicity in D. magna increased up to 280-fold in the presence of UV light, and was mitigated by NOM up to 12-fold. Depending on the pesticide, UV irradiation of nTiO2 reduced but also enhanced pesticide toxicity, by (i) more efficient pesticide degradation, and presumably (ii) formation of toxic by-products, respectively. Likewise, NOM reduced and increased pesticide toxicity, induced by (i) protection of D. magna against locally acting ROS, and (ii) mitigation of pesticide degradation, respectively. Gammarus’ energy assimilation was significantly affected by both EINPs, however, with distinct variation in direction and pathway dependence between nTiO2 and nAg. EINP presence delayed C. villosa emergence by up to 30 days, and revealed up to 40% reduced lipid reserves, while the organisms carried substantial amounts of nAu (~1.5 ng/mg), and nTiO2 (up to 2.7 ng/mg). This thesis shows, that moving test conditions of EINPs towards a more field-relevant approach, meaningfully modifies the risk of EINPs for aquatic organisms. Thereby, more efforts need to be made to understand the relative importance of EINP exposure pathways, especially since a transferability between different types of EINPs may not be given. When considering typically applied risk assessment factors, adverse effects on aquatic systems might already be expected at currently predicted environmental EINP concentrations in the low ng-µg/L range.
Worldwide one third to one half of the freshwater crayfish species are threatened with population decline or extinction. Besides habitat deterioration, pollution, and other man-made environmental changes, invasive species and pathogens are major threats to the survival of European crayfish species. Freshwater crayfish are the largest freshwater invertebrates and strongly influence the structure of food webs. The disappearance of crayfish from a water body may change the food web and could have dramatic consequences for an ecosystem.rnOne goal in modern species conservation strategies is the conservation of genetic diversity, since genetic diversity is an advantage for the long-term survival of a species. The main aim of my thesis was to reveal the genetic structure and to identify genetic hotspots of the endangered noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) throughout Europe (part 1 of my thesis). Since the most significant threat to biodiversity of European crayfish species is the crayfish plague pathogen Aphanomyces astaci I studied new aspects in the distribution of A. astaci (part two of my thesis). The results serve as a basis for future conservation programs for freshwater crayfish. In the first part of my thesis I conducted a phylogeographic analysis of noble crayfish using mitochondrial DNA and nuclear microsatellite data. With these methods I aimed to identify its genetic hotspots and to reconstruct the recolonization history of central Europe by this species. I detected high genetic diversities in southestern Europe indicating that noble crayfish outlasted the cold climate phases during the Pleistocene in this region (Appendix 1). Because of the high genetic diversity found there, southeastern Europe is of particular importance for the conservation of noble crayfish. The mitochondrial DNA analysis points to a bifurcated colonization process from the eastern Black Sea basin to a) the North Sea and to b) the Baltic Sea basin (Appendix 2). A second independent refugium that was localized on the Western Balkans did not contribute to the colonization of central Europe. Furthermore, I found that the natural genetic structure is dissolved, probably due to the high human impact on the distribution of noble crayfish (e.g. artificial translocation). In the second part of this thesis using real-time PCR I identified calico crayfish (Orconectes immunis) as the fourth North American crayfish species to be carrier of the agent of the crayfish plague (Appendix 3). Furthermore I detected the crayfish plague pathogen in American spiny-cheek crayfish (Orconectes limosus) and native narrow-clawed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) in the lower Danube in Romania (Appendix 4). The distribution of infected spiny-cheek crayfish poses a threat to the native biodiversity in southeastern Europe and shows the high invasion potential of this crayfish species. Moreover, I found that even the native narrow-clawed crayfish in the Danube Delta, about 970 km downstream of the current invasion front of American crayfish, is a carrier of A. astaci (Appendix 5). This finding is of high importance, as the native species do not seem to suffer from the infection. In Appendix 6 I elucidate demonstrate that the absence of the crayfish plague agent is the most likely explanation for the coexistence of populations of European and American crayfish in central Europe. In my thesis I show that the common assumption that all North American crayfish are carrier of A. astaci and that all native crayfish species die when infected with A. astaci does not hold true. The studies presented in my thesis reveal new aspects that are crucial for native crayfish conservation: 1) The genetic diversity of noble crayfish is highest in southeastern Europe where noble crayfish outlasted the last glacial maximum in at least two different refugia. 2) Not all American crayfish populations are carrier of A. astaci and 3) not all Europen crayish populations die shortly after being infected with the crayfish plague pathogen.rnTo conserve native crayfish species and their (genetic) diversity in the long term, further introductions of American crayfish into European waters must be avoided. However, the introduction will only decrease if the commercial trade with non-indigenous crayfish species is prohibited.
Field margins are often the only remaining habitats of various wild plant species in agricultural landscapes. However, due to their proximity to agricultural fields, the vegetation of field margins can be affected by agrochemicals applied to the crop fields. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the individual and combined effects of herbicide, insecticide and fertilizer inputs on the plant community of a field margin. Therefore, a 3-year field experiment with a randomized block design including seven treatments (H: herbicide, I: insecticide, F: fertilizer, H+I, F+I, F+H and F+H+I) and one control was conducted on a low-production meadow. Each treatment was replicated 8 times in 8 m x 8 m plots with a distance of 2 m between each plot. The fertilizer rates (25 % of the field rate) and pesticide rates (30 % of the field rate) used for the plot applications were consistent with realistic average input rates (overspray + drift) in the first meter of a field margin directly adjacent to a wheat field.
The study revealed that fertilizer and herbicide misplacements in field margins are major factors that affect the natural plant communities of these habitats. In total, 20 of the 26 abundant species on the study site were significantly affected by the fertilizer and herbicide treatment. The fertilizer promoted plants with high nutrient uptake and decreased the frequencies of small species. The herbicide caused a nearly complete disappearance of three species directly after the first application, whereas sublethal effects (e.g., phytotoxic effects and reduced seed productions of up to 100 %) were observed for the other affected species. However, if field margins are exposed to repeated agrochemical applications over several years, then such sublethal effects (particularly reproduction effects) also reduce the population size of plant species significantly, as observed in this study.
Significant herbicide-fertilizer interaction effects were also detected and could not be extrapolated from individual effects. The fertilizer and herbicide effects became stronger over time, leading to shifts in plant community compositions after three years and to a 15 % lower species diversity than in the control. The insecticide significantly affected the frequencies of two plant species (1 positively and 1 negatively). The results of the experiment suggest that a continuous annual agrochemical application on the study site would cause further plant community shifts and would likely lead to the disappearance of certain affected plants. A clear trend of increasing grass dominance at the expense of flowering herbs was detected. This finding corresponds well with monitoring data from field margins near the study site.
Although herbicide risk assessment aims to protect non-target plants in off-field habitats from adverse effects, reproduction effects and combined effects are currently not considered. Furthermore, no regulations for fertilizer applications next to field margins exist and thus, fertilizer misplacements in field margins are likely to occur and to interact with herbicide effects.
Adaptations of the current risk assessment, a development of risk mitigation measures (e.g., in-field buffers) for the application of herbicides and fertilizers, and general management measures for field margins are needed to restore and conserve plant diversity in field margins in agricultural landscapes.
This habilitation thesis deals with the effects of toxicants on freshwater ecosystems and considers different toxicant classes (pesticides, organic toxicants, salinity) and biotic endpoints (taxonomic community structure, trait community structure, ecosystem functions).
The thesis comprises 12 peer-reviewed international publications on these topics. All of the related studies rely on mesocosm or field investigations, or the analysis of field biomonitoring or chemical monitoring data. Publications I and II are devoted to passive sampling of a neonicotinoid insecticide and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), respectively. They show that biofouling and a diffusion-limiting membrane can reduce the sampling rate of the pulsed insecticide exposure and that receiving phases of different thicknesses can be used to assess the kinetic regime during field deployment of passive samplers. Publications III to VI mainly focus on trait-based approaches to reveal toxicant effects on invertebrates in streams. An overview on the framework and several applications of a trait-based approach to detect effects of pesticides (SPEARpesticides index) are given in publication III. Publication IV describes the development of a trait database for South-East Australian stream invertebrates and its successful application in the adaptation of SPEARpesticides as well as the development of a salinity index. Moreover, a conceptual model for the future development of trait-based biomonitoring indices is proposed. Publication V reports a mesocom study on the effects of a neonicotinoid insecticide on field-realistic invertebrate communities. The insecticide had long-term effects on the invertebrate communities, which were only detected when grouping the taxa according to their life-history traits. A comprehensive field study employing different pesticide sampling methods including passive sampling and biomonitoring of the invertebrate and microbial communities is presented in publication VI. The study did not find pesticide-induced changes in the microbial communities, but detected adverse effects of current-use pesticides on the invertebrate communities using the trait-based SPEARpesticides index. This index is also applied in a meta-analysis on thresholds for the effects of pesticides on invertebrate communities in publication VII. It is shown that there is a similar dose-response relationship between SPEARpesticides and pesticide toxicity over different biogeographical regions and continents. In addition, the thresholds for effects of pesticides are lower than derived from most mesocosm studies and than considered in regulatory pesticide risk assessment. The publications VIII to X use statistical data analysis approaches to examine effects of toxicants in freshwater ecosystems. Using governmental monitoring data on 331 organic toxicants monitored monthly in 4 rivers over 11 years, publication VIII finds that organic toxicants frequently occurred in concentrations envisaging acute toxic effects on invertebrates and algae even in large rivers. Insecticides and herbicides were the chemical groups mainly contributing to the ecotoxicological risk. Publication IX introduces a novel statistical method based on a similarity index to estimate thresholds for the effects of toxicants or other stressors on ecological communities. The application of the method for deriving thresholds for salinity, heavy metals and pesticides in streams is presented in three case studies. Publication X tackles the question of interactive effects between different toxicants using data from a field study on stream invertebrates in 24 sites of South-East Australia. Both salinity and pesticides exhibited statistically significant effects on the invertebrate communities, but no interaction between the stressors was found. Moreover, salinity acted on a higher taxonomical level than pesticides suggesting evolutionary adaptation of stream invertebrates compared to pesticide stress. Publications XI and XII concentrate on the effects of toxicants on biodiversity, ecosystem functions and ecosystem services, with publication XI summarising different studies related to the ecological risk assessment for these endpoints. A field study on the effects of pesticides and salinity on the ecosystem functions of allochthonous organic matter decomposition, gross primary production and ecosystem respiration is presented in publication XII. Both pesticides and salinity reduced the breakdown of allochthonous organic matter, whereas no effects on the other ecosystem functions were detected. A chapter following these publications synoptically discusses all studies of this habilitation thesis and draws general conclusions. It is stressed that in order to advance the understanding of effects of toxicants on freshwater ecosystems more ecological realism is needed in ecotoxicological approaches and that the spatiotemporal extent of toxicant effects needs more scrutiny.
Fungicide effects on the structure and functioning of leaf-associated aquatic fungal communities
Aquatic hyphomycetes are a polyphyletic group of saprotrophic fungi growing abundantly on submerged leaf litter. In stream ecosystems shaped by allochthonous leaf litter inputs, they play a central functional role as decomposers and food source for other organisms. Fungicides pose a threat to aquatic hyphomycetes and their functions, since these substances are inherently toxic to fungi and contaminate surface waters around the world due to their widespread use in agricultural and urban landscapes. While fungicides’ potential to reduce fungal diversity are discerned, the extent of impacts on biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships (B EF) remains unclear. This is partly attributed to methodological constraints in the detection and quantification of single aquatic hyphomycete species within microbial leaf-associated communities. The primary aim of this thesis was, therefore, (1) to assess the ecotoxicological impacts of fungicides on B-EF relationships in aquatic hyphomycete communities. To facilitate this, subordinate aims were to (2) develop DNA-based biomolecular tools (i.e., qPCR assays) to detect and to quantify the biomass of different aquatic hyphomycete species in mixed cultures and (3) to investigate the mechanisms underlying B-EF relationships in the absence of chemical stressors.
In the course of this thesis, qPCR assays were developed for detection and species-specific biomass quantification of ten common aquatic hyphomycete species and successfully validated for application in eco( toxico )logical microcosm experiments. Via a systematic manipulation of fungal diversity, these assays allow the examination of B-EF relationships by assessments of deviations between observed and (monoculture-based) predicted activities in fungal mixed cultures. Taking advantage of these tools in a microcosm experiment, it was uncovered that leaf decomposition results from the additive activity of community members, even though functionally distinct species were present. Colonization dynamics are characterized by complex interactions. Colonization success of aquatic hyphomycetes is higher if co-occurring species are genetically and functionally distinct (i.e., complementary interactions). However, the co-occurrence of aquatic hyphomycete species does not necessarily result in a greater colonization success compared to monocultures, unless bacteria are present. Accordingly, the presence of other microbial groups such as bacteria may induce new fungal diversity-based feedback loops, which ultimately enable coexistence of aquatic hyphomycete species in the environment. Exposure to fungicides revealed substantial differences in sensitivities among aquatic hyphomycetes. The most productive species were able to cope with extremely high fungicide concentrations up to the mg/L-range. In assemblages containing these species, leaf decomposition was maintained under fungicide exposure. Yet, already at environmentally relevant fungicide concentrations, tolerant species displaced more sensitive ones, potentially affecting leaves’ nutritional quality for consumers. This thesis thus indicates that fungicide exposure poses a risk to stream food webs rather than the microbial leaf decomposition process per se.
The increasing application of titanium dioxide nanoparticles (nTiO2) entails an increased risk regarding their release to surface water bodies, where they likely co-occur with other anthropogenic stressors, such as heavy metals. Their co-occurrence may lead to an adsorption of the metal ions onto the particles. These nanoparticles often sediment, due to their agglomeration, and thus pose a risk for pelagic or benthic species. The combined toxicity of nTiO2 and heavy metals is likely influenced by the properties of both stressors (since they may alter their interaction) and by environmental parameters (e.g., organic matter, pH, ionic strength) affecting their fate.
These issues were not yet systematically examined by the recent literature. Therefore, this thesis investigated the influence of nTiO2-products with differing crystalline phase composition on the toxicity of copper (as representative for heavy metals) in presence of different organic matters using the pelagic test organism Daphnia magna.
Moreover, the duration of the stressors` interaction (=aging) likely modulates the combined toxicity. Hence, the influence of nTiO2 on copper toxicity after aging as a function of environmental parameters (i.e., organic matter, pH, ionic strength) was additionally investigated.
Finally, the transferability of the major findings to benthic species was examined using Gammarus fossarum. The present thesis discovered a reduction of the copper toxicity facilitated by nTiO2 for all assessed scenarios, while its magnitude was determined by the surface area and structure of nTiO2, the quantity and quality of organic matter as well as the aging of both stressors. The general copper toxicity reduction by nTiO2 was also transferable to benthic species, despite their potentially increased exposure due to the sedimentation of nTiO2 with adsorbed copper. These observations suggest the application of nTiO2 as remediation agent, but potential side effects (e.g., chronic toxicity, reactive oxygen species formation) require further investigations. Moreover, questions regarding the transferability to other stressors (e.g., different heavy metals, organic chemicals) and the fate of stressors adsorbed to nTiO2 in aquatic ecosystems remain open.
The loss of biodiversity is recognised on a global scale and also in the anthropogenic landscapes used for agriculture, now covering almost 50% of the global terrestrial land surface. In agriculture pesticides, biologically active chemicals are deliberately distributed to control pests, disease and weeds in the cropped areas. The quantification of remaining semi-naturals structures such as field margins and hedges is a prerequisite to understand the impact of pesticides on biodiversity, since these structures represent habitats for many organisms in agricultural landscapes. The presence of organisms in these habitats and crops is required to obtain an estimate of their potential pesticide exposure. In this text I provide studies on animal groups so far not addressed in risk assessment procedures for the regulation of pesticides such as amphibians, moths and bats. For all groups it becomes apparent that they are present in agricultural landscapes and potentially coincide with pesticide applications indicating a risk. Risk quantification also requires data on the sensitivity of organisms and here data for plants, amphibians and bees are presented. Effects translating to community level were studied for herbicide, insecticide and fertiliser effects in a natural system. After three years the treatments resulted in simplified plant communities with lower species numbers and a reduction in flowering plants. This reduction of flowers is used as an example for an indirect effect and was especially obvious for the effect of an herbicide on the common buttercup. Sublethal herbicide effects for a plant translated in an impact on feeding caterpillars, indicating a reduction in food quality. Insecticide inputs realistic for field margins also reduced moth pollination of white champion flowers by 30%. These indirect effects by distortions of food web characteristics are playing a critical role to understand declines in organism groups, however so far are not accounted for in pesticide risk assessment schemes. The current intense use of pesticides in agriculture and their inherent toxicity may lead to a chemical landscape fragmentation, where populations may not be connected anymore. Source-sink dynamics are important ecological processes and as a final result not only population size but also genetic population structure might be affected. Including potential pesticide impacts as costs in a model for amphibians migrating to breeding ponds in vineyards in Rhineland-Palatinate indicated the isolation of investigated populations. A first validation by analyzing the population structure of the European common frog confirmed the model prediction for some sites. For the regulation of pesticides in Europe a risk assessment is required and for the organisms of the terrestrial habitat a multitude of guidance documents is in place or is recently developed or improved. The results of the presented research indicate that wild plants and especially their reproductive flower stage are highly sensitive and risks are underestimated. Population recovery of arthropods needs a reevaluation at landscape scale and the addition of amphibian risk assessment in regulation procedures is suggested. However, developing or adopting risk assessment procedures and test systems is a time consuming task and therefore the establishment of risk management options is a pragmatic alternative with immediate effects. Artificial wetlands in the agricultural landscape proved to be important foraging sites for bats and their creation could mitigate negative pesticide effects. The integration of direct and indirect effects in a risk assessment scheme for all organism groups addressing also landscape scale and pesticide mixtures requires a long developing time. The establishment of model landscapes where management options and integrated pest management are applied on a larger scale would allow us to study pesticide effects in a realistic scenario and to develop an approach for the agriculture of the future.
With 47% land coverage in 2016, agricultural land was one of the largest terrestrial biomes in Germany. About 70% of the agricultural land was cropped area with associated pesticide applications. Agricultural land also represents an essential habitat for amphibians. Therefore, exposure of amphibians to agrochemicals, such as fertilizers and pesticides, seems likely. Pesticides can be highly toxic for amphibians, even a fraction of the original application rate may result in high amphibian mortality.
To evaluate the potential risk of pesticide exposure for amphibians, the temporal coincidence of amphibian presence on agricultural land and pesticide applications (N = 331) was analyzed for the fire-bellied toad (Bombina bombina), moor frog (Rana arvalis), spadefoot toad (Pelobates fuscus) and crested newt (Triturus cristatus) during spring migration. In 2007 and 2008, up to 80% of the migrating amphibians temporally coincided with pesticide applications in the study area of Müncheberg, about 50 km east of Berlin. Pesticide interception by plants ranged between 50 to 90% in winter cereals and 80 to 90% in winter rape. The highest coincidence was observed for the spadefoot toad, where 86.6% of the reproducing population was affected by a single pesticide in winter rape during stem elongation with 80% pesticide interception by plants. Late migrating species, such as the fire-bellied toad and the spadefoot toad, overlapped more with pesticide applications than early migrating species, such as the moor frog, did. Under favorable circumstances, the majority of early migrants may not coincide with the pesticide applications of arable fields during spring migration.
To evaluate the potential effect of pesticide applications on populations of the common frog (Rana temporaria), a landscape genetic study was conducted in the vinicultural area of Southern Palatinate. Due to small sample sizes at breeding sites within viniculture, several DNA sampling methods were tested. Furthermore, the novel repeated randomized selection of genotypes approach was developed to utilize genetic data from siblings for more reliable estimates of genetic parameters. Genetic analyses highlighted three of the breeding site populations located in viniculture as isolated from the meta-population. Genetic differentiation among breeding site populations in the viniculture (median pairwise FST=0.0215 at 2.34 km to 0.0987 at 2.39 km distance) was higher compared to genetic differentiation among breeding site populations in the Palatinate Forest (median pairwise FST=0.0041 at 5.39 km to 0.0159 at 9.40 km distance).
The presented studies add valuable information about the risk of pesticide exposure for amphibians in the terrestrial life stage and possible effects of agricultural land on amphibian meta-populations. To conserve endemic amphibian species and their (genetic) diversity in the long run, the risk assessment of pesticides and applied agricultural management measures need to be adjusted to protect amphibians adequately. In addition, other conservation measures such as the creation of new suitable breeding site should be considered to improve connectivity between breeding site populations and ensure the persistence of amphibians in the agricultural land.
Factors triggering the ecotoxicity of metal-based nanoparticles towards aquatic invertebrates
Nanoparticles are produced and used in huge amounts increasing their probability to end up in surface waters. There, they are subject to environmentally driven modification processes. Consequently, aquatic life may be exposed to different nanoparticle agglomerate sizes, while after sedimentation benthic organisms are more likely to be affected.
However, most ecotoxicity studies with nanoparticles exclusively investigated implications of their characteristics (e.g. size) on pelagic organisms, ignoring environmentally modified nanoparticles. Therefore, a systematic assessment of factors triggering the fate and toxicity of nanoparticles under environmentally relevant conditions is needed. The present thesis, therefore, investigates the implications of nanoparticle related factors (i.e., inherent material-properties and nanoparticle characteristics) as well as environmental conditions towards the pelagic living organism Daphnia magna and the benthic species Gammarus fossarum. In detail, inert titanium dioxide (nTiO2) and ion-releasing silver nanoparticles (nAg), both of varying particle characteristics (e.g. initial size), were tested for their toxicity under different environmental conditions (e.g. ultraviolet-light (UV-light)).
The results indicate that the toxicity of nTiO2 and nAg is mainly determined by: their adsorption potential onto biota, and their fate in terms of reactive oxygen species or Ag+ ion release. Thus, inherent material-properties, nanoparticle characteristics and environmental conditions promoting or inhibiting these aspects revealed significant implications in the toxicity of nTiO2 and nAg towards daphnids.
Furthermore, the presence of ambient UV-light, for example, adversely affected gammarids at 0.20 mg nTiO2/L, while under darkness no effects occurred even at 5.00 mg nTiO2/L. Hence, the currently associated risk of nanoparticles might be underestimated if disregarding their interaction with environmental parameters
The European weatherfish (Misgurnus fossilis) is a benthic freshwater fish species belonging to the family Cobitidae, that is subjected to a considerable decline in many regions across its original distribution range. Due to its cryptic behavior and low economic value, the causes of threat to weatherfish remained partly unknown and the species is rarely at the center of conservation efforts. In order to address these concerns, the overall aim of the present thesis was to provide a comprehensive approach for weatherfish conservation, including the development of stocking measures, investigations on the species autecology and the evaluation of potential threats. The first objective was to devise and implement a regional reintroduction and stock enhancement program with hatchery-reared weatherfish in Germany. Within this program (2014-2016), a total number of 168,500 juvenile weatherfish were stocked to seven water systems. Recaptures of 45 individuals at two reintroduction sites supported the conclusion that the developed stocking strategy was appropriate. In order to broaden the knowledge about weatherfish autecology and thereby refining the rearing conditions and the selection of appropriate stocking waters, the second objective was to investigate the thermal requirements of weatherfish larvae. Here, the obtained results revealed that temperatures higher than previously suggested were tolerated by larvae, whereas low temperatures within the range of likely habitat conditions increased mortality rates. As weatherfish can be frequently found in agriculturally impacted waters (e.g. ditch systems), they are assumed to have an increased probability to be exposed to chemical stress. Since the resulting risk has not yet been investigated with a focus on weatherfish, the third objective was to provide a methodical foundation for toxicity testing that additionally complies with the requirements of alternative test methods. For this purpose, the acute fish embryo toxicity test was successfully transferred to weatherfish and first results exhibited that sensitivity of weatherfish towards a tested reference substance (3,4-dichloroaniline) was highest compared to other species. On the basis of these findings, the fourth objective was to apply weatherfish embryos for multiple sediment bioassays in order to investigate teratogenic effects derived from sediment-associated contaminants. In this context, weatherfish revealed particular sensitivity to water extractable substances, indicating that sediment contamination might pose a considerable risk. Moreover, as an endangered benthic fish species with high ecological relevance for European waters that are specifically exposed to hazardous contaminants, the weatherfish might be a prospective species for an ecological risk assessment of sediment toxicity. Overall, the present thesis contributed to the conservation of weatherfish by considering a variety of aspects that interact and reinforce one another in order to achieve improvements for the species situation.
Groundwater is essential for the provision of drinking water in many areas around the world. The ecosystem services provided by groundwater-related organisms are crucial for the quality of groundwater-bearing aquifers. Therefore, if remediation of contaminated groundwater is necessary, the remediation method has to be carefully selected to avoid risk-risk trade-offs that might impact these valuable ecosystems. In the present thesis, the ecotoxicity of the in situ remediation agent Carbo-Iron (a composite of zero valent nano-iron and active carbon) was investigated, an estimation of its environmental risk was performed, and the risk and benefit of a groundwater remediation with Carbo-Iron were comprehensively analysed.
At the beginning of the work on the present thesis, a sound assessment of the environmental risks of nanomaterials was impeded by a lack of guidance documents, resulting in many uncertainties on selection of suitable test methods and a low comparability of test results from different studies with similar nanomaterials. The reasons for the low comparability were based on methodological aspects of the testing procedures before and during the toxicity testing. Therefore, decision trees were developed as a tool to systematically decide on ecotoxicity test procedures for nanomaterials. Potential effects of Carbo-Iron on embryonic, juvenile and adult life stages of zebrafish (Danio rerio) and the amphipod Hyalella azteca were investigated in acute and chronic tests. These tests were based on existing OECD and EPA test guidelines (OECD, 1992a, 2013a, 2013b; US EPA, 2000) to facilitate the use of the obtained effect data in the risk assessment. Additionally, the uptake of particles into the test organisms was investigated using microscopic methods. In zebrafish embryos, effects of Carbo-Iron on gene expression were investigated. The obtained ecotoxicity data were complemented by studies with the waterflea Daphnia magna, the algae Scenedesmus vacuolatus, larvae of the insect species Chironomus riparius and nitrifying soil microorganisms.
In the fish embryo test, no passage of Carbo-Iron particles into the perivitelline space or the embryo was observed. In D. rerio and H. azteca, Carbo-Iron was detected in the gut at the end of exposure, but no passage into the surrounding tissue was detected. Carbo-Iron had no significant effect on soil microorganisms and on survival and growth of fish. However, it had significant effects on the growth, feeding rate and reproduction of H. azteca and on survival and reproduction in D. magna. Additionally, the development rate of C. riparius and the cell volume of S. vacuolatus were negatively influenced.
A predicted no effect concentration of 0.1 mg/L was derived from the ecotoxicity studies based on the no-effect level determined in the reproduction test with D. magna and an assessment factor of 10. It was compared to measured and modelled environmental concentrations for Carbo-Iron after application to an aquifer contaminated with chlorohydrocarbons in a field study. Based on these concentrations, risk quotients were derived. Additionally, the overall environmental risk before and after Carbo-Iron application was assessed to verify whether the chances for a risk-risk trade-off by the remediation of the contaminated site could be minimized. With the data used in the present study, a reduced environmental risk was identified after the application of Carbo-Iron. Thus, the benefit of remediation with Carbo-Iron outweighs potential negative effects on the environment.
Fate and effects of insecticides in vegetated agricultural drainage ditches and constructed wetlands
Studies have shown that runoff and spray-drift are important sources of nonpoint-source pesticide pollution of surface waters. Owing to this, public concern over the presence of pesticides in surface and ground water has resulted in intensive scientific efforts to find economical, yet environmentally sound solutions to the problem. The primary objective of this research was to assess the effectiveness of vegetated aquatic systems in providing buffering between natural aquatic ecosystems and agricultural landscape following insecticide associated runoff and spray-drift events. The first set of studies were implemented using vegetated agricultural ditches, one in Mississippi, USA, using pyrethroids (bifenthrin, lambda-cyhalothrin) under simulated runoff conditions and the other in the Western Cape, South Africa using the organophosphate insecticide, azinphos-methyl (AZP), under natural runoff and spray-drift conditions. The second set of studies were implemented using constructed wetlands, one in the Western Cape using AZP under natural spray-drift conditions and the other in Mississippi, USA using the organophosphate MeP under simulated runoff conditions. Results from the Mississippi-ditch study indicated that ditch lengths of less than 300 m would be sufficient to mitigate bifenthrin and lambda-cyhalothrin. In addition, data from mass balance calculations determined that the ditch plants were the major sink (generally > 90%) and/or sorption site for the rapid dissipation of the above pyrethroids from the water column. Similarly, results from the ditch study in South Africa showed that a 180 m vegetated system was effective in mitigating AZP after natural spray drift and low flow runoff events. Analytical results from the first wetland study show that the vegetated wetland was more effective than the non-vegetated wetland in reducing loadings of MeP. Mass balance calculations indicated approximately 90% of MeP mass was associated with the plant compartment. Ninety-six hours after the contamination, a significant negative acute effect of contamination on abundances was found in 8 out of the 15 macroinvertebrate species in both wetland systems. Even with these toxic effects, the overall reaction of macroinvertebrates clearly demonstrated that the impact of MeP in the vegetated wetland was considerably lower than in the non-vegetated wetland. Results from the constructed wetland study in South Africa revealed that concentrations of AZP at the inlet of the 134 m wetland system were reduced by 90% at the outlet. Overall, results from all of the studies in this thesis indicate that the presence of the plant compartment was essential for the effective mitigation of insecticide contamination introduced after both simulated and natural runoff or spray-drift events. Finally, both the vegetated agricultural drainage ditch and vegetated constructed wetland systems studied would be effective in mitigating pesticide loadings introduced from either runoff or spray-drift, in turn lowering or eliminating potential pesticide associated toxic effects in receiving aquatic ecosystems. Data produced in this research provide important information to reduce insecticide risk in exposure assessment scenarios. It should be noted that incorporating these types of best management practices (BMPs) will decrease the risk of acute toxicity, but chronic exposure may still be an apparent overall risk.
The estimation of the potential risk of pesticide entries into streams - and therefore the potential risk for the ecosystems - is an important requirement for the planning of risk mitigation strategies. Especially on the landscape level the required event triggered sampling methods are conjuncted with considerable efforts with regard to input data, time and personnel. To circumvent these problems simulation models form a reasonable alternative. The aims of this work were (A) the development of a simulation tool for the estimation of pesticide entries into surface waters on the landscape level, and (B) the application of the simulator for an exposure- and risk-assessment as well as the assessment of negative effects of pesticides on aquatic communities. Section 1 - Exposure-, Risk- and Effects In sections 1.1 and 1.2 the simulation model was applied to a multitude of small and medium sized streams in an agricultural impacted study area around the city of Braunschweig, Germany. Section 1.3 gives an overview of the simulators field of application and the general system structure. Section 1.1 - Scenario based simulation of runoff-related pesticide entries into small streams on a landscape level (English publication, p. 27): In this paper we present a simulation tool for the simulation of pesticide entry from arable land into adjacent streams. We used the ratio of exposure to toxicity (REXTOX) model proposed by the OECD which was extended to calculate pesticide concentrations in adjacent streams. We simulated the pesticide entry on the landscape level at 737 sites in small streams situated in the central lowland of Germany. The most significant model parameters were the width of the no-application-zone and the degree of plant-interception. The simulation was carried out using eight different environmental scenarios, covering variation of the width of the no-application-zone, climate and seasonal scenarios. The highest in-stream concentrations were predicted at a scenario using no (0 m) buffer zone in conjunction with increased precipitation. According to the predicted concentrations, the risk for the aquatic communities was estimated based on standard toxicity tests and the application of a safety factor. Section 1.2 - Linking land use variables and invertebrate taxon richness in small and medium-sized agricultural streams on a landscape level (English publication, p. 50): In this study the average numbers of invertebrate species across an arable landscape in central Germany (surveys from 15 years in 90 streams at 202 sites) were assessed for their correlation with environmental factors such as stream width, land use (arable land, forest, pasture, settlement), soil type and agricultural derived stressors. The stress originating from arable land was estimated by the factor "risk of runoff", which was derived from a runoff-model (rainfall induced surface runoff). Multivariate analysis explained 39.9% of the variance in species number, revealing stream width as the most important factor (25.3%) followed by risk of runoff (9.7%). Section 1.3 - Informationssystem zur ökotoxikologischen Bewertung der Gewässergüte in Bezug auf Pflanzenschutzmitteleinträge aus der Landwirtschaft - Systemaufbau und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten (German publication, p. 61): Section 1.3 contains a short overview of the simulation tool, the field of application and some examples of use, covering the effects of the width of the buffer zone as well as the creation of risk maps on the landscape level. Section 2 - The simulation tool An important aspect for the employment of a simulation model in the context of risk assessment is the applicability in practice: the accessibility of the needed input data, the conversion of the mathematical model into a software application that can be run on any current personnel computer and also an appropriate end-user documentation of the system. Section 1.4 - Informationssystem zur ökotoxikologischen Bewertung der Gewässergüte in Bezug auf Pflanzenschutzmitteleinträge aus der Landwirtschaft - Simulationsmodell und Systemaufbau (German report, p. 67): In this section a general overview of the simulation model as well as the schematic system structure given. Section 1.5 - Benutzerhandbuch (German report, p. 71): The user manual contains details concerning the installation of the system, generation of the required input data and the general use of the system. Moreover it presents some application examples (what-if analyses). Section 1.6 - Technical documentation (German report, p. 104): The technical documentation describes internal structures and processes of the simulation system. Section 1.6 provides information regarding the required structure of input/output tables.
Assessment of bat activity in agricultural environments and the evaluation of the risk of pesticides
Although agriculture dominates with around 50% area much of Europe- landscape, there is virtually no information on how bats use this farmed environment for foraging. Consequently, little is known about effective conservation measures to compensate potential negative effects of agrarian management practice on the food availability for bats in this habitat. Moreover, there are currently no specific regulatory requirements to include bats in European Union risk assessments for the registration of pesticides since no information about pesticide exposure on this mammal group is available. To evaluate the potential pesticide exposure of bats via ingestion of contaminated insects, information about bat presence and activity in agricultural habitats is required. In order to examine bat activity on a landscape scale it was necessary to establish a suitable survey method. Contrary to capture methods, telemetry, and direct observations, acoustic surveys of bat activity are a logistically feasible and cost-effective way of obtaining bat activity data. However, concerns regarding the methodological designs of many acoustic surveys are expressed in the scientific literature. The reasons are the failing of addressing temporal and spatial variation in bat activity patterns and the limitations of the suitability of the used acoustic detector systems. By comparing different methods and detector systems it was found that the set up of several stationary calibrated detector systems which automatically trigger the ultrasonic recording has the highest potential to produce reliable, unbiased and comparable data sets on the relative activity of bats.
By using the proposed survey method, bat diversity and activity was recorded in different crops and semi-natural habitats in southern Rhineland-Palatinate. Simultaneously, the availability of aerial prey insects was studied by using light and sticky traps. In more than 500 sampling nights about 110,000 call sequences were acoustically recorded and almost 120,000 nocturnal insects were sampled. A total of 14 bat species were recorded, among them the locally rare and critically endangered northern bat (Eptesicus nilssonii) and the barbastelle (Barbastella barbastellum), all of them also occurring over agricultural fields. The agricultural landscape of southern Palatinate is dominated by vineyards, a habitat that was shown to be of low quality for most bat species because of the demonstrated low availability of small aerial insects. By surveying bat activity and food availably in a pair-wise design on several rain water retention ponds and neighbouring vineyards it was demonstrated that aquatic insect emergence in artificial wetlands can provide an important resource subsidy for bats. The creation of artificial wetlands would be a possibility to create important foraging habitats for bats and mitigate negative effects of management practice in the agricultural landscape.
In several other agricultural crops, however, high abundances of suitable prey insects and high bat activity levels, comparable or even higher than in the nearby forests and meadows known to be used as foraging habitats were demonstrated. Especially high bat activity levels were recorded over several fruit orchards and vegetable fields where insects were also present. Both crops are known for high pesticide inputs, and, therefore, a pesticide exposure through ingestion of contaminated insects can not be excluded. To follow the current risk assessment approach for birds and mammals pesticide residues were measured on bat-specific food items in an apple orchard following insecticide applications and bat activity was recorded in parallel. The highest residue values were measured on foliage-dwelling arthropods which may results in a reproductive risk for all bat species that, even to a small extent, include this prey group in their diet. The presence of bats in agricultural landscapes that form a majority of the land area in Europe but also on a global scale leads to exposure of bats by contaminated food and depletion of their food resources by pesticide use. So far conservation efforts for bats focussed on securing hibernation sites and the creation of artificial roost sites since especially the latter were thought to be limiting population growth. However the potential pesticide effects might be also crucial for the population persistence in agricultural landscapes of bats and need to be addressed adequately, especially in risk assessment procedures for the regulation of pesticides.
Invasive species often have a significant impact on the biodiversity of ecosystems and the species native to it. One of the worst invaders worldwide is Aphanomyces astaci, the causative agent of the crayfish plague, an often fatal disease to crayfish species not native to North America. Aphanomyces astaci originates from North America and was introduced to Europe in the midst of the 19th century. Since then, it spread throughout Europe diminishing the European crayfish populations. The overall aim of this thesis was to evaluate the threat that A. astaci still poses to European crayfish species more than 150 years after its introduction to Europe. In the first part of the thesis, crayfish specimens, which are available in the German pet trade, were tested for infections with A. astaci. Around 13% of the tested crayfish were clearly infected with A. astaci. The study demonstrated the potential danger the pet trade poses for biodiversity through the import of alien species and their potential pathogens, in general. In the second part of the thesis, the A. astaci infection prevalence of crayfish species in wild populations in Europe was tested. While the stone crayfish, Austropotamobius torrentium, showed high susceptibility to different haplogroups of A. astaci, the narrow-clawed crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus, was able to survive infections, even by haplogroup B, which is considered to be highly virulent. In the last part of the thesis, A. astaci was traced back to its original distribution area of North America. While the crayfish plague never had such a devastating effect on crayfish in North America as it had in Europe, the reasons for the success of invasive crayfish within North America are not yet fully understood. It is possible that A. astaci increases the invasion success of some crayfish species. Several populations of the rusty crayfish, Orconectes rusticus, in the Midwest of North America were confirmed to be infected with A. astaci and a new genotype was identified, possibly indicating that each crayfish host is vector of a unique A. astaci genotype, even in North America. Overall, the present thesis provides evidence that A. astaci is still a major threat to the crayfish species indigenous to Europe. Crayfish mass mortalities still occur in susceptible crayfish species like A. torrentium even 150 years after the first introduction of A. astaci. While there are some indications for increased resistances through processes of co-evolution, the continuous introduction of crayfish species to Europe threatens to cause new outbreaks of the crayfish plague through the parallel introduction of new, highly virulent A. astaci strains.
Diet-related effects of antimicrobials in aquatic decomposer-shredder and periphyton-grazer systems
Leaf-associated microbial decomposers as well as periphyton serve as important food sources for detritivorous and herbivorous macroinvertebrates (shredders and grazers) in streams. Shredders and grazers, in turn, provide not only collectors with food but also serve as prey for predators. Therefore, decomposer-shredder and periphyton-grazer systems (here summarized as freshwater biofilm-consumer systems) are highly important for the energy and nutrient supply in heterotrophic and autotrophic stream food webs. However, both systems can be affected by chemical stressors, amongst which antimicrobials (e.g., antibiotics, fungicides and algaecides) are of particular concern. Antimicrobials can impair shredders and grazers not only via waterborne exposure (waterborne effect pathway) but also through dietary exposure and microorganism-mediated alterations in the food quality of their diet (dietary effect pathway). Even though the relevance of the latter pathway received more attention in recent years, little is known about the mechanisms that are responsible for the observed effects in shredders and grazers. Therefore, the first objective of this thesis was to broaden the knowledge of indirect antimicrobial effects in a model shredder and grazer via the dietary pathway. Moreover, although freshwater biofilm-consumer systems are most likely exposed to antimicrobial mixtures comprised of different stressor groups, virtually nothing is known of these mixture effects in both systems. Therefore, the second objective was to assess and predict diet-related antimicrobial mixture effects in a model freshwater biofilm-consumer system. During this thesis, positive diet-related effects of a model antibiotic on the energy processing and physiology of the shredder Gammarus fossarum were observed. They were probably triggered by shifts in the leaf-associated microbial community in favor of aquatic fungi that increased the food quality of leaves for the shredder. Contrary to that, a model fungicide induced negative effects on the energy processing of G. fossarum via the dietary pathway, which can be explained by negative impacts on the microbial decomposition efficiency leading to a reduced food quality of leaf litter for gammarids. For diet-related antimicrobial effects in periphyton-grazer systems, a model algaecide altered the periphyton community composition by increasing nutritious and palatable algae. This resulted in an enhanced consumption and physiological fitness of the grazer Physella acuta. Finally, it was shown that complex horizontal interactions among leaf-associated microorganisms are involved, making diet-related antimicrobial mixture effects in the shredder G. fossarum difficult to predict. Thus, this thesis provides new insights into indirect diet-related effects of antimicrobials on shredders and grazers as well as demonstrates uncertainties of antimicrobial mixture effect predictions for freshwater biofilm-consumer systems. Moreover, the findings in this thesis are not only informative for regulatory authorities, as indirect effects and effects of mixtures across chemical classes are not considered in the environmental risk assessment of chemical substances, but also stimulate future research to close knowledge gaps identified during this work.
Agricultural land-use may lead to brief pulse exposures of pesticides in edge-of-field streams, potentially resulting in adverse effects on aquatic macrophytes, invertebrates and ecosystem functions. The higher tier risk assessment is mainly based on pond mesocosms which are not designed to mimic stream-typical conditions. Relatively little is known on exposure and effect assessment using stream mesocosms.
Thus the present thesis evaluates the appliacability of the stream mesocosms to mimic stream-typical pulse exposures, to assess resulting effects on flora and fauna and to evaluate aquatic-terrestrial food web coupling. The first objective was to mimic stream-typical pulse exposure scenarios with different durations (≤ 1 to ≥ 24 hours). These exposure scenarios established using a fluorescence tracer were the methodological basis for the effect assessment of an herbicide and an insecticide. In order to evaluate the applicability of stream mesocosms for regulatory purposes, the second objective was to assess effects on two aquatic macrophytes following a 24-h pulse exposure with the herbicide iofensulfuron-sodium (1, 3, 10 and 30 µg/L; n = 3). Growth inhibition of up to 66 and 45% was observed for the total shoot length of Myriophyllum spicatum and Elodea canadensis, respectively. Recovery of this endpoint could be demonstrated within 42 days for both macrophytes. The third objective was to assess effects on structural and functional endpoints following a 6-h pulse exposure of the pyrethroid ether etofenprox (0.05, 0.5 and 5 µg/L; n = 4). The most sensitive structural (abundance of Cloeon simile) and functional (feeding rates of Asellus aquaticus) endpoint revealed significant effects at 0.05 µg/L etofenprox. This concentration was below field-measured etofenprox concentrations and thus suggests that pulse exposures adversely affect invertebrate populations and ecosystem functions in streams. Such pollutions of streams may also result in decreased emergence of aquatic insects and potentially lead to an insect-mediated transfer of pollutants to adjacent food webs. Test systems capable to assess aquatic-terrestrial effects are not yet integrated in mesocosm approaches but might be of interest for substances with bioaccumulation potential. Here, the fourth part provides an aquatic-terrestrial model ecosystem capable to assess cross-ecosystem effects. Information on the riparian food web such as the contribution of aquatic (up to 71%) and terrestrial (up to 29%) insect prey to the diet of the riparian spider Tetragnatha extensa was assessed via stable isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N). Thus, the present thesis provides the methodological basis to assess aquatic-terrestrial pollutant transfer and effects on the riparian food web.
Overall the results of this thesis indicate, that stream mesocosms can be used to mimic stream-typical pulse exposures of pesticides, to assess resulting effects on macrophytes and invertebrates within prospective environmental risk assessment (ERA) and to evaluate changes in riparian food webs.
Systemic neonicotinoids are one of the most widely used insecticide classes worldwide. In addition to their use in agriculture, they are increasingly applied on forest trees as a protective measure against insect pests. However, senescent leaves containing neonicotinoids might, inter alia during autumn leaf fall, enter nearby streams. There, the hydrophilic neonicotinoids may be remobilized from leaves to water resulting in waterborne exposure of aquatic non-target organisms. Despite the insensitivity of the standard test species Daphnia magna (Crustacea, Cladocera) toward neonicotinoids, a potential risk for aquatic organisms is evident as many other aquatic invertebrates (in particular insects and amphipods) display adverse effects when exposed to neonicotinoids in the ng/L- to low µg/L-range. In addition to waterborne exposure, in particular leaf-shredding invertebrates (= shredders) might be adversely affected by the introduction of neonicotinoid-contaminated leaves into the aquatic environment since they heavily rely on leaf litter as food source. However, dietary neonicotinoid exposure of aquatic shredders has hardly received any attention from researchers and is not considered during aquatic environmental risk assessment. The primary aim of this thesis is, therefore, (1) to characterize foliar neonicotinoid residues and exposure pathways relevant for aquatic shredders, (2) to investigate ecotoxicological effects of waterborne and dietary exposure on two model shredders, namely Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea, Amphipoda) and Chaetopteryx villosa (Insecta, Trichoptera), and (3) to identify biotic and abiotic factors potentially modulating exposure under field conditions.
During the course of this thesis, ecotoxicologically relevant foliar residues of the neonicotinoids imidacloprid, thiacloprid and acetamiprid were quantified in black alder trees treated at field relevant levels. A worst-case model – developed to simulate imidacloprid water concentrations resulting from an input of contaminated leaves into a stream – predicted only low aqueous imidacloprid concentrations (i.e., ng/L-range). However, the model identified dietary uptake as an additional exposure pathway relevant for shredders up to a few days after the leaves’ introduction into the stream. When test organisms were simultaneously exposed (= combined exposure) to neonicotinoids leaching from leaves into the water and via the consumption of contaminated leaves, adverse effects exceeded those observed under waterborne exposure alone. When exposure pathways were separated using a flow-through system, dietary exposure towards thiacloprid-contaminated leaves caused similar sublethal adverse effects in G. fossarum as observed under waterborne exposure. Moreover, the effect sizes observed under combined exposure were largely predictable using the reference model “independent action”, which assumes different molecular target sites to be affected. Dietary toxicity for shredders might, however, be reduced under field conditions since UV-induced photodegradation and leaching decreased imidacloprid residues in leaves and thereby the toxicity for G. fossarum. In contrast, both shredders were found unable to actively avoid dietary exposure. This thesis thus recommends considering dietary exposure towards systemic insecticides, such as neonicotinoids, already during their registration to safeguard aquatic shredders, associated ecosystem functions (e.g., leaf litter breakdown) and ultimately ecosystem integrity.
Leaf litter breakdown is a fundamental process in aquatic ecosystems, being mainly mediated by decomposer-detritivore systems that are composed of microbial decomposers and leaf-shredding, detritivorous invertebrates. The ecological integrity of these systems can, however, be disturbed, amongst others, by chemical stressors. Fungicides might pose a particular risk as they can have negative effects on the involved microbial decomposers but may also affect shredders via both waterborne toxicity and their diet; the latter by toxic effects due to dietary exposure as a result of fungicides’ accumulation on leaf material and by negatively affecting fungal leaf decomposers, on which shredders’ nutrition heavily relies. The primary aim of this thesis was therefore to provide an in-depth assessment of the ecotoxicological implications of fungicides in a model decomposer-detritivore system using a tiered experimental approach to investigate (1) waterborne toxicity in a model shredder, i.e., Gammarus fossarum, (2) structural and functional implications in leaf-associated microbial communities, and (3) the relative importance of waterborne and diet-related effects for the model shredder.
Additionally, knowledge gaps were tackled that were related to potential differences in the ecotoxicological impact of inorganic (also authorized for organic farming in large parts of the world) and organic fungicides, the mixture toxicity of these substances, the field-relevance of their effects, and the appropriateness of current environmental risk assessment (ERA).
In the course of this thesis, major differences in the effects of inorganic and organic fungicides on the model decomposer-detritivore system were uncovered; e.g., the palatability of leaves for G. fossarum was increased by inorganic fungicides but deteriorated by organic substances. Furthermore, non-additive action of fungicides was observed, rendering mixture effects of these substances hardly predictable. While the relative importance of the waterborne and diet-related effect pathway for the model shredder seems to depend on the fungicide group and the exposure concentration, it was demonstrated that neither path must be ignored due to additive action. Finally, it was shown that effects can be expected at field-relevant fungicide levels and that current ERA may provide insufficient protection for decomposer-detritivore systems. To safeguard aquatic ecosystem functioning, this thesis thus recommends including leaf-associated microbial communities and long-term feeding studies using detritus feeders in ERA testing schemes, and identifies several knowledge gaps whose filling seems mandatory to develop further reasonable refinements for fungicide ERA.
The application of pesticides to agricultural areas can result in transport to adjacent non-target environments. In particular, surface water systems are likely to receive agricultural pesticide input. When pesticides enter aquatic environments, they may pose a substantial threat to the ecological integrity of surface water systems. To minimize the risk to non-target ecosystems the European Union prescribes an ecotoxicological risk assessment within the registration procedure of pesticides, which consists of an effect and an exposure assessment.
This thesis focuses on the evaluation of the exposure assessment and the implications to the complete regulatory risk assessment, and is based on four scientific publications. The main part of the thesis focuses on evaluation of the FOCUS modelling approach, which is used in regulatory risk assessment to predict pesticide surface water concentrations. This was done by comparing measured field concentrations (MFC) of agricultural insecticides (n = 466) and fungicides (n = 417) in surface water to respective predicted environmental concentrations (PEC) calculated with FOCUS step 1 to step 4 at two different levels of field relevance. MFCs were extracted from the scientific literature and were measured in field studies conducted primarily in Europe (publications 1 and 3).
In addition, an alternative fugacity-based multimedia mass-balance model, which needs fewer input parameters and less computing effort, was used to calculate PECs for the same insecticide MFC dataset and compared to the FOCUS predictions (publication 3). Furthermore, FOCUS predictions were also conducted for veterinary pharmaceuticals in runoff from an experimental plot study, to assess the FOCUS predictions for a different class of chemicals with a different relevant entry pathway (publication 2).
In publication 4, the FOCUS step-3 approach was used to determine relevant insecticide exposure patterns. These patterns were analysed for different monitoring strategies and the implications for the environmental risk assessment (publication 4).
The outcome of this thesis showed that the FOCUS modelling approach is neither protective nor appropriate in predicting insecticide and fungicide field concentrations. Up to one third of the MFCs were underpredicted by the model calculations, which means that the actual risk might be underestimated. Furthermore, the results show that a higher degree of realism even reduces the protectiveness of model results and that the model predictions are worse for highly hydrophobic and toxic pyrethroids.
In addition, the absence of any relationship between measured and predicted concentrations questions the general model performance quality (publication 1 and 3). Further analyses revealed that deficiencies in protectiveness and predictiveness of the environmental exposure assessment might even be higher than shown in this thesis, because actual short-term peak concentrations are only detectable with an event-related sampling strategy (publication 4). However, it was shown that the PECs of a much simpler modelling approach are much more appropriate for the prediction of insecticide MFC, especially for calculations with a higher field relevance (publication 3). The FOCUS approach also failed to predict concentrations of veterinary pharmaceuticals in runoff water (publication 2). In conclusion, the findings of this thesis showed that there is an urgent need for the improvement of exposure predictions conducted in the environmental risk assessment of pesticides as a group of highly relevant environmental chemicals, to ensure that the increasing use of those chemicals does not lead to further harmful effects in aquatic ecosystems.