Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (4)
- Habilitation (1)
- agriculture (2)
- Agrarlandschaft (1)
- Aquatic Ecotoxicology (1)
- Biodiversität (1)
- Environmental factors (1)
- Nanoparticles (1)
- Nanopartikel (1)
- Pestizid (1)
- Wirbellose (1)
- amphibians (1)
- Institut für Umweltwissenschaften (5) (remove)
Environmental processes transforming inorganic nanoparticles: implications on aquatic invertebrates
Engineered inorganic nanoparticles (EINPs) are produced and utilized on a large scale and will end up in surface waters. Once in surface waters, EINPs are subjected to transformations induced by environmental processes altering the particles’ fate and inherent toxicity. UV irradiation of photoactive EINPs is defined as one effect-inducing pathway, leading to the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), increasing EINP toxicity by exerting oxidative stress in aquatic life. Simultaneously, UV irradiation of photoactive EINP alters the toxicity of co-occurring micropollutants (e.g. pesticides) by affecting their degradation. The presence of natural organic matter (NOM) reduces the agglomeration and sedimentation of EINPs, extending the exposure of pelagic species, while delaying the exposure of benthic species living in and on the sediment, which is suggested as final sink for EINPs. However, the joint impact of NOM and UV irradiation on EINP-induced toxicity, but also EINP-induced degradation of micropollutants, and the resulting risk for aquatic biota, is poorly understood. Although potential effects of EINPs on benthic species are increasingly investigated, the importance of exposure pathways (waterborne or dietary) is unclear, along with the reciprocal pathway of EINPs, i.e. the transport back from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems. Therefore, this thesis investigates: (i) how the presence of NOM affects the UV-induced toxicity of the model EINP titanium dioxide (nTiO2) on the pelagic organism Daphnia magna, (ii) to which extent UV irradiation of nTiO2 in the presence and absence of NOM modifies the toxicity of six selected pesticides in D. magna, (iii) potential exposure pathway dependent effects of nTiO2 and silver (nAg) EINPs on the benthic organism Gammarus fossarum, and (iv) the transport of nTiO2 and gold EINPs (nAu) via the merolimnic aquatic insect Chaetopteryx villosa back to terrestrial ecosystems. nTiO2 toxicity in D. magna increased up to 280-fold in the presence of UV light, and was mitigated by NOM up to 12-fold. Depending on the pesticide, UV irradiation of nTiO2 reduced but also enhanced pesticide toxicity, by (i) more efficient pesticide degradation, and presumably (ii) formation of toxic by-products, respectively. Likewise, NOM reduced and increased pesticide toxicity, induced by (i) protection of D. magna against locally acting ROS, and (ii) mitigation of pesticide degradation, respectively. Gammarus’ energy assimilation was significantly affected by both EINPs, however, with distinct variation in direction and pathway dependence between nTiO2 and nAg. EINP presence delayed C. villosa emergence by up to 30 days, and revealed up to 40% reduced lipid reserves, while the organisms carried substantial amounts of nAu (~1.5 ng/mg), and nTiO2 (up to 2.7 ng/mg). This thesis shows, that moving test conditions of EINPs towards a more field-relevant approach, meaningfully modifies the risk of EINPs for aquatic organisms. Thereby, more efforts need to be made to understand the relative importance of EINP exposure pathways, especially since a transferability between different types of EINPs may not be given. When considering typically applied risk assessment factors, adverse effects on aquatic systems might already be expected at currently predicted environmental EINP concentrations in the low ng-µg/L range.
The loss of biodiversity is recognised on a global scale and also in the anthropogenic landscapes used for agriculture, now covering almost 50% of the global terrestrial land surface. In agriculture pesticides, biologically active chemicals are deliberately distributed to control pests, disease and weeds in the cropped areas. The quantification of remaining semi-naturals structures such as field margins and hedges is a prerequisite to understand the impact of pesticides on biodiversity, since these structures represent habitats for many organisms in agricultural landscapes. The presence of organisms in these habitats and crops is required to obtain an estimate of their potential pesticide exposure. In this text I provide studies on animal groups so far not addressed in risk assessment procedures for the regulation of pesticides such as amphibians, moths and bats. For all groups it becomes apparent that they are present in agricultural landscapes and potentially coincide with pesticide applications indicating a risk. Risk quantification also requires data on the sensitivity of organisms and here data for plants, amphibians and bees are presented. Effects translating to community level were studied for herbicide, insecticide and fertiliser effects in a natural system. After three years the treatments resulted in simplified plant communities with lower species numbers and a reduction in flowering plants. This reduction of flowers is used as an example for an indirect effect and was especially obvious for the effect of an herbicide on the common buttercup. Sublethal herbicide effects for a plant translated in an impact on feeding caterpillars, indicating a reduction in food quality. Insecticide inputs realistic for field margins also reduced moth pollination of white champion flowers by 30%. These indirect effects by distortions of food web characteristics are playing a critical role to understand declines in organism groups, however so far are not accounted for in pesticide risk assessment schemes. The current intense use of pesticides in agriculture and their inherent toxicity may lead to a chemical landscape fragmentation, where populations may not be connected anymore. Source-sink dynamics are important ecological processes and as a final result not only population size but also genetic population structure might be affected. Including potential pesticide impacts as costs in a model for amphibians migrating to breeding ponds in vineyards in Rhineland-Palatinate indicated the isolation of investigated populations. A first validation by analyzing the population structure of the European common frog confirmed the model prediction for some sites. For the regulation of pesticides in Europe a risk assessment is required and for the organisms of the terrestrial habitat a multitude of guidance documents is in place or is recently developed or improved. The results of the presented research indicate that wild plants and especially their reproductive flower stage are highly sensitive and risks are underestimated. Population recovery of arthropods needs a reevaluation at landscape scale and the addition of amphibian risk assessment in regulation procedures is suggested. However, developing or adopting risk assessment procedures and test systems is a time consuming task and therefore the establishment of risk management options is a pragmatic alternative with immediate effects. Artificial wetlands in the agricultural landscape proved to be important foraging sites for bats and their creation could mitigate negative pesticide effects. The integration of direct and indirect effects in a risk assessment scheme for all organism groups addressing also landscape scale and pesticide mixtures requires a long developing time. The establishment of model landscapes where management options and integrated pest management are applied on a larger scale would allow us to study pesticide effects in a realistic scenario and to develop an approach for the agriculture of the future.
With 47% land coverage in 2016, agricultural land was one of the largest terrestrial biomes in Germany. About 70% of the agricultural land was cropped area with associated pesticide applications. Agricultural land also represents an essential habitat for amphibians. Therefore, exposure of amphibians to agrochemicals, such as fertilizers and pesticides, seems likely. Pesticides can be highly toxic for amphibians, even a fraction of the original application rate may result in high amphibian mortality.
To evaluate the potential risk of pesticide exposure for amphibians, the temporal coincidence of amphibian presence on agricultural land and pesticide applications (N = 331) was analyzed for the fire-bellied toad (Bombina bombina), moor frog (Rana arvalis), spadefoot toad (Pelobates fuscus) and crested newt (Triturus cristatus) during spring migration. In 2007 and 2008, up to 80% of the migrating amphibians temporally coincided with pesticide applications in the study area of Müncheberg, about 50 km east of Berlin. Pesticide interception by plants ranged between 50 to 90% in winter cereals and 80 to 90% in winter rape. The highest coincidence was observed for the spadefoot toad, where 86.6% of the reproducing population was affected by a single pesticide in winter rape during stem elongation with 80% pesticide interception by plants. Late migrating species, such as the fire-bellied toad and the spadefoot toad, overlapped more with pesticide applications than early migrating species, such as the moor frog, did. Under favorable circumstances, the majority of early migrants may not coincide with the pesticide applications of arable fields during spring migration.
To evaluate the potential effect of pesticide applications on populations of the common frog (Rana temporaria), a landscape genetic study was conducted in the vinicultural area of Southern Palatinate. Due to small sample sizes at breeding sites within viniculture, several DNA sampling methods were tested. Furthermore, the novel repeated randomized selection of genotypes approach was developed to utilize genetic data from siblings for more reliable estimates of genetic parameters. Genetic analyses highlighted three of the breeding site populations located in viniculture as isolated from the meta-population. Genetic differentiation among breeding site populations in the viniculture (median pairwise FST=0.0215 at 2.34 km to 0.0987 at 2.39 km distance) was higher compared to genetic differentiation among breeding site populations in the Palatinate Forest (median pairwise FST=0.0041 at 5.39 km to 0.0159 at 9.40 km distance).
The presented studies add valuable information about the risk of pesticide exposure for amphibians in the terrestrial life stage and possible effects of agricultural land on amphibian meta-populations. To conserve endemic amphibian species and their (genetic) diversity in the long run, the risk assessment of pesticides and applied agricultural management measures need to be adjusted to protect amphibians adequately. In addition, other conservation measures such as the creation of new suitable breeding site should be considered to improve connectivity between breeding site populations and ensure the persistence of amphibians in the agricultural land.
The European weatherfish (Misgurnus fossilis) is a benthic freshwater fish species belonging to the family Cobitidae, that is subjected to a considerable decline in many regions across its original distribution range. Due to its cryptic behavior and low economic value, the causes of threat to weatherfish remained partly unknown and the species is rarely at the center of conservation efforts. In order to address these concerns, the overall aim of the present thesis was to provide a comprehensive approach for weatherfish conservation, including the development of stocking measures, investigations on the species autecology and the evaluation of potential threats. The first objective was to devise and implement a regional reintroduction and stock enhancement program with hatchery-reared weatherfish in Germany. Within this program (2014-2016), a total number of 168,500 juvenile weatherfish were stocked to seven water systems. Recaptures of 45 individuals at two reintroduction sites supported the conclusion that the developed stocking strategy was appropriate. In order to broaden the knowledge about weatherfish autecology and thereby refining the rearing conditions and the selection of appropriate stocking waters, the second objective was to investigate the thermal requirements of weatherfish larvae. Here, the obtained results revealed that temperatures higher than previously suggested were tolerated by larvae, whereas low temperatures within the range of likely habitat conditions increased mortality rates. As weatherfish can be frequently found in agriculturally impacted waters (e.g. ditch systems), they are assumed to have an increased probability to be exposed to chemical stress. Since the resulting risk has not yet been investigated with a focus on weatherfish, the third objective was to provide a methodical foundation for toxicity testing that additionally complies with the requirements of alternative test methods. For this purpose, the acute fish embryo toxicity test was successfully transferred to weatherfish and first results exhibited that sensitivity of weatherfish towards a tested reference substance (3,4-dichloroaniline) was highest compared to other species. On the basis of these findings, the fourth objective was to apply weatherfish embryos for multiple sediment bioassays in order to investigate teratogenic effects derived from sediment-associated contaminants. In this context, weatherfish revealed particular sensitivity to water extractable substances, indicating that sediment contamination might pose a considerable risk. Moreover, as an endangered benthic fish species with high ecological relevance for European waters that are specifically exposed to hazardous contaminants, the weatherfish might be a prospective species for an ecological risk assessment of sediment toxicity. Overall, the present thesis contributed to the conservation of weatherfish by considering a variety of aspects that interact and reinforce one another in order to achieve improvements for the species situation.
Systemic neonicotinoids are one of the most widely used insecticide classes worldwide. In addition to their use in agriculture, they are increasingly applied on forest trees as a protective measure against insect pests. However, senescent leaves containing neonicotinoids might, inter alia during autumn leaf fall, enter nearby streams. There, the hydrophilic neonicotinoids may be remobilized from leaves to water resulting in waterborne exposure of aquatic non-target organisms. Despite the insensitivity of the standard test species Daphnia magna (Crustacea, Cladocera) toward neonicotinoids, a potential risk for aquatic organisms is evident as many other aquatic invertebrates (in particular insects and amphipods) display adverse effects when exposed to neonicotinoids in the ng/L- to low µg/L-range. In addition to waterborne exposure, in particular leaf-shredding invertebrates (= shredders) might be adversely affected by the introduction of neonicotinoid-contaminated leaves into the aquatic environment since they heavily rely on leaf litter as food source. However, dietary neonicotinoid exposure of aquatic shredders has hardly received any attention from researchers and is not considered during aquatic environmental risk assessment. The primary aim of this thesis is, therefore, (1) to characterize foliar neonicotinoid residues and exposure pathways relevant for aquatic shredders, (2) to investigate ecotoxicological effects of waterborne and dietary exposure on two model shredders, namely Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea, Amphipoda) and Chaetopteryx villosa (Insecta, Trichoptera), and (3) to identify biotic and abiotic factors potentially modulating exposure under field conditions.
During the course of this thesis, ecotoxicologically relevant foliar residues of the neonicotinoids imidacloprid, thiacloprid and acetamiprid were quantified in black alder trees treated at field relevant levels. A worst-case model – developed to simulate imidacloprid water concentrations resulting from an input of contaminated leaves into a stream – predicted only low aqueous imidacloprid concentrations (i.e., ng/L-range). However, the model identified dietary uptake as an additional exposure pathway relevant for shredders up to a few days after the leaves’ introduction into the stream. When test organisms were simultaneously exposed (= combined exposure) to neonicotinoids leaching from leaves into the water and via the consumption of contaminated leaves, adverse effects exceeded those observed under waterborne exposure alone. When exposure pathways were separated using a flow-through system, dietary exposure towards thiacloprid-contaminated leaves caused similar sublethal adverse effects in G. fossarum as observed under waterborne exposure. Moreover, the effect sizes observed under combined exposure were largely predictable using the reference model “independent action”, which assumes different molecular target sites to be affected. Dietary toxicity for shredders might, however, be reduced under field conditions since UV-induced photodegradation and leaching decreased imidacloprid residues in leaves and thereby the toxicity for G. fossarum. In contrast, both shredders were found unable to actively avoid dietary exposure. This thesis thus recommends considering dietary exposure towards systemic insecticides, such as neonicotinoids, already during their registration to safeguard aquatic shredders, associated ecosystem functions (e.g., leaf litter breakdown) and ultimately ecosystem integrity.