Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Habilitation (1)
- Wirbellose (2) (remove)
Environmental processes transforming inorganic nanoparticles: implications on aquatic invertebrates
Engineered inorganic nanoparticles (EINPs) are produced and utilized on a large scale and will end up in surface waters. Once in surface waters, EINPs are subjected to transformations induced by environmental processes altering the particles’ fate and inherent toxicity. UV irradiation of photoactive EINPs is defined as one effect-inducing pathway, leading to the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), increasing EINP toxicity by exerting oxidative stress in aquatic life. Simultaneously, UV irradiation of photoactive EINP alters the toxicity of co-occurring micropollutants (e.g. pesticides) by affecting their degradation. The presence of natural organic matter (NOM) reduces the agglomeration and sedimentation of EINPs, extending the exposure of pelagic species, while delaying the exposure of benthic species living in and on the sediment, which is suggested as final sink for EINPs. However, the joint impact of NOM and UV irradiation on EINP-induced toxicity, but also EINP-induced degradation of micropollutants, and the resulting risk for aquatic biota, is poorly understood. Although potential effects of EINPs on benthic species are increasingly investigated, the importance of exposure pathways (waterborne or dietary) is unclear, along with the reciprocal pathway of EINPs, i.e. the transport back from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems. Therefore, this thesis investigates: (i) how the presence of NOM affects the UV-induced toxicity of the model EINP titanium dioxide (nTiO2) on the pelagic organism Daphnia magna, (ii) to which extent UV irradiation of nTiO2 in the presence and absence of NOM modifies the toxicity of six selected pesticides in D. magna, (iii) potential exposure pathway dependent effects of nTiO2 and silver (nAg) EINPs on the benthic organism Gammarus fossarum, and (iv) the transport of nTiO2 and gold EINPs (nAu) via the merolimnic aquatic insect Chaetopteryx villosa back to terrestrial ecosystems. nTiO2 toxicity in D. magna increased up to 280-fold in the presence of UV light, and was mitigated by NOM up to 12-fold. Depending on the pesticide, UV irradiation of nTiO2 reduced but also enhanced pesticide toxicity, by (i) more efficient pesticide degradation, and presumably (ii) formation of toxic by-products, respectively. Likewise, NOM reduced and increased pesticide toxicity, induced by (i) protection of D. magna against locally acting ROS, and (ii) mitigation of pesticide degradation, respectively. Gammarus’ energy assimilation was significantly affected by both EINPs, however, with distinct variation in direction and pathway dependence between nTiO2 and nAg. EINP presence delayed C. villosa emergence by up to 30 days, and revealed up to 40% reduced lipid reserves, while the organisms carried substantial amounts of nAu (~1.5 ng/mg), and nTiO2 (up to 2.7 ng/mg). This thesis shows, that moving test conditions of EINPs towards a more field-relevant approach, meaningfully modifies the risk of EINPs for aquatic organisms. Thereby, more efforts need to be made to understand the relative importance of EINP exposure pathways, especially since a transferability between different types of EINPs may not be given. When considering typically applied risk assessment factors, adverse effects on aquatic systems might already be expected at currently predicted environmental EINP concentrations in the low ng-µg/L range.
This habilitation thesis deals with the effects of toxicants on freshwater ecosystems and considers different toxicant classes (pesticides, organic toxicants, salinity) and biotic endpoints (taxonomic community structure, trait community structure, ecosystem functions).
The thesis comprises 12 peer-reviewed international publications on these topics. All of the related studies rely on mesocosm or field investigations, or the analysis of field biomonitoring or chemical monitoring data. Publications I and II are devoted to passive sampling of a neonicotinoid insecticide and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), respectively. They show that biofouling and a diffusion-limiting membrane can reduce the sampling rate of the pulsed insecticide exposure and that receiving phases of different thicknesses can be used to assess the kinetic regime during field deployment of passive samplers. Publications III to VI mainly focus on trait-based approaches to reveal toxicant effects on invertebrates in streams. An overview on the framework and several applications of a trait-based approach to detect effects of pesticides (SPEARpesticides index) are given in publication III. Publication IV describes the development of a trait database for South-East Australian stream invertebrates and its successful application in the adaptation of SPEARpesticides as well as the development of a salinity index. Moreover, a conceptual model for the future development of trait-based biomonitoring indices is proposed. Publication V reports a mesocom study on the effects of a neonicotinoid insecticide on field-realistic invertebrate communities. The insecticide had long-term effects on the invertebrate communities, which were only detected when grouping the taxa according to their life-history traits. A comprehensive field study employing different pesticide sampling methods including passive sampling and biomonitoring of the invertebrate and microbial communities is presented in publication VI. The study did not find pesticide-induced changes in the microbial communities, but detected adverse effects of current-use pesticides on the invertebrate communities using the trait-based SPEARpesticides index. This index is also applied in a meta-analysis on thresholds for the effects of pesticides on invertebrate communities in publication VII. It is shown that there is a similar dose-response relationship between SPEARpesticides and pesticide toxicity over different biogeographical regions and continents. In addition, the thresholds for effects of pesticides are lower than derived from most mesocosm studies and than considered in regulatory pesticide risk assessment. The publications VIII to X use statistical data analysis approaches to examine effects of toxicants in freshwater ecosystems. Using governmental monitoring data on 331 organic toxicants monitored monthly in 4 rivers over 11 years, publication VIII finds that organic toxicants frequently occurred in concentrations envisaging acute toxic effects on invertebrates and algae even in large rivers. Insecticides and herbicides were the chemical groups mainly contributing to the ecotoxicological risk. Publication IX introduces a novel statistical method based on a similarity index to estimate thresholds for the effects of toxicants or other stressors on ecological communities. The application of the method for deriving thresholds for salinity, heavy metals and pesticides in streams is presented in three case studies. Publication X tackles the question of interactive effects between different toxicants using data from a field study on stream invertebrates in 24 sites of South-East Australia. Both salinity and pesticides exhibited statistically significant effects on the invertebrate communities, but no interaction between the stressors was found. Moreover, salinity acted on a higher taxonomical level than pesticides suggesting evolutionary adaptation of stream invertebrates compared to pesticide stress. Publications XI and XII concentrate on the effects of toxicants on biodiversity, ecosystem functions and ecosystem services, with publication XI summarising different studies related to the ecological risk assessment for these endpoints. A field study on the effects of pesticides and salinity on the ecosystem functions of allochthonous organic matter decomposition, gross primary production and ecosystem respiration is presented in publication XII. Both pesticides and salinity reduced the breakdown of allochthonous organic matter, whereas no effects on the other ecosystem functions were detected. A chapter following these publications synoptically discusses all studies of this habilitation thesis and draws general conclusions. It is stressed that in order to advance the understanding of effects of toxicants on freshwater ecosystems more ecological realism is needed in ecotoxicological approaches and that the spatiotemporal extent of toxicant effects needs more scrutiny.