Document Type
- Diploma Thesis (1)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Master's Thesis (1)
- Institut für Informatik (3) (remove)
E-Learning Anwendungen sind heutzutage im Trend. Jedoch nicht nur aus diesem Grund sind sie vom großen Interesse. Im Vordergrund steht ihr didaktisches Konzept. Heutzutage ist es technisch möglich, die Teilnehmer interaktiv in einen
E- Learning Kurs einzubinden. Die Lernschritte können durch die Anwendung kontrolliert werden. Im Gegensatz zu einer Vorlesung, kann die Theorie direkt mit der Praxis verknüpft werden. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist die Erstellung eines Konzeptes und die Entwicklung eines Prototypen einer interaktiven Entwicklungsumgebung von Java für Programmieranfänger. In dieser Arbeit wurden aktuelle E-Learning Plattformen zu Java analysiert. Aus den gewonnen Erkenntnissen wurde ein Konzept für eine E-Learningplattform entwickelt. Dieses Konzept wurde erfolgreich als Prototyp implementiert. Für die Implementation wurden bewährte Technologien, wie das Django-Framework und das Javascript-Framework Vue.js eingesetzt. Der Kurs wurde von neun Teilnehmern getestet. Zusätzlich wurde eine Umfrage zu der Kursanwendung durchgeführt. Das Testergebnis bestätigt, dass die Teilnehmer den Kurs bestanden haben.
Virtual reality is a growing field of interest as it provides a particular intuitive way of user-interaction. However, there are still open technical issues regarding latency — the delay between interaction and display reaction — and the trade-off between visual quality and frame-rate of real-time graphics, especially when taking visual effects like specular and semi-transparent surfaces and volumes into account. One solution, a distributed rendering setup, is presented in this thesis, in which the image synthesis is divided into an accurate but costly physically based rendering thread with a low refresh rate and a fast reprojection thread to remain a responsive interactivity with a high frame-rate. Two novel reprojection techniques are proposed that cover reflections and refractions produced by surface ray-tracing as well as volumetric light transport generated by volume ray-marching. The introduced setup can enhance the VR experience within several domains. In this thesis, three innovative training applications have been realized to investigate the added value of virtual reality to the three learning stages of observation, interaction and collaboration. For each stage an interdisciplinary curriculum, currently taught with traditional media, was transferred to a VR setting in order to investigate how virtual reality is capable of providing a natural, flexible and efficient learning environment
Motion capture refers to the process of capturing, processing and trans- lating real motions onto a 3D model. Not only in the movie and gaming industries, motion capture creates an indispensable realism of human and animal movement. Also in the context of robotics, medical movement therapy, as well as in AR and VR, motion capture is used extensively. In addition to the well established optical processes, especially in the last three areas, alternative systems based on inertial navigation (IMUs) are being used in-creasingly, because they do not rely on external cameras and thus limit the area of movement considerably less.
Fast evolving technical progress in the manufacturing of such IMUs allows building small sensors, wearable on the body which can transfer movements to a computer. The development of applying inertial systems to a motion capture context, however, is still at an early state. Problems like drift can currently only be minimized by adding additional hardware for correcting the read data.
In the following master thesis an IMU based motion capture system is designed and constructed. This contains the assembly of the hardware components as well as processing of the received movement data on the software side and their application to a 3D model.