000 Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke
- Gamebased (1)
- Gamebasiertheit (1)
- Tourism (1)
- Tourismus (1)
This thesis presents the analysis of gamebased touristic applications. In tourism, actions can only be motivated intrinsic. Thus, this thesis at first researches specific intrinsic motivation concepts. It shows how gamebased motivation can be produced on purpose and answers the question whether gamebased motivation can be transferred to non-gamebased applications.
Using these results, different touristic applications have been developed and evaluated.
All applications aimed to add value to the touristic experience. The applications are sorted by their mobility. There are completely mobile, completely stationary and hybrid systems in this work. There are different ways to add value which are presented in this work: Gamebased exploration, knowledge transfer and social interaction between tourists.
Finally, an authoring tool for gamebased touristic tours on smartphones is presented.