77 Psychologie
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (5)
- Article (2)
- Conference Proceedings (1)
- Adaptiver Test (1)
- Big Five (1)
- Core Self-Evaluations (1)
- Familie (1)
- Five Factor model (1)
- Kundendienst (1)
- NSSV (1)
- Persönlichkeit (1)
- Qualität (1)
- Service (1)
Examining the role of post-event processing in test anxiety—Pilot testing in three student samples
This work investigates the occurrence of post-event processing (PEP) in the context of test anxiety; PEP involves rumination and self-critical thinking following an event and commonly observed in social anxiety. Three short-term longitudinal studies in student samples examined whether PEP occurs after exams and how it is associated with test anxiety. University students (N =35 in Study 1, N =146 in Study 2, and N =37 in Study 3) completed measures of trait and state test anxiety before an actual exam; PEP related to the exam was assessed at various time points afterward. Results revealed that PEP occurred to a meaningful extent after exam situations. Overall, it was positively associated with trait and state test anxiety, although some variations in the relations were found across the three studies. These findings underscore the relevance of PEP in the context of test anxiety, as PEP might contribute to maintaining test anxiety in the long term. Implications for future studies are discussed.
The Coronavirus Pandemic has influenced the lives of many people. We analyzed the effects of physical activity and stress on students’ motivation during the Pandemic. Participants were 254 university students who reported their academic motivation, physical activity, general stress, the Coronavirus Pandemic strain, and their Coronavirus stress. Women reported higher levels of Coronavirus stress, general stress, and motivation. The Coronavirus stress was predicted by the strain of the Coronavirus Pandemic but not by physical activity. General stress and gender predicted mastery goals, and performance goals were predicted by general stress. Physical activity was not related to students’ motivation during the Pandemic. Higher levels of general stress were associated with higher academic motivation. Negative emotions like stress could have enhanced students’ motivation during uncertain times of the Pandemic. Moreover, a moderate stress level could be favorable for academic dedication and achievement.
In Kooperation mit dem TÜV SÜD und 985 Führungskräften aus deutschen Unternehmen wurde erprobt, wie Service-Qualität im Rahmen einer Onlinebefragung gemessen werden kann. Es wurde untersucht, welche Komponenten Service-Qualität umfasst, und ein Rahmenmodell entwickelt, das die Zusammenhänge zwischen Service-Qualität, Kundenzufriedenheit und dem Erfolg von Organisationen beschreibt. Die theoretische Konzeption und Operationalisierung des Konstrukts wurde mittels konfirmatorischer Faktorenanalysen überprüft und bestätigt. Das Rahmenmodell der Studie wurde als Strukturgleichungsmodell formuliert und konnte ebenfalls empirisch bestätigt werden. Die Ergebnisse und deren Auswirkung auf die Weiterentwicklung der bestehenden wissenschaftlichen Theorien zu den Konstrukten Service-Qualität, Kundenzufriedenheit und Erfolg von Organisationen wurden kritisch diskutiert.
Zur Steigerung der Ökonomie des Verfahrens wurde ein adaptiver Test zur Erfassung von Service-Qualität entwickelt. Im Rahmen der probabilistischen Testtheorie wurde geprüft, welches Item Response-Modell die empirischen Daten gut beschreiben kann. Als Grundlage für den adaptiven Test wurden die Item-Parameter modellkonform bestimmt. In einer Simulationsstudie wurde untersucht, ob die Ergebnisse der Onlinebefragung sich bedeutsam von den Ergebnissen adaptiver Tests mit unterschiedlichen Konfigurationen unterscheiden. Der Vergleich der Konfigurationen, die sich darin unterschieden, wie der Personenparameter geschätzt wurde und nach welchem Algorithmus das nächste Test-Item gewählt wurde, zeigte, welche Konfigurationen eingesetzt werden können, um eine möglichst geringe Testlänge zu erzielen, ohne dabei bedeutsame Einbußen bei der Reliabilität und Validität der Messung in Kauf zu nehmen. Unter Berücksichtigung dieser Erkenntnisse wurde der Fragebogen zur Erfassung von Service-Qualität als computerbasierter adaptiver Test umgesetzt. Diese neue Erfassungsmethode wurde in der Praxis erprobt, und abschließend wurden Nützlichkeit, Ökonomie und mögliche Nachteile, die mit dieser Art des Testens verknüpft sind, diskutiert.
Dieses Dokument, detailierte Analyseergebnisse, den adaptiven Test zur Erfassung von Service-Qualität und weitere Begleitmaterialien finden Sie unter: https://promotion.creaval.de
The scientific interest in nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) has increased in the last two decades. High prevalence and comorbidity rates, low quality of life and increased risk of suicidality highlight the importance of this research field. The present thesis focuses on intra- and interpersonal factors associated with the development and maintenance of NSSI.
The aim of study 1 was the examination of personality traits of adolescents with NSSI without Borderline Personality Disorder (NSSI-BPD), adolescents with NSSI and BPD (NSSI+BPD), clinical controls (CC) and nonclinical controls (NC). Results showed that adolescents with NSSI disorder scored significantly higher on novelty seeking and harm avoidance and lower on persistence, self-directedness, and cooperativeness than CC. In adolescents with NSSI+BPD this personality pattern was even more pronounced than in adolescents with NSSI-BPD.
Adolescents´ NSSI leads to distress that affects the whole family system, often resulting in conflicts and disrupted family communication and functioning. Parents report feelings of distress, insecurity and helplessness. Adolescents with NSSI report more parental criticism and control and less support than adolescents without NSSI. Study 2 investigated the parenting behavior in families of adolescents with NSSI. Adolescents with NSSI reported less maternal warmth and support than NC adolescents. Mothers of adolescents with NSSI showed higher psychopathology scores than NC mothers and less parental satisfaction than CC and NC mothers.
Siblings are also reported to suffer from changes in family dynamics. The aim of study 3 was to examine the sibling relationship quality of adolescents with NSSI, CC and NC. Siblings reported a wide range of negative emotional and familial consequences as a result of their sister´s NSSI. Siblings of adolescents with NSSI experienced significantly more coercion in the relationship with their sister compared to CC and NC siblings. Adolescents with NSSI reported significantly less warmth and empathy in the sibling relationship and higher rivalry scores between their siblings and themselves than NC adolescents. For both, adolescents with NSSI and their siblings, associations were found between sibling relationship quality and internalizing problems.
Study 4 aimed to further explore the family emotional climate. Therefore, the level of expressed emotion (EE) was assessed in adolescents with NSSI, CC, NC and their mothers. Parental high EE (HEE) is linked to adolescent NSSI, especially parental criticism seems to be strongly associated with NSSI. Previous research into NSSI and EE has focused on parental EE, however, the conceptualization of EE as a unidirectional construct from parent to child may present an incomplete picture. Therefore, the current study included both, adolescent and maternal EE. Adolescents in the NSSI and CC group more often met criteria for HEE than NC. Adolescents with NSSI exhibited significantly more covert criticism and critical tone toward their mothers than CC and NC. HEE of adolescents with NSSI was associated with a range of difficulties in emotion regulation. For the total sample, moderate concordance was found between adolescents and mothers EE-status.
The research presented in this thesis has important clinical implications. The differences in personality traits of adolescents with NSSI with and without BPD underline the need for a dimensional personality assessment as well as specific treatment programs for adolescents with NSSI-BPD. Problems within the family are frequent triggers for NSSI. Therefore, interventions for adolescents with NSSI should include both, the improvement of emotion regulation and family interaction and communication. Along with the reduction of negative relationship aspects, psychotherapy should also focus on the enhancement of positive relationship quality. The emotional burden of family members stresses the need for emotional and practical support for parents and siblings.
Die Studien der vorliegenden Arbeit untersuchen geschlechtsspezifisch-emotionale Reaktionsmuster auf stärkere und weniger stark emotionalisierte Texte verschiedener Textarten zu negativen Themen. Zusätzlich finden verschiedene Ausprägungen von Geschlechterstereotypen und dahingehend mögliche Zusammenhänge mit emotionalen Reaktionen Berücksichtigung. Versuchspersonen wurden mit Textmaterial konfrontiert und sollten daraufhin mit Hilfe des Emotionsfragebogens M-DAS ihre emotionalen Reaktionen bewerten. Frauen zeigten eine stärkere Ergriffenheit in Bezug auf das Textmaterial im Allgemeinen und besonders auf emotionalisiertes Textmaterial. Gemischte Ergebnisse zeigten sich in Bezug auf geschlechtertypische Textarten. Eine Sachtextpräferenz der Männer ließ sich ebensowenig signifikant belegen wie die erwartete stärkere Vorliebe der Frauen für literarische Texte. Geschlechtsspezifische Emotionen wurden weitestgehend erwartungskonform berichtet: Frauen reagierten mit stärkerer Angst und Trauer auf das Textmaterial, Männer mit stärkerer Verachtung. Die Ergebnisse in Bezug auf Wut sind gemischt, in einigen Fällen wurde Wut jedoch stärker von den Frauen berichtet. Die Untersuchung der Zusammenhänge zwischen internalisierten Stereotypen ergab Einflüsse hauptsächlich von weiblichen Stereotypen auf emotionale Reaktionen, männliche Stereotype konnten nur in einer Teilfragestellung als Einflussfaktor ausgemacht werden. Emotionsbezogene Stereotype wiesen keine Zusammenhänge mit emotionalen Reaktionen auf. Insgesamt belegen die Ergebnisse der Arbeit, dass sich geschlechterspezifische Unterschiede in emotionalen Reaktionen finden lassen.
Previous research revealed that teachers hold beliefs about gifted students combining high intellectual ability with deficits in non-cognitive domains, outlined in the so-called disharmony hypothesis. Since teachers’ beliefs about giftedness can influence which students they identify as gifted, the empirical investigation of beliefs is of great practical relevance. This dissertation comprises three research articles that investigated teacher beliefs about gifted students’ characteristics in samples of pre-service teachers using an experimental vignette approach. Chapter I starts with a general introduction into beliefs, and presents the research aims of the present dissertation. The first article (Chapter II) focused on the interaction of beliefs about giftedness and gender in a sample of Australian pre-service teachers and tested if social desirability occurred when using the vignette design. Beside evidence for beliefs in line with the disharmony hypothesis, results revealed typical gender stereotypes. However, beliefs about giftedness appeared not to be gender specific and thus, to be similar for gifted girls and boys. The vignette approach was found to be an adequate design for assessing teacher beliefs. The second article (Chapter III) investigated teacher beliefs and their relationship to motivational orientations for teaching gifted students in a cross-country sample of German and Australian pre-service teachers. Motivational orientations comprise cognitive components (self-efficacy) and affective components (enthusiasm). Findings revealed beliefs in the sense of the disharmony hypothesis for pre-service teachers from both countries. Giftedness when paired with beliefs about high maladjustment was found to be negatively related to teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching gifted students. The third article (Chapter IV) examined the role of teachers’ belief in a just world for the formation of beliefs using a sample of Belgian pre-service teachers. It was found that the stronger pre-service teachers’ belief in a just world was, the more they perceived gifted students’ high intellectual ability as unfair and thus, neutralized that injustice by de-evaluating students’ non-cognitive abilities. In a general discussion (Chapter V), findings of the three articles are combined and reflected. Taken together, the present dissertation showed that teacher beliefs about gifted students’ characteristics are not gender specific, generalizable over countries, negatively related to teacher motivation and can be driven by fairness beliefs.
Student misbehavior and its treatment is a major challenge for teachers and a threat to their well-being. Indeed, teachers are obliged to punish student misbehavior on a regular basis. Additionally, teachers’ punishment decisions are among the most frequently reported situations when it comes to students’ experiences of injustice in school. By implication, it is crucial to understand teachers’ treatment of student misbehavior vis-à-vis students’ perceptions. One key dimension of punishment behavior reflects its underlying motivation and goals. People generally intend to achieve three goals when punishing misbehavior, namely, retribution (i.e., evening out the harm caused), special prevention (i.e., preventing recidivism of the offender), and general prevention (i.e., preventing imitation of others). Importantly, people’s support of these punishment goals is subject to hierarchy and power, implying that teachers’ and students’ punishment goal preferences differ. In this dissertation, I present three research projects that shed first light on teachers’ punishment and its goals along with the students’ perception of classroom intervention strategies pursuing these goals. More specifically, I first examined students’ (i.e., children’s) general support of each of the three punishment goals sketched above. Furthermore, I applied an attributional approach to understand and study the goals teachers intend to achieve when punishing student misbehavior. Finally, I investigated teachers’ and students’ support of the punishment goals regarding the same student misbehavior to directly compare their views on these goals and reactions pursuing them. In sum, the findings show that students generally prefer retribution and special prevention to general prevention, whereas teachers prefer general prevention and special prevention to retribution. This ultimately translates into a "mismatch" of teachers and students in their preferences for specific punishment goals, and the findings suggest that this may indeed enhance students’ perception of injustice. Overall, the results of the present research program may be valuable for the development of classroom intervention strategies that may reduce rather than enhance conflicts in student-teacher-interactions.
Five personality traits commonly known as the “Big Five” have been widely acknowledged as universal. But most available psychological instruments are not necessarily transferable to other cultures. They are referred to as “W.E.I.R.D.” (western, educated, industrial, rich, democratic) and lack the combined emic-etic approach that is necessary for a transcultural perspective. This intercontinental congress brings experts from Kenya and Germany together – thinking out of the box and collecting ideas for a scientific based partnership of East Africa and Europe. Main topics are psychological constructs that prove relevant for Human Resources Management. The Five-Factor Model, core self-evaluations, coping processes and acculturation as well as globalization effects and gender issues are discussed.