Fachbereich 5
Year of publication
- 2016 (3) (remove)
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (2)
- Diploma Thesis (1)
- Animationsfilm (1)
- Betriebspädagogik (1)
- Controlling (1)
- Dialog (1)
- Filmdarstellung (1)
- Filmfiguren (1)
- Filmgestalt (1)
- Führung (1)
- Inhaltsanalyse (1)
- Management (1)
- Quantitative Inhaltsanalyse (1)
- Rationalität (1)
- Risiko (1)
- Servicepersonal (1)
- Zeichentrickfilm (1)
- rationality (1)
- social system (1)
- soziales System (1)
- stationäre Pflege (1)
Immer häufiger kommt es zum Einsatz von Servicepersonal in Krankenhäusern und anderen pflegerischen Einrichtungen um dem Fachkräftemangel in der Pflege zu kompensieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt eine Kompatibilität von Tätigkeiten von Servicepersonal und Professionstheorien der Pflege, sowie einen Lernbedarf für Servicepersonal im Setting der stationären Pflege im Krankenhaus.
Pflegeexperten sind der Meinung, dass ein Einsatz von Servicepersonal, das in der Lage ist, durch definierte Tätigkeiten und Anforderungen Pflegepersonal zu unterstützen, notwendig ist. Zur Entwicklung von Handlungskompetenz für ausgewählte Tätigkeiten bietet ein situatives, tätigkeitsbezogenes Anforderungsprofil, gegliedert nach dem Kompetenzmodell in persönliche, soziale, methodische und fachliche Kompetenz, eine Grundlage für eine Bildungsmaßnahme für Servicepersonal.
Die Erkenntnisse dieser Arbeit tragen einen Teil dazu bei, den gegenwärtigen und künftigen Herausforderungen der Pflege gewachsen zu sein.
Animated children’s films can be seen as integral parts of western children’s culture and are very popular among their young target group. Accordingly an accurate scientific examination of these film’s contents seems useful. Previous quantitative content analyses are mainly concerned with “classic” Disney animated films. There is less research regarding more modern computer-animated films from different film studios. Thus the aim of the quantitative content analysis in this study is to contribute to the research field by examining portrayals in 20 very popular computer-animated films from 2000 to 2013. The focus here is on the relations between demographic, physical, linguistic as well as on personality-based and behavioral features of the film characters and their “goodness” or rather “evilness”. In conjunction with analyses of extreme groups the features of particularly “good” or rather particularly “evil” film characters are also taken into account.
In addition the features of film characters undergoing a fundamental change of their “goodness” or “evilness” during the film plot are examined. Hereby a comprehensive picture of depiction-tendencies regarding the “goodness” or rather the “evilness” of animated film characters and of the extent to which they may be associated with certain stereotypes should be enabled. In the theoretical part of this study important findings from the actual state of research concerning typical depictions in animated children’s films are summed up. Then theories and empirical findings about possible effects on children who watch such films are described. Subsequently in the empirical part of the study the methodological approach in this content analysis is explained and the corresponding results are mentioned and discussed with regard to possible effects and pedagogical conclusions. The findings indicate that the portrayal of “good” and “evil” in the films examined as a whole can be considered as stereotypical only in some points: For example “good” film characters are significantly more attractive and achieve better results at the end of a film compared to “evil” characters. But in total the findings of this content analysis can be viewed rather positive, also regarding potential effects on children. Nevertheless further research on that topic can deemed to be of concern.
Risiko-Träger Controlling: Identifizierung und Bewältigungsoptionen im Kontext dialogischer Führung
Management control seen as an element of the management process is assigned with a broad range of tasks and functions within organizations. Its role throughout risk- and goal-oriented management schemes is well established in both theory and organizational practice but its contribution to risks within the management cycle is scarcely discussed in scholarly literature. This blind spot is taken up by this research paper aiming to identify the institutionalized controlling as a risk-bearing actor within organizational management and outlining options to cover it.