Doctoral Thesis
Year of publication
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (475) (remove)
- English (249)
- German (224)
- Multiple languages (1)
- Spanish (1)
- Pestizid (8)
- Pflanzenschutzmittel (8)
- Führung (6)
- Inklusion (6)
- Grundwasserfauna (5)
- Landwirtschaft (5)
- Modellierung (4)
- Persönlichkeit (4)
- Software Engineering (4)
- Unterrichtsforschung (4)
- Fachbereich 7 (93)
- Fachbereich 8 (47)
- Institut für Informatik (35)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Biologie (29)
- Institut für Umweltwissenschaften (23)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Chemie (22)
- Fachbereich 5 (20)
- Institut für Computervisualistik (18)
- Institut für Integrierte Naturwissenschaften, Abt. Physik (13)
- Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik (13)
Sind Menschen von einer Pflegebedürftigkeit in Deutschland betroffen, so regelt der durch § 14 SGB XI festgeschriebene Pflegebedürftigkeitsbegriff den Zugang zu Leistungen der Pflegeversicherung. Der Pflegebedürftigkeitsbegriff ist dabei ein normativ gesetzter und basiert bislang nicht auf empirischen Studien aus dem Bereich der Pflege und der Pflegewissenschaft. Durch seine gesetzliche Fundierung lenkt er die Bedingungen und Strukturen, unter welchen Pflegeleistungen in Deutschland von Pflegefachpersonen erbracht werden. Weiterhin ist davon auszugehen, dass die Pflegefachpersonen durch ihre professionelle Sozialisierung einen fachlichen Fokus auf das Konstrukt der Pflegebedürftigkeit legen, welcher sich vom Pflegebedürftigkeitsbegriff unterscheidet und strukturell nicht in die Leistungsbemessung einfließt. Daraus ergeben sich Aspekte einer pflegerischen Unter- und Überversorgung.
Die vorliegende Ph.D.-Thesis verfolgt das Anliegen, die Herausforderungen des Pflegebedürftigkeitsbegriffs in Deutschland aufzuzeigen, indem die Aspekte der Pflegebedürftigkeit von Pflegefachpersonen im ambulanten Setting im Hinblick auf deren Interaktion mit pflegebedürftigen Menschen empirisch erfasst und zu einem theoretischen Konzept ausgearbeitet werden. Zur methodischen Bearbeitung des Forschungsinteresses werden problemzzentrierte Interviews mit ambulanten Pflegefachpersonen geführt, die mit Rückbezug auf den Symbolischen Interaktionismus nach Herbert Blumer unter methodologischen und methodischen Gesichtspunkten mittels einer Grounded Theory nach Kathy Charmaz sowie Juliet Corbin und Anselm Strauss erhoben und ausgewertet werden. Dabei kommt ein reflexives-konstruktivistisches Forschen und Schreiben als Konsequenz der epistemologisch-methodologischen Fundierung der Autorin zur Anwendung.
Die erarbeitete Theorie beschreibt die Herausforderungen der Pflegebedürftigkeit aus Sicht der befragten Pflegefachpersonen. So werden in der Kernkategorie Aushandlungsprozesse in den Bereichen Nähe und Distanz, Anwaltschaft und Verantwortungsüberlassung sowie Ethos und Technokratie beschrieben. Sämtliche Aspekte zeigen auf, inwiefern der gesetzliche Pflegebedürftigkeitsbegriff zu Herausforderungen innerhalb der pflegerischen Arbeit führt. Die Ph.D.-Thesis liefert mit ihren Ergebnissen einen Beitrag zur Einordnung und Relevanz pflegerischer Beziehungsarbeit im Hinblick auf herrschende Rahmenbedingungen der Pflegebedürftigkeit und zeigt auf, inwiefern sich Interaktion und Kommunikation der Akteur*innen vor dem Anspruch individueller Pflege und dem deutschen ambulanten Pflegesystem wechselseitig bedingen. Sie liefert damit einen professionell und empirisch begründeten Ansatz für die Einschätzung und Bearbeitung von pflegefachlich erlebter Pflegebedürftigkeit.
Empirical studies in software engineering use software repositories as data sources to understand software development. Repository data is either used to answer questions that guide the decision-making in the software development, or to provide tools that help with practical aspects of developers’ everyday work. Studies are classified into the field of Empirical Software Engineering (ESE), and more specifically into Mining Software Repositories (MSR). Studies working with repository data often focus on their results. Results are statements or tools, derived from the data, that help with practical aspects of software development. This thesis focuses on the methods and high order methods used to produce such results. In particular, we focus on incremental methods to scale the processing of repositories, declarative methods to compose a heterogeneous analysis, and high order methods used to reason about threats to methods operating on repositories. We summarize this as technical and methodological improvements. We contribute the improvements to methods and high-order methods in the context of MSR/ESE to produce future empirical results more effectively. We contribute the following improvements. We propose a method to improve the scalability of functions that abstract over repositories with high revision count in a theoretically founded way. We use insights on abstract algebra and program incrementalization to define a core interface of highorder functions that compute scalable static abstractions of a repository with many revisions. We evaluate the scalability of our method by benchmarks, comparing a prototype with available competitors in MSR/ESE. We propose a method to improve the definition of functions that abstract over a repository with a heterogeneous technology stack, by using concepts from declarative logic programming and combining them with ideas on megamodeling and linguistic architecture. We reproduce existing ideas on declarative logic programming with languages close to Datalog, coming from architecture recovery, source code querying, and static program analysis, and transfer them from the analysis of a homogeneous to a heterogeneous technology stack. We provide a prove-of-concept of such method in a case study. We propose a high-order method to improve the disambiguation of threats to methods used in MSR/ESE. We focus on a better disambiguation of threats, operationalizing reasoning about them, and making the implications to a valid data analysis methodology explicit, by using simulations. We encourage researchers to accomplish their work by implementing ‘fake’ simulations of their MSR/ESE scenarios, to operationalize relevant insights about alternative plausible results, negative results, potential threats and the used data analysis methodologies. We prove that such way of simulation based testing contributes to the disambiguation of threats in published MSR/ESE research.
Nanoparticles are sensitive and robust systems; they are particularly reactive due to their large surface area and have properties that the bulk material does not have. At the same time, the production of nanoparticles is challenging, because even with the same parameters and conditions, the parameters can vary slightly from run to run. In order to avoid this, this work aims to develop a continuous synthesis in the microjet reactor for nanoceria. The aim is to obtain monodisperse nanoparticles that can be used in biosensors.
This work focuses on two precipitation syntheses with the intermediate steps of cerium carbonate and cerium hydroxide, as well as a microemulsion synthesis for the production of nanoceria. The cerium oxide nanoparticles are compared using different characterisation and application methods. The synthesised nanoparticles will be characterised with respect to their size, stability, chemical composition and catalytic capabilities, by electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and photoelectron spectroscopy.
The biosensor systems to evaluate the nanoceria are designed to detect histamine and glucose or hydrogen peroxide, which are resulting from the oxidation of histamine and glucose. Hydrogen peroxide and glucose are detected by an electrochemical sensor and histamine by a colorimetric sensor system.
Classical music has played a central role in German music education since at least the second half of the 20th century. However, in more recent music pedagogical discourse, classical music remains a controversial topic. But what do music teachers think about classical music as a subject for music education? This topic has not yet been systematically researched in German-speaking music education.
In this qualitative-empirical study, eight semi-structured interviews were conducted to address the question of how music teachers perceive classical music in music education. The data was evaluated using the Grounded Theory Methodology. The theory developed from the study indicates that music teachers have varying objectives when using classical music in music education. However, they generally consider it unfamiliar to their students. To address this situation, music teachers develop various methods and strategies. These can be categorized into three approaches for dealing with the unfamiliarity of classical music: avoidance, reduction/relativization, and utilization.
The study's findings are contextualized within the framework of foreignness theory, music didactics, and transformational educational theory. This dissertation contributes to the field of music education in classical music, laying the groundwork for further theoretical, empirical, and didactic research.
Focusing on the triangulation of detective fiction, masculinity studies and disability studies, "Investigating the Disabled Detective – Disabled Masculinity and Masculine Disability in Contemporary Detective Fiction" shows that disability challenges common ideals of (hegemonic) masculinity as represented in detective fiction. After a theoretical introduction to the relevant focal points of the three research fields, the dissertation demonstrates that even the archetypal detectives Dupin and Holmes undermine certain nineteenth-century masculine ideals with their peculiarities. Shifting to contemporary detective fiction and adopting a literary disability studies perspective, the dissertation investigates how male detectives with a form of neurodiversity or a physical impairment negotiate their masculine identity in light of their disability in private and professional contexts. It argues that the occupation as a detective supports the disabled investigator to achieve ‘masculine disability’. Inversing the term ‘disabled masculinity’, predominantly used in research, ‘masculine disability’ introduces a decisively gendered reading of neurodiversity and (acquired) physical impairment in contemporary detective fiction. The term implies that the disabled detective (re)negotiates his masculine identity by implementing the disability in his professional investigations and accepting it as an important, yet not defining, characteristic of his (gender) identity. By applying this approach to five novels from contemporary British and American detective fiction, the dissertation demonstrates that masculinity and disability do not negate each other, as commonly assumed. Instead, it emphasises that disability allows the detective, as much as the reader, to rethink masculinity.
In der vorliegenden Dissertation mit dem Titel "Blickanalysen bei mentalen Rotationsaufgaben" wird eine Analyse der visuellen Verarbeitungsprozesse bei mentalen Rotationsaufgaben mittels Eye-Tracking-Technologie durchgeführt, um die zugrundeliegenden kognitiven Prozesse und Strategien, die bei der Lösung dieser Aufgaben angewandt werden, zu untersuchen. Ein Anliegen dieser Arbeit ist es, die Problemstellung zu adressieren, wie individuelle Unterschiede, insbesondere geschlechtsspezifische Differenzen in den Blickmustern, die visuelle Verarbeitung und Leistung bei mentalen Rotationsaufgaben beeinflussen. Hierzu wurden drei Studien durchgeführt, die nicht nur die Identifikation von Blickmustern und die Analyse der Leistungsunterschiede in Bezug auf Geschlecht umfassen, sondern auch die Korrelation zwischen Blickverhalten und Leistung untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Forschung bieten Einblicke in die Mechanismen der visuellen und kognitiven Verarbeitung bei mentalen Rotationsaufgaben und heben die Bedeutung des Eye-Tracking als Forschungsinstrument in der kognitiven Psychologie hervor, um ein umfassendes Verständnis der Einflussfaktoren auf räumliches Denken und Problemlösungsstrategien zu erlangen.
Diese Dissertation widmet sich der inhaltsanalytischen, quantitativen Analyse der Kompilation Disney Princess durch die Anwendung der Theorie des male gaze von Laura Mulvey, welche sie in Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema (1975) sowie Afterthoughts on `Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema‘ inspired by King Vidor´s Duel in the Sun (1946) (1981) darstellte.
Die Autorin der Dissertation nutzt die quantitative Inhaltsanalyse nach Patrick Rössler, um die Filme der Kompilation Disney Princess aus den Jahren 1937 bis 2016 sowie den Film Die Eiskönigin (2013) auf die Darstellung der weiblich und männlich gelesenen Filmfiguren im Hinblick auf die Körperproportionen, den Grad ihrer Aktivität und den Umfang ihrer Präsenz sowie das Geschlecht der Filmmitarbeiter:innen zu untersuchen.
The biodegradable polymers polylactic acid (PLA) and polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) produced from renewable raw materials were coated with hydrogenated amorphous carbon layers (a-C:H) at different deposition angles with various thicknesses as part of this thesis. Similar to conventional polymers, biopolymers often have unsuitable surface properties for industrial purposes, e.g. low hardness. For some applications, it is therefore necessary and advantageous to modify the surface properties of biopolymers while retaining the main properties of the substrate material. A suitable surface modification is the deposition of thin a-C:H layers. Their properties depend essentially on the sp² and sp³ hybridization ratio of the carbon atoms and the content of hydrogen atoms. The sp²/sp³ ratio was to be controlled in the present work by varying the coating geometry. Since coatings at 0°, directly in front of the plasma source, contain a higher percentage of sp³ and indirectly coated (180°) a higher amount of sp², it is shown in this work that it is possible to control the sp²/sp³ ratio. For this purpose, the samples are placed in front of the plasma source at angles of 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180° and coated for 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 minutes. For the angles 0°, the layer thicknesses were 25, 50, 75 and 100 nm. The a-C:H layers were all deposited using radio-frequency plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition and acetylene as C and H sources after being pretreated with an oxygen plasma for 10 minutes. Following the O₂ treatment and the a-C:H deposition, the surfaces are examined using macroscopic and microscopic measurement methods and the data is then analyzed. The surface morphology is recorded using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. In addition, data on the stability of the layer and the surface roughness can be collected. Contact angle (CA) measurements are used to determine not only the wettability, but also the contact angle hysteresis by pumping the drop volume up and down. By measuring the CA with different liquids and comparing them, the surface free energy (SFE) and its polar and disperse components are determined. The changes in barrier properties are verified by water vapor transmission rate tests (WVTR). The chemical analysis of the surface is carried out on the one hand by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy with specular reflection and on the other hand by synchrotron-supported techniques such as near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. When analyzing the surfaces after the O₂ treatment, which was initially assumed to serve only to clean and activate the surface for the a-C:H coating, it was found that the changes were more drastic than originally assumed. For example, if PLA is treated at 0° for 10 minutes, the roughness increases fivefold. As the angle increases, it decreases again until it returns to the initial value at 180°. This can be recognized to a lesser extent with PHB at 30°. For both polymers, it can be shown that the polar fraction of the SFE increases. In the WVTR, a decrease in permeability can be observed for PLA and an increase in the initial value for PHB. The chemical surface analysis shows that the O₂ treatment has little effect on the surface bonds. Overall, it can be shown in this work that the O₂ treatment has an effect on the properties of the surface and cannot be regarded exclusively as a cleaning and activation process. With direct a-C:H coating (at 0°), a layer failure due to internal stress can be observed for both PLA and PHB. This also occurs with PHB at 30°, but to a lesser extent. Permeability of the polymers is reduced by 47% with a five-minute coating and the layer at 10.0 minutes continues to have this effect despite cracks appearing. The application of a-C:H layers shows a dominance of sp³ bonds for both polymer types with direct coating. This decreases with increasing angle and sp² bonds become dominant for indirect coatings. This result is similar for all coating thicknesses, only the angle at which the change of the dominant bond takes place is different. It is shown that it is possible to control the surface properties by an angle-dependent coating and thus to control the ratio sp²/sp³.
In international business relationships, such as international railway operations, large amounts of data can be exchanged among the parties involved. For the exchange of such data, a limited risk of being cheated by another party, e.g., by being provided with fake data, as well as reasonable cost and a foreseeable benefit, is expected. As the exchanged data can be used to make critical business decisions, there is a high incentive for one party to manipulate the data in its favor. To prevent this type of manipulation, mechanisms exist to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the data. In combination with a fair exchange protocol, it can be ensured that the integrity and authenticity of this data is maintained even when it is exchanged with another party. At the same time, such a protocol ensures that the exchange of data only takes place in conjunction with the agreed compensation, such as a payment, and that the payment is only made if the integrity and authenticity of the data is ensured as previously agreed. However, in order to be able to guarantee fairness, a fair exchange protocol must involve a trusted third party. To avoid fraud by a single centralized party acting as a trusted third party, current research proposes decentralizing the trusted third party, e.g., by using a distributed ledger based fair exchange protocol. However, for assessing the fairness of such an exchange, state-of-the-art approaches neglect costs arising for the parties conducting the fair exchange. This can result in a violation of the outlined expectation of reasonable cost, especially when distributed ledgers are involved, which are typically associated with non-negligible costs. Furthermore, the performance of typical distributed ledger-based fair exchange protocols is limited, posing an obstacle to widespread adoption.
To overcome the challenges, in this thesis, we introduce the foundation for a data exchange platform allowing for a fully decentralized fair data exchange with reasonable cost and performance. As a theoretical foundation, we introduce the concept of cost fairness, which considers cost for the fairness assessment by requesting that a party following the fair exchange protocol never suffers any unilateral disadvantages. We prove that cost fairness cannot be achieved using typical public distributed ledgers but requires customized distributed ledger instances, which usually lack complete decentralization. However, we show that the highest unilateral cost are caused by a grieving attack.
To allow fair data exchanges to be conducted with reasonable cost and performance, we introduce FairSCE, a distributed ledger-based fair exchange protocol using distributed ledger state channels and incorporating a mechanism to protect against grieving attacks, reducing the possible unilateral cost that have to be covered to a minimum. Based on our evaluation of FairSCE, the worst-case cost for data exchange, even in the presence of malicious parties, is known, which allows an estimate of the possible benefit and, thus, the preliminary estimate of economic utility. Furthermore, to allow for an unambiguous assessment of the correct data being transferred while still allowing for sensitive parts of the data to be masked, we introduce an approach for the hashing of hierarchically structured data, which can be used to ensure integrity and authenticity of the data being transferred.
Degenerative changes in the spine as well as back pain can be considered a common ailment. Incorrect loading of the lumbar spine structures is often considered as one of the factors that can accelerate degenerative processes, leading to back pain. For example, a degenerative change could be the occurrence of spinal stenosis following spondylolisthesis. Surgical treatment of spinal stenosis mainly focuses on decompressing the spinal canal with or without additional fusion through dorsal spondylodesis. There are differing opinions on whether fusion along with decompression provides potential benefits to patients or represents an overtreatment. Both conventional therapies and surgical methods aim to restore a “healthy” (or at least pain-free) distribution of load. Surprisingly little is known about the interindividual variability of load distribution in “healthy” lumbar spines. Since medical imaging does not provide information on internal forces, computer simulation of individual patients could be a tool to gain a set of new decision criteria for these cases. The advantage lies in calculating the internal load distribution, which is not feasible in in-vivo studies, as measurements of internal forces in living subjects are ethically and partially technically unfeasible. In the present research, the forward dynamic approach is used to calculate load distribution in multi-body models of individual lumbar spines. The work is structured into three parts: (I) Load distribution is quantified depending on the individual curvature of the lumbar spine. (II) Confidence intervals of the instantaneous center of rotation over time are determined, with which the motion behavior of healthy lumbar spines can be described. (III) Lastly, the effects of decompression surgeries on the load distribution of lumbar spines are determined.
How to begin? This short question addresses a problem that is anything but simple, especially when regarding something as sophisticated and multilayered as musical theatre. However, scholars of this vast research area have mostly neglected this question so far. This study analyses and compares the initial sections of late Victorian popular musical theatre and is therefore a contribution to several fields of research: the analysis of initial sections of musical theatre in general, the analysis of the music of popular musical theatre in particular, and therefore operetta studies. The 1890s are especially interesting times for popular musical theatre in London: The premiered works include the last collaborations of Gilbert and Sullivan as well as offshoots of Savoy opera; but the so-called ‘naughty nineties’ also saw the emergence of a new genre, musical comedy, which captured the late Victorian zeitgeist like no other. This new form of theatrical entertainment was carefully and consciously constructed and promoted as modern and fashionable, walking a fine line between respectability and mildly risqué excitement.
Because a deep understanding of the developments and new tendencies concerning popular musical theatre in the 1890s is crucial in order to interpret differences as well as similarities, the analyses of the opening numbers are preceded by a detailed discussion of the relevant genres: comic opera, musical comedy, musical play and operetta. Since the producers of the analysed works wanted to distance themselves from former and supposedly old-fashioned traditions, this book also considers influences from their British predecessors, but also from Viennese operetta and French opéra bouffe.
The goal of this PhD thesis is to investigate possibilities of using symbol elimination for solving problems over complex theories and analyze the applicability of such uniform approaches in different areas of application, such as verification, knowledge representation and graph theory. In the thesis we propose an approach to symbol elimination in complex theories that follows the general idea of combining hierarchical reasoning with symbol elimination in standard theories. We analyze how this general approach can be specialized and used in different areas of application.
In the verification of parametric systems it is important to prove that certain safety properties hold. This can be done by showing that a property is an inductive invariant of the system, i.e. it holds in the initial state of the system and is invariant under updates of the system. Sometimes this is not the case for the condition itself, but for a stronger condition it is. In this thesis we propose a method for goal-directed invariant strengthening.
In knowledge representation we often have to deal with huge ontologies. Combining two ontologies usually leads to new consequences, some of which may be false or undesired. We are interested in finding explanations for such unwanted consequences. For this we propose a method for computing interpolants in the description logics EL and EL⁺, based on a translation to the theory of semilattices with monotone operators and a certain form of interpolation in this theory.
In wireless network theory one often deals with classes of geometric graphs in which the existence or non-existence of an edge between two vertices in a graph relies on properties on their distances to other nodes. One possibility to prove properties of those graphs or to analyze relations between the graph classes is to prove or disprove that one graph class is contained in the other. In this thesis we propose a method for checking inclusions between geometric graph classes.
In the last decade, policy-makers around the world have turned their attention toward the creative industry as the economic engine and significant driver of employments. Yet, the literature suggests that creative workers are one of the most vulnerable work-forces of today’s economy. Because of the highly deregulated and highly individuated environment, failure or success are believed to be the byproduct of individual ability and commitment, rather than a structural or collective issue. This thesis taps into the temporal, spatial, and social resolution of digital behavioural data to show that there are indeed structural and historical issues that impact individuals’ and
groups’ careers. To this end, this thesis offers a computational social science research framework that brings together the decades-long theoretical and empirical knowledge of inequality studies, and computational methods that deal with the complexity and scale of digital data. By taking music industry and science as use cases, this thesis starts off by proposing a novel gender detection method that exploits image search and face-detection methods.
By analysing the collaboration patterns and citation networks of male and female computer scientists, it sheds lights on some of the historical biases and disadvantages that women face in their scientific career. In particular, the relation of scientific success and gender-specific collaboration patterns is assessed. To elaborate further on the temporal aspect of inequalities in scientific careers, this thesis compares the degree of vertical and horizontal inequalities among the cohorts of scientists that started their career at different point in time. Furthermore, the structural inequality in music industry is assessed by analyzing the social and cultural relations that breed from live performances and musics releases. The findings hint toward the importance of community belonging at different stages of artists’ careers. This thesis also quantifies some of the underlying mechanisms and processes of inequality, such as the Matthew Effect and the Hipster Paradox, in creative careers. Finally, this thesis argues that online platforms such as Wikipedia could reflect and amplify the existing biases.
The diversity within amphibian communities in cultivated areas in Rwanda and within two selected, taxonomically challenging groups, the genera Ptychadena and Hyperolius, were investigated in this thesis. The amphibian community of an agricultural wetland near Butare in southern Rwanda comprised 15 anuran species. Rarefaction and jackknife analyses corroborated that the complete current species richness of the assemblage had been recorded, and the results of acoustic niche analysis suggested species saturation of the community. Surveys at many other Rwandan localities showed that the species recorded in Butare are widespread in cultivated and pristine wetlands. The species were readily distinguishable using morphological, bioacoustic, and molecular (DNA barcoding) features, but only eight of the 15 species could be assigned unambiguously to nominal species. The remaining represented undescribed or currently unrecognized taxa, including three species of Hyperolius, two Phrynobatrachus species, one Ptychadena species, and one species of Amietia. The diversity of the Ridged Frogs in Rwanda was investigated in two studies (Chapters III and IV). Three species of Ptychadena were recorded in wetlands in the catchment of the Nile. They can be distinguished by morphological characters (morphometrics and qualitative features) as well as by their advertisement calls and genetics. The Rwandan species of the P. mascareniensis group was shown to differ from the topotypic population as well as from other genetic lineages in sub-Saharan Africa and an old available name, P. nilotica, was resurrected from synonymy for this lineage. Two further Ptychadena species were identified among voucher specimens from Rwanda deposited in the collection of the RMCA, P. chrysogaster and P. uzungwensis. Morphologically they can be unambiguously distinguished from each other and the three other Rwandan species. A key based on qualitative morphological characters was developed, which allows unequivocal identification of specimens of all species that have been recorded from Rwanda. DNA was isolated from a Rwandan voucher specimen of P. chrysogaster, and the genetic analysis corroborated the species" distinct status.
A species of Hyperolius collected in the Nyungwe National Park was compared to all other Rwandan species of the genus and to morphologically or genetically similar species from neighbouring countries. Its distinct taxonomic status was justified by morphological, bioacoustic, and molecular evidence and it was described as a new species, H. jackie. A species of the H. nasutus group collected at agricultural sites in Rwanda was described as a new species in the course of a revision of the species of the Hyperolius nasutus group. The group was shown to consist of 15 distinct species which can be distinguished from each other genetically, bioacoustically, and morphologically.
The aerial performance, i.e. parachuting, of the Disc-fingered Reed Frog, Hyperolius discodactylus, was described. It represents a novel observation of a behaviour that has been known from a number of Southeast Asian and Neotropical frog species. Parachuting frogs, including H. discodactylus, exhibit certain morphological characteristics and, while airborne, assume a distinct posture which is best-suited for maneuvering in the air. Another study on the species addressed the validity of the taxon H. alticola which had been considered either a synonym of H. discodactylus or a distinct species. Type material of both taxa was re-examined and the status of H. alticola reassessed using morphological data from historic and new collections, call recordings, and molecular data from animals collected on recent expeditions. A northern and a southern genetic clade were identified, a divide that is weakly supported by diverging morphology of the vouchers from the respective localities. No distinction in advertisement call features could be recovered to support this split and both genetic and morphological differences between the two geographic clades are marginal and not always congruent and more likely reflect population-level variation. Therefore it was concluded that H. alticola is not a valid taxon and should be treated as a synonym of H. discodactylus.
On the recognition of human activities and the evaluation of its imitation by robotic systems
This thesis addresses the problem of action recognition through the analysis of human motion and the benchmarking of its imitation by robotic systems.
For our action recognition related approaches, we focus on presenting approaches that generalize well across different sensor modalities. We transform multivariate signal streams from various sensors to a common image representation. The action recognition problem on sequential multivariate signal streams can then be reduced to an image classification task for which we utilize recent advances in machine learning. We demonstrate the broad applicability of our approaches formulated as a supervised classification task for action recognition, a semi-supervised classification task for one-shot action recognition, modality fusion and temporal action segmentation.
For action classification, we use an EfficientNet Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model to classify the image representations of various data modalities. Further, we present approaches for filtering and the fusion of various modalities on a representation level. We extend the approach to be applicable for semi-supervised classification and train a metric-learning model that encodes action similarity. During training, the encoder optimizes the distances in embedding space for self-, positive- and negative-pair similarities. The resulting encoder allows estimating action similarity by calculating distances in embedding space. At training time, no action classes from the test set are used.
Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) generalized the concept of CNNs to non-Euclidean data structures and showed great success for action recognition directly operating on spatio-temporal sequences like skeleton sequences. GCNs have recently shown state-of-the-art performance for skeleton-based action recognition but are currently widely neglected as the foundation for the fusion of various sensor modalities. We propose incorporating additional modalities, like inertial measurements or RGB features, into a skeleton-graph, by proposing fusion on two different dimensionality levels. On a channel dimension, modalities are fused by introducing additional node attributes. On a spatial dimension, additional nodes are incorporated into the skeleton-graph.
Transformer models showed excellent performance in the analysis of sequential data. We formulate the temporal action segmentation task as an object detection task and use a detection transformer model on our proposed motion image representations. Experiments for our action recognition related approaches are executed on large-scale publicly available datasets. Our approaches for action recognition for various modalities, action recognition by fusion of various modalities, and one-shot action recognition demonstrate state-of-the-art results on some datasets.
Finally, we present a hybrid imitation learning benchmark. The benchmark consists of a dataset, metrics, and a simulator integration. The dataset contains RGB-D image sequences of humans performing movements and executing manipulation tasks, as well as the corresponding ground truth. The RGB-D camera is calibrated against a motion-capturing system, and the resulting sequences serve as input for imitation learning approaches. The resulting policy is then executed in the simulated environment on different robots. We propose two metrics to assess the quality of the imitation. The trajectory metric gives insights into how close the execution was to the demonstration. The effect metric describes how close the final state was reached according to the demonstration. The Simitate benchmark can improve the comparability of imitation learning approaches.
Antonio Lotti und seine liturgische Kirchenmusik – Vorstudien zu Biographie und Überlieferung
Antonio Lotti (1667-1740) gehört zu den venezianischen Komponisten, die in der älteren wie der neueren Fachliteratur ein hohes Ansehen genießen, obwohl seine Werke bis heute nur wenig bekannt sind. Eine unklare Überlieferungslage, aber auch sachfremde ästhetische Postulate verzögerten jedoch die Auseinandersetzung mit Lottis Kompositionen. Erst in neuerer Zeit gab es ein verstärktes Interesse sowohl an seinen Opern und vokaler Kammermusik als auch an seiner Kirchenmusik.
In der vorliegenden Studie wird zunächst Lottis Biographie unter Einbeziehung neuer Quellenfunde auf dem aktuellen Stand des Wissens zusammenfassend dargestellt. Der zweite Teil bietet erstmals eine Identifikation von Lottis Buchstaben- und Notenschrift nach streng philologischen Kriterien. Angesichts des nicht mehr erhaltenen Nachlasses ist dieser Teil von besonderer Bedeutung, bietet er doch die unverzichtbare Basis zur weiteren Erforschung von Lottis Kirchenmusik, ihrer Überlieferung und Faktur.
Im Rahmen des vorliegenden Promotionsprojekts wird untersucht, welche Körperideologien in den drei unterschiedlichen Sportfeldern Hochleistungs-, Gesundheits- sowie Erlebnis- bzw. Funsport gegeben sind und welchen gesellschaftswirksamen Einfluss diese Ideologien aufweisen. Im Rahmen der zentralen Forschungsfrage wird des Weiteren erforscht, welche diskursiven Mittel bei Körperideologien im Sportbereich eingesetzt werden, welche Formationen in Bezug auf den Gegenstand, welche Äußerungsmodalitäten, Begrifflichkeiten und Strategien dem Diskurs zugrundeliegen und wer als TrägerIn oder AdressatIn des Diskurses identifiziert werden kann. Außerdem steht die Fragestellung im Fokus, welche Bezüge zu anderen Diskursen bestehen und um welche Diskurse es sich dabei handelt. Körperideologien des Sports werden in diesem Zusammenhang als Vorstellungen von einem (idealen) Körper betrachtet, welche durch den Sport übertragen und in der Gesellschaft verbreitet werden. Dabei wird zunächst der Begriff der Ideologie theoretisch hergeleitet und definiert sowie im Hinblick auf die vorliegende Arbeit als Weltdeutung mit einem Anspruch auf Alleinvertretung aufgefasst. Des Weiteren wird die Gouvernementalitätstheorie von Foucault aufgegriffen und für die Identifizierung der Macht- und Herrschaftsstrukturen in Bezug auf die untersuchten Körperideologien herangezogen. Dabei geht es darum, inwieweit die durch den Sport übermittelten Körperideologien dazu geeignet sind, in einem gouvernementalitätstheoretischen Sinne Führung zur Selbstführung zu ermöglichen. In einer sportsoziologischen Hinsicht beinhaltet der Sport leistungsbezogene Eigenschaften, welche in auf Effektivität abzielenden wirtschaftlichen Prozessen eine grundlegende Voraussetzung darstellen. Im Rahmen der Studie werden für jeden der drei genannten Sportbereiche jeweils zwei Individualsportarten ausgewählt, bei welchen die fokussierten Körperideologien untersucht werden. Während im Bereich des Hochleistungssports Schwimmen und Biathlon und im Bereich des Gesundheitssports Nordic Walking sowie Pilates betrachtet werden, stellen Stand Up Paddling und Parkour die fokussierten Sportarten im Bereich des Fun- bzw. Erlebnissports dar. Für die vorliegende Untersuchung kommt das Verfahren der kritischen Diskursanalyse (KDA) von Jäger zur Anwendung, da dieses für die Rekonstruktion von ideologischen Diskursen geeignet erscheint. Hierfür werden aus den drei Sportbereichen sowohl Print- als auch Onlinepublikationen sondiert und anhand von Strukturanalysen hinsichtlich verschiedener formaler und inhaltlicher Charakteristika untersucht. Des Weiteren wird mit Hilfe der tiefergehenden Feinanalyse jeweils ein Artikel pro Sportart explorativ analysiert, um verschiedene Muster zu vorhandenen Körperideologien in den fokussierten Sportarten und Sportbereichen identifizieren und anhand ausgewählter Textstellen belegen zu können. Bei den Ergebnissen zeigt sich, dass der Körper in den Hochleistungssportarten Schwimmen und Biathlon als formbares Material bzw. als Instrument zur Erbringung sportlicher Höchstleistungen betrachtet und dargestellt wird. Auch im Gesundheitssport wird der Körper als form- bzw. trainierbar hervorgehoben, wobei hierbei die Gesundheit im Fokus steht und mit Schlankheit gleichgesetzt wird. Im Bereich des Fun- bzw. Erlebnissports zeigt sich bei der Sportart Stand Up Paddling der Körper ebenfalls als zu bearbeitendes Objekt. Dagegen wird bei der Sportart Parkour der angenommene Normalismus von Jugendlichkeit anhand der Ergebnisse widerlegt. Deutlich wird, dass als diskursives Mittel vor allem der Körper als formbares Material erscheint. Dabei stehen in Bezug auf die Äußerungsmodalitäten und Begrifflichkeiten der Diskurse vor allem das Leistungsmaximum, aber auch Schlankheit und Fitness im Fokus. Die identifizierten Diskurse sind an die gesamte Gesellschaft adressiert und werden zudem durch sich selbst getragen, wodurch sie nicht nur die Realität abbilden, sondern auch ein Eigenleben in der Form entwickeln, dass sie als Träger von Wissen fungieren.
Praktika als gängige Lehr-Lernformate in hochschulischen Kontexten setzen stets die Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Institutionen und Personen voraus, da Studierende mit einem Praktikum den Lernort der Universität verlassen und in einen beruflichen Handlungszusammenhang mit den zugehörigen organisationalen Strukturen versetzt werden. Praktika werden unter anderem als Elemente der Berufsorientierung gesellschaftliche Implikationen zugeschrieben. Als Format innerhalb eines hochschulischen Bildungsgangs sind sie darüber hinaus mit didaktischen Begründungen verbunden und durch die Beteiligung verschiedener Personen auch mit individuellen Interessen. Studierende sind während eines Praktikums in der Rolle als Praktikant*in in besonderer Weise individuell gefordert. Ergänzt werden diese Perspektiven durch die Betrachtung disziplinärer und professioneller Implikationen, die sich für Praktika erziehungswissenschaftlicher Studiengänge ergeben. Zusammenarbeit findet in Praktika zwischen Organisationen, in Organisationen und zwischen Personen statt. Der geringe Forschungsstand zu Perspektiven auf Fragen der Zusammenarbeit für in erziehungswissenschaftliche Studiengänge integrierte Praktika bietet den Anlass der Studie. Um die verschiedenen Perspektiven auf Praktika als Zusammenarbeit zu erheben, werden qualitative episodische Interviews sowohl mit den Studierenden und Lehrenden einer Universität, als auch mit für Praktika verantwortlichen Tätigen aus dem beruflichen Bereich durchgeführt, die nach der qualitativen inhaltlich strukturierenden Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet werden. Aus der Auswertung der geführten Interviews mit den drei Akteur*innen-Gruppen ergibt sich ein Einblick darin, wie sich Zusammenarbeit zwischen pädagogisch tätigen Institutionen, Universitäten und Studierenden in und durch Praktika konkretisiert. Es werden beispielsweise Aspekte der Interaktionsbezogenen Dimensionen beschrieben, wie auftauchende Dilemmata, Resonanzen, Kulturen des Umgangs, Interessenslagen und Konstellationen von Akteur*innen. Diese werden ergänzt um Aspekte der Dimensionen mit Bezug zu Institutionen, Umwelt, Aufgaben und Personen. Die Interviewaussagen von drei interviewten Akteur*innen-Gruppen Studierende, Praxisanleiter*innen, universitäre Lehrende werden vergleichend anhand dieser Dimensionen betrachtet und als Ergebnisse dieser Studie dargestellt. Die Ergebnisse liefern Aussagen dazu, wie Zusammenarbeit in Praktika erziehungswissenschaftlicher Studiengänge von den beteiligten Akteur*innen-Gruppen wahrgenommen wird. Dies kann dazu beitragen die differierenden Perspektiven anschlussfähig zu machen für die didaktische und organisatorische Gestaltung von Praktika durch Institutionen wie Universitäten und Praktikumseinrichtungen, aber auch durch Initiative von Studierenden in der Rolle als Praktikant*innen während eines erziehungswissenschaftlichen Studiums. Auch für weitere Forschungsprojekte zum Zusammenwirken der Beteiligten in Praktika kann die Studie Anstöße bieten.
Eltern spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Inanspruchnahme von kultureller Bildung durch Kinder und Jugendliche. Häufig sind sie in die Organisation und Finanzierung der kulturellen Bildungsangebote involviert. Insbesondere in ländlichen Räumen kommt die Besonderheit hinzu, dass Eltern aufgrund größerer räumlicher Distanzen und einer unzureichenden Ausstattung des ÖPNV Begleitfahrten mit dem eigenen PKW durchführen müssen. Häufig werden ländliche Räume anhand objektivierbarer Daten als strukturschwach oder kulturarm beschrieben. Darüber, ob oder inwiefern das von ländlich lebenden Eltern ebenso gesehen wird, ist jedoch wenig bekannt.
Die vorliegende Dissertationsschrift gibt einen Einblick in die elterlichen Perspektiven auf kulturelle Bildung in ländlichen Räumen. Sie basiert auf offenen, qualitativen Leitfadeninterviews mit Eltern aus vier ländlichen Regionen Deutschlands, die diskursanalytisch und unter Zuhilfenahme von Kodierungspraktiken aus dem Kontext der Grounded Theory ausgewertet wurden.
In den Interviews zeigt sich eine Vielzahl an elterlichen Verständnissen und Positionierungsweisen zur kulturellen Bildung in ländlichen Regionen. Es stellt sich heraus, dass der elterliche Diskurs auf einem komplexen Zusammenspiel sozioökonomischer bzw. -kultureller Bedingungen, raumstruktureller Gegebenheiten und individueller Präferenzen hinsichtlich kultureller Bildung auf dem Land basiert.
With the increasing importance and urgency of climate change, companies are challenged to contribute to sustainable development, especially by younger generations. However, existing corporate contributions have been criticized as insufficient, which could be particularly caused by a lack of employee engagement in corporate sustainability. In this context, gamification has been proposed and increasingly investigated in recent years as a promising, innovative tool to motivate sustainable employee behaviors in the workplace. However, there are few studies and applicable gamification solutions that address more than one specific sustainability issue and thus take a holistic perspective on sustainable behaviors in the workplace. Moreover, previous research lacks a comprehensive understanding of how different gamification elements elicit specific psychological effects, how these manifest in behavioral changes, and how these, in turn, cumulatively result in measurable corporate outcomes. The path from gamification as ”input” to corporate sustainability as ”output” thus remains unexplored.
This dissertation fills this gap by conceptualizing, designing, and evaluating a holistic gamified intervention that supports employees in various sustainable behaviors in their daily activities. The project uses a design science research approach that closely involves employees in the incremental development of the solution. As part of the iterative design process, this dissertation presents six studies to extend the theoretical understanding of gamification for sustainable employee behaviors. First, a comprehensive review of existing research on gamification for sustainable employee behavior is provided, analyzing gamification designs and results of previous studies and outlining an agenda for further research (Study 1). Theoretical foundations of research on gamification, serious games, and game-based learning (Study 2) and empirical design principles for gamification and persuasive systems (Study 3) are then systematically reviewed as a basis for the successful design of gamified applications. Subsequently, empirical studies explore employees’ motivations for sustainable behavior and illuminate their expectations for design features (Study 4), and identify contextual challenges and design dilemmas when implementing gamification in an organizational context (Study 5). Finally, a quantitative field study (Study 6) explores how different gamification designs influence sustainable employee behavior and corporate sustainability in organizations. Based on the findings, this dissertation presents a comprehensive framework of gamification for sustainable employee behavior that incorporates design, individual behavior, and organizational perspectives. Finally, building on these insights, it provides practical recommendations for designing gamification to encourage sustainable employee behavior at work.