Year of publication
- 2018 (98) (remove)
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (35)
- Bachelor Thesis (30)
- Master's Thesis (18)
- Part of Periodical (14)
- Conference Proceedings (1)
- Vorlesungsverzeichnis (4)
- Bildverarbeitung (2)
- 1H-NMR Relaxometry (1)
- Aesthetics (1)
- Agoraphobie (1)
- Analysis of social platform (1)
- Astrophysik (1)
- Augmented Reality (1)
- Barrieren (1)
- Berufsausbildung (1)
- Institut für Computervisualistik (29)
- Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik (9)
- Institute for Web Science and Technologies (9)
- Institut für Management (8)
- Zentrale Einrichtungen (8)
- Fachbereich 7 (7)
- Institut für Umweltwissenschaften (7)
- Fachbereich 4 (4)
- Fachbereich 6 (3)
- Fachbereich 8 (2)
In dieser Arbeit wird ein System zur Erzeugung und Darstellung stereoskopischen Video-Panoramen vorgestellt. Neben der theoretischen Grundlagen werden der Aufbau und die Funktionsweise dieses Systems erläutert.
Dazu werden spezielle Kameras verwendet, die Panoramen aufnehmen
können und zur Wiedergabe synchronisiert werden. Anschließend wird ein Renderer implementiert, welcher die Panoramen mithilfe einer VirtualReality Brille stereoskopisch darstellen kann. Dafür werden separate Aufnahmen für die beiden Augen gemacht und getrennt wiedergegeben. Zum Abschluss wird das entstandene Video-Panorama mit einem Panorama eines schon bestehenden Systems verglichen.
Innovationen prägen die Gesellschaft. Daher ist das Innovationsmanagement eine zentrale Aufgabe in Unternehmen. Erfolgreiche Innovationen können die Effizienz und Effektivität eines Unternehmens steigern, folglich ist das Ziel eines Innovationsmanagements, erfolgreiche Innovationen hervorzubringen. Innerhalb des Managements von Innovationen entstehen Herausforderungen, die auf Innovationsbarrieren zurückzuführen sind. Diese können zum Scheitern von Innovation führen. Um diese Art von Misserfolg zu vermeiden, kann ein Vorgehensmodell zur Identifizierung und zum Umgang mit Innovationsbarrieren einen erfolgsorientierten Innovationsprozess begünstigen.
Die Eisenbahnindustrie ist durch ihre Infrastruktur, ihre politische Abhängigkeit und Sicherheitsanforderungen gekennzeichnet. Sicherheit, als eines der Hauptthemen der Branche ist einerseits durch das Schutz- und Kontrollsystem der Politik geprägt und andererseits gestaltet und beeinflusst durch Forschung und Entwicklung von Unternehmen, Universitäten oder externen Entwicklern. Die Unfallvermeidung ist ein bedeutendes Thema in der Literatur zur Eisenbahnsicherheit, hierbei ist die Instandhaltung eines der Instrumente, die der Vorbeugung dienen. Die Prävention von Unfällen treibt den Bedarf von Innovatio-nen für die Eisenbahnsicherheit an. Dementsprechend ist die Thematik der Innovationsbarrieren auch für die Bahnindustrie von Bedeutung. Der Umgang mit diesen in dem konkreten Zusammenhang der Eisenbahnsicherheit soll anhand eines Vorgehensmodells systematisiert werden. Um das Modell insbesondere auf die Branche und den Schwerpunkt der Sicherheit abzustimmen, wird das Grundgerüst des Modells aus der Literatur erarbeitet und mit den recherchierten Kenntnissen der Branche erweitert. Basierend auf den Kenntnissen über Innovationsbarrieren im Schienenverkehr werden Schnittstellenprobleme als Ursache von den spezifischen Barrieren identifiziert. Dazu gehören beispielsweise die Interoperabilität und technische Harmonisierung zwischen Ländern wie der EU sowie die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Industrie und Wissenschaft oder externen Entwicklern. In dem Bezug zu der Branche konnte für das Modell eine Erweiterung erarbeitet werden. Es wurde herausgearbeitet, dass die Eisenbahnbranche weniger innovationsaktiv ist, als z. B. die Technologiebranche. Dies ist auf einen Mangel an Motivation zur Innovation zurückzuführen, der in der Branchenkultur aufgrund von der vergangenen Monopolstellung und dem hohen Sicherheitsanspruch zu einer risikoaversen Haltung führt. Daher muss die fortschreitende Liberalisierung des Eisenbahnmarktes abgeschlossen und die Sicherheitskonzepte neu strukturiert werden, um ein innovationsfreundliches Umfeld zu schaffen.
Letztendlich sollte das Vorgehensmodell in einer realen Umgebung getestet werden. Es wäre interessant zu erfahren, ob das entwickelte Modell zu den in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Ergebnissen hinsichtlich der mangelnden Motivation für Innovationen passt. Darüber hinaus scheint eine Validierung von Experten angebracht zu sein, da die Entwicklung des Modells von der Literaturrecherche abhängt
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Bachelorarbeit war die Untersuchung
verschiedener Methoden zur Ermittlung und Verbesserung der User
Experience eines Softwareproduktes einer mittelständigen Firma. Hierzu
wurde zunächst ein geeignetes Designkonzept und dazu passende Methoden
der Evaluation und des Testings ermittelt und dann auf das Produkt
angewendet. Mit dem Leitgedanken des User-Centered-Designs wurden
Methoden ausgewählt, welche die Nutzerinnen/Nutzer ins Zentrum der
Untersuchung stellten.
So konnte mit Hilfe der Nutzerinnen/Nutzer des Produktes
herausgefunden werden, wie die User-Experience ausfällt und wie diese
noch verbessert werden kann. In einer Fokusgruppe sind Prototypen für
die Verbesserung und Weiterentwicklung der Software entstanden.
Diese Bachelorarbeit ist sowohl für Sofwaredesignerinnen/-designer,
als auch für Studentinnen/Studenten der Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation
Redaktionelle Korrektur betreffend die Habilitationsordnung des Fachbereichs 3: Mathematik/Naturwissenschaften
Erste Ordnung zur Änderung der Promotionsordnung des Fachbereiches 2: Philologie / Kulturwissenschaften
Promotionsordnung des Fachbereichs 4: Informatik
Teilgrundordnung für das Qualitätsmanagementsystem der Universität Koblenz-Landau
Ordnung zur Qualitätssicherung und -entwicklung in Studium und Lehre an der Universität Koblenz-Landau
We examine the systematic underrecognition of female scientists (Matilda effect) by exploring the citation network of papers published in the American Physical Society (APS) journals. Our analysis shows that articles written by men (first author, last author and dominant gender of authors) receive more citations than similar articles written by women (first author, last author and dominant gender of authors) after controlling for the journal of publication, year of publication and content of the publication. Statistical significance of the overlap between the lists of references was considered as the measure of similarity between articles in our analysis. In addition, we found that men are less likely to cite articles written by women and women are less likely to cite articles written by men. This pattern leads to receiving more citations by articles written by men than similar articles written by women because the majority of authors who published in APS journals are male (85%). We also observed Matilda effect reduces when articles are published in journals with the highest impact factors. In other words, people’s evaluation of articles published in these journals is not affected by the gender of authors significantly. Finally, we suggested a method that can be applied by editors in academic journals to reduce the evaluation bias to some extent. Editors can identify missing citations using our proposed method to complete bibliographies. This policy can reduce the evaluation bias because we observed papers written by female scholars (first author, last author, the dominant gender of authors) miss more citations than articles written by male scholars (first author, last author, the dominant gender of authors).
The cytological examination of bone marrow serves as clarification of variations in blood smears. It is also used for the clarification of anemia, as exclusion of bone marrow affection at lymphoma and at suspicion of leukemia. The morphological evaluation of hematopoietic cells is the basis for the creation of the diagnosis and for decision support for further diagnostics. Even for experienced hematologists the manual classification of hematopoietic cells is time-consuming, error-prone and subjective. For this reason new methods in the field of image processing and pattern recognition for the automatic classification including preprocessing steps are developed for a computer-assisted microscopy system. These methods are evaluated by means of a huge reference database. The proposed image analysis procedures comprise methods for the automated detection of smears, for the determination of relevant regions, for the localization and segmentation of single hematopoietic cells as well as for the feature extraction and classification task. These methods provide the basis for the first system for the automated, morphological analysis of bone marrow aspirates for leukemia diagnosis and are therefore a major contribution for a better and more efficient patient care in the future.
Retrospektive Analyse der Ausbreitung und dynamische Erkennung von Web-Tracking durch Sandboxing
Aktuelle quantitative Analysen von Web-Tracking bieten keinen umfassenden Überblick über dessen Entstehung, Ausbreitung und Entwicklung. Diese Arbeit ermöglicht durch Auswertung archivierter Webseiten eine rückblickende Erfassung der Entstehungsgeschichte des Web-Trackings zwischen den Jahren 2000 und 2015. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein geeignetes Werkzeug entworfen, implementiert, evaluiert und zur Analyse von 10000 Webseiten eingesetzt. Während im Jahr 2005 durchschnittlich 1,17 Ressourcen von Drittparteien eingebettet wurden, zeigt sich ein Anstieg auf 6,61 in den darauffolgenden 10 Jahren. Netzwerkdiagramme visualisieren den Trend zu einer monopolisierten Netzstruktur, in der bereits ein einzelnes Unternehmen 80 % der Internetnutzung überwachen kann.
Trotz vielfältiger Versuche, dieser Entwicklung durch technische Maßnahmen entgegenzuwirken, erweisen sich nur wenige Selbst- und Systemschutzmaßnahmen als wirkungsvoll. Diese gehen häufig mit einem Verlust der Funktionsfähigkeit einer Webseite oder mit einer Einschränkung der Nutzbarkeit des Browsers einher. Mit der vorgestellten Studie wird belegt, dass rechtliche Vorschriften ebenfalls keinen hinreichenden Schutz bieten. An Webauftritten von Bildungseinrichtungen werden Mängel bei Erfüllung der datenschutzrechtlichen Pflichten festgestellt. Diese zeigen sich durch fehlende, fehlerhafte oder unvollständige Datenschutzerklärungen, deren Bereitstellung zu den Informationspflichten eines Diensteanbieters gehören.
Die alleinige Berücksichtigung klassischer Tracker ist nicht ausreichend, wie mit einer weiteren Studie nachgewiesen wird. Durch die offene Bereitstellung funktionaler Webseitenbestandteile kann ein Tracking-Unternehmen die Abdeckung von 38 % auf 61 % erhöhen. Diese Situation wird durch Messungen von Webseiten aus dem Gesundheitswesen belegt und aus technischer sowie rechtlicher Perspektive bewertet.
Bestehende systemische Werkzeuge zum Erfassen von Web-Tracking verwenden für ihre Messung die Schnittstellen der Browser. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird mit DisTrack ein Framework zur Web-Tracking-Analyse vorgestellt, welches eine Sandbox-basierte Messmethodik verfolgt. Dies ist eine Vorgehensweise, die in der dynamischen Schadsoftwareanalyse erfolgreich eingesetzt wird und sich auf das Erkennen von Seiteneffekten auf das umliegende System spezialisiert. Durch diese Verhaltensanalyse, die unabhängig von den Schnittstellen des Browsers operiert, wird eine ganzheitliche Untersuchung des Browsers ermöglicht. Auf diese Weise können systemische Schwachstellen im Browser aufgezeigt werden, die für speicherbasierte Web-Tracking-Verfahren nutzbar sind.
Changing Lives through Relocation - Ethnography of a Socialized Housing Project in the Philippines
Changing lives through relocation - This is the vision of a socialized housing project in the Philippines which is subject of this dissertation. It is a polyphonic ethnography that investigates the transition process from an informal, marginalized, self-organized lifestyle in squatter areas and dumpsite settlements to an institutionalized and policy-based life in the socialized housing project. The transition process is analyzed from a material cultural perspective taking into account selected aesthetic theories. With this approach, the dissertation aims to contribute to the study of the aesthetic dimension of everyday life from an ethnographic perspective. Aesthetics are applied on three levels: (1) On the theoretical level, the concepts of social aesthetics and atmospheres enrich the analysis of the interrelation between the residents and their new house in the socialized housing project. (2) On the methodological level, the relevance of aesthetic experiences for the ethnographic knowledge process are discussed. And (3) on the descriptive level, selected and thematically relevant sensory and aesthetic experiences of the researcher inform the ethnographic account in the form of memoirs. By incorporating aesthetic theories, the dissertation gives a more holistic account of the dynamics active in the transition process. It shows that the change of lifestyle is experienced sensorily through the daily physical engagement with the new material environment, i.e. its specific materiality and infrastructure, its affordances and constraints giving rise to new experiences and needs. In this process, the residents become aware of the differences between the past and present way of life and thus experience the new challenges through their physical being in the new material environment. On the one hand, this evokes a nostalgic attitude towards their previous life, but on the other hand, it also gives form to ideas of a possible future.
Maßnahmen der Führungskräfteentwicklung verfolgen das Ziel den Führungsnachwuchs des Unternehmens zu bilden und für einen reibungslosen Einstieg in die Füh-rungsaufgabe zu sorgen. In der Literatur gibt es zahlreiche Theorien und Modelle zu Führung und deren Entwicklung, doch offen bleibt meist, wie es um den praktischen Einsatz und die Effektivität steht. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Identifikation wesentlicher Bestandteile der Führungskräfteentwicklung, die effektiv Einfluss auf (Nachwuchs-)Führungskräfte nehmen. Drei Studien beschäftigen sich jeweils mit unter-schiedlichen Schwerpunkten mit der Gestaltung und Wirksamkeit von modularen Programmen der Führungskräfteentwicklung. Zur Beschreibung der Gestaltung wurde eine Expertenbefragung unter Verantwortlichen für Führungskräfteentwicklung in 4 Großunternehmen durchgeführt. Zur Prüfung der Wirksamkeit wurden zwei Prädiktoren erfolgreichen Führens, die praktische Führungsintelligenz und die Führungswirksamkeitserwartung (FWE), in zwei repräsentativen modularen Programmen gemessen. Dafür wurden zwei quasiexperimentelle Designs mit Prätest-Posttest durchgeführt: ein Design mit zusätzlicher Kontrollgruppe (Nexp = 14, Nkontr = 12), ein Design mit zusätzlicher Fremdeinschätzung (N = 11 bis N =57 je nach Messzeitpunkt und beteiligten Variablen). Die praktische Führungsintelligenz wurde anhand eines für die Untersuchung entwickelten Situational Judgment Tests (SJTs) gemessen. Neben der FWE (in Anlehnung an die Skala zur Erfassung der beruflichen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung, BSW-Skala) wurden weitere Konstrukte wie Selbstregulation (Locomotion-Assessment-Fragebogen, L-A-F), Optimismus (Skala Optimismus-Pessimismus-2, SOP2) Selbstmanagement (Fragebogens zur Erfassung von Ressourcen und Selbstmanagementfähigkeiten, FERUS) erfasst, sowie explorativ entwicklungsförderliche Merkmale erhoben. Entsprechend der Annahme verdichten sich die Ergebnisse auf drei Merkmale wirksamer Trainingsgestaltung: Erfahrungssammlung, Feedback, Selbstreflexion. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass Programme mit hohem erfahrungsorientiertem Trainingsanteil, die Erfolgserlebnisse und Modelllernen fördern sowie persönliche Gespräche und Feedback beinhalten, die FWE (ŋ2 = .24, ŋ2 = .50) und die praktische Führungsintelligenz (ŋ2 = .54). signifikant (p<.05) steigern. Deutlich wurde auch der enge Zusammenhang zwischen Merkmalen der Person (wie Ausprägung der FWE oder Selbstregulationsfähigkeiten) und der Wirksamkeit der Programme. Aus den Ergebnissen werden Empfehlungen zur praktischen Umsetzung in der Führungskräfteentwicklung abgeleitet und Anregungen für zukünftige Forschung diskutiert.
The following work describes the prototypical conception and development of the stat-raising game "Adventurer's Guild" using the game engine Ren'Py. The game's narrative is influenced by player decisions and the planning of activities. The game is to be visually pleasing and enjoyable.
After giving an overview of stat-raising as a genre, the existing games "Dandelion - Wishes Brought to You", "Pastry Lovers", "Long Live the Queen" and "Magical Diary" are analysed to pinpoint various strengths and weaknesses of their different takes on the genre.
The resultant findings are used for the conception of a new stat-raising game.
The game mechanics and the design decisions made are then shown in screenshots and thoroughly explained.
In a final assessment, the game will be examined with regard to the given task. Further possibilities for potential improvements and expansions will be detailed at the end.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept in which connected physical objects are integrated into the virtual world to become active partakers of businesses and everyday processes (Uckelmann, Harrison and Michahelles, 2011; Shrouf, Ordieres and Miragliotta, 2014). It is expected to have a major impact on businesses (Council, Nic and Intelligence, 2008), but small and medium enterprises’ business models are threatened if they do not adopt the new concept (Sommer, 2015). Thus, this thesis aims to showcase a sample implementation of connected devices in a small enterprise, demonstrating its added benefits for the business.
Design Science Research (DSR) is used to develop a prototype based on a use case provided by a carpentry. The prototype comprises a hardware sensor and a web application which can be used by the wood shop to improve their processes. The thesis documents the iterative process of developing a prototype from the grounds up to useable hard- and software.
This contribution provides an example of how IoT can be used and implemented at a small business.
The concept of hard and soft news (HSN) is regarded as one of the most important concepts in journalism research. Despites this popularity, two major research voids can be assigned to the concept. First, it lacks conceptual clarity: the concept gets used interchangeably with related concepts such as sensationalism, which has led to fuzzy demarcations of HSN. Also, it is still not agreed on of which dimensions the concept in composed. Second, little is known about the factors that influence the production of news in terms of their hard or soft nature. The present disserta-tion casts a twofold glance on the HSN concept – it aims to assess the conceptual status of the concept and production of hard and soft news.
At the outset, this dissertation delineates the theoretical base for three manuscripts in total and presented considerations on concepts in social sciences in general and hard and soft news in particular as well as the production of news, particularly of hard and soft news. The first paper proposed a theoretical frame-work model to distinguish HSN and related concepts. Based on a literature review of in total five concepts, this model suggested a hierarchy in which these concepts can be discerned according to their occurrence in media content. The second pa-per focused on the inner coherence of the HSN concept in its most recent academ-ic understanding. The results of a factorial survey with German newspaper jour-nalists showed that, indeed, four out of five dimensions of the HSN concept com-prised what the journalists understood by it. Hence, the most recent academic un-derstanding is to a great extent coherent. The third study shed light on the produc-tion of HSN, focusing on the influence of individual journalists’ and audience’s characteristics on whether news was presented in hard or soft way. The findings of a survey with simulated decision scenarios among German print journalists showed that the HSN dimensions were susceptible to different journalistic influ-ences and that a perceived politically uninterested audience led to a softer cover-age. The dissertation concluded with connecting these findings with the considera-tions on concept evaluation and the production of news. Implications for research on and with the concept of HSN were presented, before concluding with limitations and suggestions for future research.
Estuaries are characterized by a longitudinal salinity gradient. This gradient is one of the main environmental factors responsible for the distribution of organisms. Distinguishing salinity zones is of crucial importance, e.g., for the development of tools for the assessment of ecological quality. The methods most often applied for classifying water according to salinity are the Venice System and the method of Bulger et al. (1993), both of which determine zone boundaries using species occurrences relative to mean salinity. However, although these methods were developed for homoiohaline waters, they have also been routinely applied to poikilohaline systems. I tested the applicability of both methods using salinity and macroinvertebrate data for the poikilohaline Elbe Estuary (Germany). My results showed that the mid-estuary distribution of macro-invertebrates is determined by variation in salinity rather than by mean salinity. Consequently, neither of the two methods is applicable for defining salinity zones in the Elbe Estuary. Cluster analysis combined with a significance test, by contrast, was a better tool for identifying the boundaries of salinity zones in poikilohaline systems.
In many estuaries, such as the Elbe Estuary, a maximum turbidity zone (MTZ) develops, where suspended matter accumulates owing to circulation processes. It is assumed that the MTZ is a stressful environment with an excess of organic matter, high deposition rates, large variations in salinity, and dredging activities. Under such harsh conditions, populations might remain below the carrying capacity, and it is assumed that competition is of little importance, as predicted by the stress gradient hypothesis. I tested whether competition for food is important in the MTZ of the Elbe Estuary using stable isotope analysis of the macroinvertebrate community. The isotopic niches of no two taxa within a feeding group overlapped, which indicated different resource use and the absence of competition. The main reasons for the lack of overlap of isotopic niches were differences in habitat, feeding behavior, and migration behavior.
The Elbe Estuary is nowadays highly industrialized and has long been subjected to a plethora of human-caused alterations. However, it is largely unknown what changes occurred in benthic communities in the last century. Hence, I considered taxonomic and functional aspects of macrobenthic invertebrates of the Elbe Estuary given in data from 1889 (most natural state), 1985 and 1986 (highly polluted state), and 2006 (recent state) to assess benthic community shifts. Beta-diversity analysis showed that taxonomic differences between the sampling dates were mainly due to species turnover, whereas functional differences were predominantly a result of functional nestedness. Species number (S), functional richness (FRic), and functional redundancy reached minimum values in 1985 and 1986 and were highest and rather similar in 1889 and 2006. The decline in FRic from 1889 to 1985/1986 was non-random, consistent with habitat filtering. FRic, functional beta diversity, and S data suggested that the state of the estuary from 1889 was almost re-established in 2006. However, the community in 1889 significantly differed from that in 2006 owing to species replacement. My results indicate that FRic and FR in 1889 could have promoted ecosystem resilience and stability.
This thesis connects the endeavors of the winemaker’s intention in perfect and profitable wine making with an innovative technological application to use Internet of Things. Thereby the winemaker’s work may be supported and enriched – and enables until recent years still unthinkable optimization of managing and planning of his business, including close state control of different areas of his vineyard, and more than that, not ending up with the single grapevine. It is exemplarily shown in this thesis how to measure, transmit, store and make data available, exemplarily demonstrated with “live” temperature, air and soil humidity values from the vineyard. A modular architecture was designed for the system presented, which allows the use of current sensors, and similar low-voltage sensors, which will be developed in the future.
By using IoT devices in the vineyard, the winemaker advances to a new quality of precision of forecasted data, starting from live data of his vineyard. Of more and more importance, the winemaker can start immediate action, when unforeseen heavy weather conditions occur. Immediate use of current data enabled by a Cloud Infrastructure. For this system, an open service infrastructure is employed. In contrast to other published commercial approaches, the described solution is based on open source.
As an alone-standing part of this work, a physical prototype for measuring relevant parameters in the vineyard was de-novo designed and developed until fulfilling the set of specifications. The outlined features and requirements for a functioning data collection and autonomously transmitting device was developed, described, and the fulfilment by the prototype device were demonstrated. Through literature research and supportive orientationally live interviews of winemakers, the theory and the practical application were synchronized and qualified.
For the development of the prototype the general principles of development of an electronic device were followed, in particular the Design Science Research development rules, and principles of Quality Function Deployment. As a characteristic of the prototype, some principles like re-use of approved construction and material price of the building blocks of the device were taken into consideration as well (e.g. housing; Arduino; PCB). Parts reduction principles, decomplexation and simplified assembly, testing and field service were integrated to the development process by the modular design of the functional vineyard device components, e.g. with partial reference to innovative electrical cabinet construction system Modular-3.
The software architectural concept is based on a three-layer architecture inclusive the TTN infrastructure. The front end is realized as a rich web client, using a WordPress plugin. WordPress was chosen due to the wide adoption through the whole internet, enabling fast and easy user familiarization. Relevant quality issues have been tested and discussed in the view of exemplary functionality, extensibility, requirements fulfilment, as usability and durability of the device and the software.
The prototype was characterized and tested with success in the laboratory and in field exposition under different conditions, in order to allow a measurement and analysis of the fulfilment of all requirements by the selected and realized electronic construction and layout.
The solution presented may serve as a basis for future development and application in this special showcase and within similar technologies. A prognosis of future work and applications concludes this work.
Ontologies are valuable tools for knowledge representation and important building blocks of the Semantic Web. They are not static and can change over time. Changing an ontology can be necessary for various reasons: the domain that is represented by an ontology can change or an ontology is reused and must be adapted to the new context. In addition, modeling errors could have been introduced into the ontology which must be found and removed. The non-triviality of the change process has led to the emerge of ontology change as an own field of research. The removal of knowledge from ontologies is an important aspect of this change process, because even the addition of new knowledge to an ontology potentially requires the removal of older, conflicting knowledge. Such a removal must be performed in a thought-out way. A naïve change of concepts within the ontology can easily remove other, unrelated knowledge or alter the semantics of concepts in an unintended way [2]. For these reasons, this thesis introduces a formal operator for the fine-grained retraction of knowledge from EL concepts which is partially based on the postulates for belief set contraction and belief base contraction [3, 4, 5] and the work of Suchanek et al. [6]. For this, a short introduction to ontologies and OWL 2 is given and the problem of ontology change is explained. It is then argued why a formal operator can support this process and why the Description Logic EL provides a good starting point for the development of such an operator. After this, a general introduction to Description Logic is given. This includes its history, an overview of its applications and common reasoning tasks in this logic. Following this, the logic EL is defined. In a next step, related work is examined and it is shown why the recovery postulate and the relevance postulate cannot be naïvely employed in the development of an operator that removes knowledge from EL concepts. Following this, the requirements to the operator are formulated and properties are given which are mainly based on the postulates for belief set and belief base contraction. Additional properties are developed which make up for the non-applicability of the recovery and relevance postulates. After this, a formal definition of the operator is given and it is shown that the operator is applicable to the task of a fine-grained removal of knowledge from EL concepts. In a next step, it is proven that the operator fulfills all the previously defined properties. It is then demonstrated how the operator can be combined with laconic justifications [7] to assist a human ontology editor by automatically removing unwanted consequences from an ontology. Building on this, a plugin for the ontology editor Protégé is introduced that is based on algorithms that were derived from the formal definition of the operator. The content of this work is then summarized and a final conclusion is drawn. The thesis closes with an outlook into possible future work.
In this bachelor thesis a system for the simulation of the movements of molecules is developed. The calculation of the forces between chemically bonded atoms as well as intermolecular forces is done almost entirely on the GPU. The visualization of the simulation happens at an interactive framerate. To achieve rendering in realtime on off-the-shelf graphics cards, apt optimizations and slight abstractions of the underlying physical models are needed. One can control the execution speed or completely stop the simulation at any given moment. Some of the parameters of the underlying physical models of the simulation can be modified at runtime. With the right settings for the parameters, some phenomena of molecular dynamics can be observed, for example the spacial structure of the molecules.
Different techniques (weight loss, electrochemical, and spray
corrosion measurements) have been used to evaluate four sarcosine derivatives to inhibit corrosion and one commercial compound as synergist. The basic metal was low carbon steel CR4 tested at different conditions. As working media mainly neutral water and 0.1 M NaCl was applied. The protective film was formed on the steel surface via direct absorption of the tested substances during the immersion process. A highly improved corrosion protection with direct correlation to the molecular weight and carbon chain length of the tested compounds was detected. The protection of steel CR4 against corrosion in 0.1 M NaCl enhanced with increasing concentration of selected sarcosine compounds. The best inhibitor throughout all tested concentrations and all evaluation systems was Oleoylsarcosine (O) with efficiencies up to 97 % in potentiodynamic polarization (PP), 83 % electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and 85 % weight loss (WL) at 100 mmol/L as highest concentration tested here. The second best inhibitor was Myristoylsarcosine (M) with efficiencies up to 82 % in PP, 69 % in EIS, and 75 % in WL at highest concentration. The inhibitor with the shortest hydrocarbon chain in this series is Lauroylsarcosine (L). It showed lowest effects to inhibit corrosion compared to O and M. The efficiencies of L were a bit more than 50 % at 75 and 100 mmol/L and less than 50 % at 25 and 50 mmol/L in all used evaluation systems. Furthermore, the overall efficiency is promoted with longer dip coating times during the steel CR4 immersion as shown for 50 mmol/L for all present derivatives. This survey indicated 10 min as best time in respect of cost and protection efficiency. The commercial inhibitor Oley-Imidazole (OI) improved significantly the effectiveness of compound Cocoylsarcosine (C), which contains the naturally mixture of carbon chain lengths from coconut oil (C8 - C18), and enhanced protection when used in combination (C+OI, 1:1 molar ration). In this system the efficiency increased from 47 % to 91 % in PP, from 40 % to 84 % in EIS, and from 45 % to 82 % in WL at highest concentration. Spray corrosion tests were used to evaluate all present sarcosine substances on steel CR4 in a more realistic system. The best inhibitor after a 24 h test was O followed by the combination C+OI and M with efficiencies up to 99 %, 80 %, and 79 %, respectively. The obtained results indicate a good stability of the protective film formed by the present inhibitors even after 24 h. All evaluation systems used in the current investigation were in good agreement and resulted in the same inhibitor sequence. Furthermore, the adsorption process of the tested compounds is assumed to follow the Langmuir type isotherm. Response surface methodology (RSM) is an optimization method depending on Box- Behnken Design (BBD). It was used in the current system to find the optimum efficiency for inhibitor O to protect steel CR4 against corrosion in salt water. Four independent variables were used here: inhibitor concentration (A), dip coating time (B), temperature (C), and NaCl concentration (D); each with three respective levels: lower (-1), mid (0), and upper (+1). According to the present result, temperature has the greatest effect on the protection process as individual parameter followed by the inhibitor concentration itself. In this investigation an optimum efficiency of 99 % is calculated by the following parameter and level combination: upper level (+1) for inhibitor concentration, dip coating time, and NaCl concentration while lower level (-1) for temperature.
Entwicklung eines Social Collaboration Analytics Dashboard-Prototyps für Beiträge von UniConnect
Seit der vergangenen Dekade steigt die Nutzung von sogenannten Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS) in Unternehmen. Diese versprechen sich mit der Einführung eines solchen zur Gattung der Social Software gehörenden Kollaborationssystems, die menschliche Kommunikation und Kooperation der eigenen Mitarbeiter zu verbessern. Durch die Integration von Funktionen, wie sie aus Social Media bekannt sind, entstehen große Mengen an Daten. Darunter befinden sich zu einem erheblichen Teil textuelle Daten, die beispielsweise mit Funktionen wie Blogs, Foren, Statusaktualisierungen oder Wikis erstellt wurden. Diese in unstrukturierter Form vorliegenden Daten bieten ein großes Potenzial zur Analyse und Auswertung mittels Methoden des Text Mining. Die Forschung belegt dazu jedoch, dass Umsetzungen dieser Art momentan nicht gebräuchlich sind. Aus diesem Grund widmet sich die vorliegende Arbeit diesem Mangel. Ziel ist die Erstellung eines Dashboard-Prototyps, der sich im Rahmen von Social Collaboration Analytics (SCA) mit der Auswertung von textuellen Daten befasst. Analyseziel ist die Identifikation von populären Themen, die innerhalb von Communities oder communityübergreifend von den Plattformnutzern in den von ihnen erstellten Beiträgen aufgegriffen werden. Als Datenquelle wurde das auf IBM Connections aufbauende ECS UniConnect ausgewählt. Dieses wird vom University Competence Center for Collaboration Technologies (UCT) an der Universität Koblenz-Landau betrieben. Grundlegend für die korrekte Funktionsweise des Dashboards sind mehrere Java-Klassen, deren Umsetzungen auf verschiedenen Methoden des Text Mining basieren. Vermittelt werden die Analyseergebnisse im Dashboard durch verschiedene Diagrammarten, Wordclouds und Tabellen.