Fachbereich 8
- Parteienkommunikation (2)
- Persönlichkeit (2)
- Sozialpsychologie (2)
- Adaptiver Test (1)
- Cognitive functions (1)
- Consumer behaviour (1)
- Diagnosekriterien (1)
- Digitalisation (1)
- Digitalisierung (1)
- EP Wahl (1)
Harvesting Season?
Efforts to induce customers to buy groceries through the Internet have existed for around twenty years. Early on, the market structures of the digital grocery trade were still strongly fragmented and poorly coordinated. Due to the technological advancement in the past decade, the digital purchase of groceries has become more attractive. The adoption rate of these services varies greatly between different regions. In Germany in particular, the digital grocery trade is stagnating at a comparatively low level. In this regard, this dissertation analyzes both the retail-side market structures and the expectations and obstacles of German consumers.
The year 2020 connotes a turning point for the online grocery trade, as daily routines such as grocery shopping were subject to strict regulations imparted at a governmental level in order to reduce COVID-19 infections. At the same time, despite this opportunity, the digital grocery trade has not yet established itself nationwide in Germany. This can be attributed to a lack of investments, but also to inadequate digitization measures. A stronger synchronization between the digital and stationary offer, better integration of digital food services at a regional level as well as adapted, target group-appropriate digital solutions for the efficient breakdown of usage barriers will benefit service usage. The importance of stable food chains and distribution channels was illustrated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Further research should help to develop the digital food trade into a stable and sustainable supplementation of the stationary store.
In Kooperation mit dem TÜV SÜD und 985 Führungskräften aus deutschen Unternehmen wurde erprobt, wie Service-Qualität im Rahmen einer Onlinebefragung gemessen werden kann. Es wurde untersucht, welche Komponenten Service-Qualität umfasst, und ein Rahmenmodell entwickelt, das die Zusammenhänge zwischen Service-Qualität, Kundenzufriedenheit und dem Erfolg von Organisationen beschreibt. Die theoretische Konzeption und Operationalisierung des Konstrukts wurde mittels konfirmatorischer Faktorenanalysen überprüft und bestätigt. Das Rahmenmodell der Studie wurde als Strukturgleichungsmodell formuliert und konnte ebenfalls empirisch bestätigt werden. Die Ergebnisse und deren Auswirkung auf die Weiterentwicklung der bestehenden wissenschaftlichen Theorien zu den Konstrukten Service-Qualität, Kundenzufriedenheit und Erfolg von Organisationen wurden kritisch diskutiert.
Zur Steigerung der Ökonomie des Verfahrens wurde ein adaptiver Test zur Erfassung von Service-Qualität entwickelt. Im Rahmen der probabilistischen Testtheorie wurde geprüft, welches Item Response-Modell die empirischen Daten gut beschreiben kann. Als Grundlage für den adaptiven Test wurden die Item-Parameter modellkonform bestimmt. In einer Simulationsstudie wurde untersucht, ob die Ergebnisse der Onlinebefragung sich bedeutsam von den Ergebnissen adaptiver Tests mit unterschiedlichen Konfigurationen unterscheiden. Der Vergleich der Konfigurationen, die sich darin unterschieden, wie der Personenparameter geschätzt wurde und nach welchem Algorithmus das nächste Test-Item gewählt wurde, zeigte, welche Konfigurationen eingesetzt werden können, um eine möglichst geringe Testlänge zu erzielen, ohne dabei bedeutsame Einbußen bei der Reliabilität und Validität der Messung in Kauf zu nehmen. Unter Berücksichtigung dieser Erkenntnisse wurde der Fragebogen zur Erfassung von Service-Qualität als computerbasierter adaptiver Test umgesetzt. Diese neue Erfassungsmethode wurde in der Praxis erprobt, und abschließend wurden Nützlichkeit, Ökonomie und mögliche Nachteile, die mit dieser Art des Testens verknüpft sind, diskutiert.
Dieses Dokument, detailierte Analyseergebnisse, den adaptiven Test zur Erfassung von Service-Qualität und weitere Begleitmaterialien finden Sie unter: https://promotion.creaval.de
The Stereotype Content Modell (SCM; Fiske et al., 2002) proposes two fundamental dimensions of social evaluation: Warmth, or the intentions of the target, and Competence, or the ability to enact these intentions. The practical applications of the SCM are very broad and have led to an assumption of universality of warmth and competence as fundamental dimensions of social evaluation.
This thesis has identified five mainly methodological shortcomings of the current SCM research and literature: (I) An insufficient initial scale development; (II) the usage of varying warmth and competence scales without sufficient scale property assessment in later research; (III) the dominant application of first-generation analytical approaches; (IV) the insufficient definition and empirical proof for the SCM’s assumption of universality; and (V) the limited application of the SCM for some social targets. These shortcomings were addressed in four article manuscripts strictly following open science recommendations.
Manuscript # 1 re-analysed published research using English SCM measures to investigate the measurement properties of the used warmth and competence scales. It reported the scales’ reliability, dimensionality and comparability across targets as well as the indicator-based parameter performance in a (multiple group) confirmatory factor analysis framework. The findings indicate that about two thirds of all re-analysed scales do not show the theoretically expected warmth and competence dimensionality. Moreover, only about eleven per cent allowed meaningful mean value comparisons between targets. Manuscript # 2 presents a replication of Manuscript # 1 in the national and language of German(y) generating virtually identical results as Manuscript # 1 did. Manuscript # 3 investigated the stereotype content of refugee subgroups in Germany. We showed that refugees was generally perceived unfavourably in terms of warmth and competence, but that the stereotype content varied based on the refugees’ geographic origin, religious affiliation, and flight motive. These results were generated using a reliability-corrected approach to compare mean values named alignment optimisation procedure. Manuscript # 4 developed and tested a high-performing SCM scale assessing occupational stereotypes a number of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses.
We are living in a world where environmental crises come to a head. To curb aggravation of these problems, a socio-ecological transformation within society is needed, going along with human behavior change. How to encourage such behavior changes on an individual level is the core issue of this dissertation. It takes a closer look at the role of individuals as consumers resulting in purchase decisions with more or less harmful impact on the environment. By using the example of plastic pollution, it takes up a current environmental problem and focuses on an understudied behavioral response to this problem, namely reduction behavior. More concrete, this dissertation examines which psychological factors can encourage the mitigation of plastic packaging consumption. Plastic packaging accounts for the biggest amount of current plastic production and is associated with products of daily relevance. Despite growing awareness of plastic pollution in society, behavioral responses do not follow accordingly and plastic consumption is still very high. As habits are often a pitfall when implementing more resource-saving behavior, this dissertation further examines if periods of discontinuity can open a ’window of opportunity’ to break old habits and facilitate behavior change. Four manuscripts approach this matter from the gross to the subtle. Starting with a literature review, a summary of 187 studies addresses the topic of plastic pollution and human behavior from a societal-scientific perspective. Based on this, a cross-sectional study (N = 648) examines the deter-minants of plastic-free behavior intentions in the private-sphere and public-sphere by structural equation modeling. Two experimental studies in pre-post design build upon this, by integrating the determinants in intervention studies. In addition, it was evaluated if the intervention presented during Lent (N = 140) or an action month of ‘Plastic Free July’ (N = 366) can create a ‘window of opportunity’ to mitigate plastic packaging consumption. The literature review emphasized the need for research on behavioral solutions to reduce plastic consumption. The empirical results revealed moral and control beliefs to be the main determinants of reduction behavior. Furthermore, the time point of an intervention influenced the likelihood to try out the new behavior. The studies gave first evidence that a ‘window of opportunity’ can facilitate change towards pro-environmental behavior within the application field of plastic consumption. Theoretical and practical implications of creating the right opportunity for individuals to contribute to a socio-ecological transformation are finally discussed.
Schizophrenia is a chronic mental health disorder, which changes rapidly the life of the persons and their families, who suffer from it. It causes high biological and psychological vulnerability as well as cognitive, emotional and behavioral disorders. Nowadays, evidence-based pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy are available aiming the rehabilitation and recovery of individuals with schizophrenia. A democratic society is obliged to give these people the opportunity to have an access to those treatments.
The following three published studies present this dissertation thesis and have a common focus on the implementation of evidence-based psychotherapy in individuals with schizophrenia.
The first study evaluates the efficacy of the Integrated Psychological Therapy (IPT) in Greece, one of the most evaluated rehabilitation programs. IPT was compared to
Treatment as Usual (TAU) in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) with 48 individuals with schizophrenia. Significant effects favouring IPT were found in working memory,
in social perception, in negative symptoms, in general psychopathology and in insight. This study supports evidence for the efficacy of IPT in Greece.
The second study evaluates a second hypothesis, when IPT is more and less effective regarding treatment resistant schizophrenia (TRS) and non treatment resistant
schizophrenia (NTRS). It is a part of the first paper. Significant effects favouring NTRS were found for verbal memory, for symptoms, for functioning and quality of
life. Effect sizes showed superiority of NTRS in comparison to TRS. IPTTRS showed on the other side some significant improvements. This study presents the initial findings of a larger study to be conducted internationally for the first time.
The third study is a systematic review, which aims to evaluate the efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), of Meta Cognitive Therapy (MCT), Metacognitive Training (MCTR), Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy
(MERIT), of various Rehabilitation Programs and Recovery Programs in individuals with schizophrenia. 41 RCTs and 12 Case Studies were included. The above interventions are efficacious in the improvement of cognitions, symptoms, functional outcome, insight, self-esteem, comorbid disorders and metacognitive capacity.
The three studies provide insight regarding the importance of evidence-based psychotherapy in persons with schizophrenia leading to recovery and reintegration into
society. Future RCTs with larger samples and long-term follow up, combining evidence-based psychotherapies for individuals with schizophrenia need to be done.
In this thesis we examined the question whether personality traits of early child care workers influence process quality in preschool.
Research has shown that in educational settings such as preschool, pedagogical quality affects children’s developmental outcome (e.g. NICHD, 2002; Peisner-Feinberg et al., 1999). A substantial part of pedagogical quality known to be vital in this respect is the interaction between teacher and children (e.g., Tietze, 2008). Results of prior classroom research indicate that the teachers’ personality might be an important factor for good teacher-child-interaction (Mayr, 2011). Thus, personality traits might play a vital role for the interaction in preschool. Therefore, the aims of this thesis were to a) identify pivotal personality traits of child care workers, b) assess ideal levels of the identified personality traits and c) examine the relationship between pivotal personality traits and process quality. On that account, we conducted two requirement analyses and a video study. The results of these studies showed that subject matter experts (parents, child care workers, lecturers) partly agreed as to which personality traits are pivotal for child care workers. Furthermore, the experts showed high consensus with regard to the minimum, ideal and maximum personality trait profiles. Furthermore, child care workers whose profiles lay closer to the experts’ ideal also showed higher process quality. In addition, regression analyses showed that the child care workers’ levels of the Big Two (Communion and Agency) related significantly to their process quality.
The history of human kind is characterized by social conflict. Every conflict can be the starting point of social change or the escalation into more destructive forms. The social conflict in regard to rising numbers of refugees and their acceptance that arose in most host countries in 2015 already took on destructive forms – in Germany, right-wing extremists attacked refugee shelters and even killed multiple people, including political leaders who openly supported refugees. Thus, incompatible expectancies and values of different parts of the society led to violent action tendencies, which tremendously threaten intergroup relations. Psychological research has developed several interventions in past decades to improve intergroup relations, but they fall short, for example, when it comes to the inclusion of people with extreme attitudes and to precisely differentiate potential prosocial outcomes of the interventions. Thus, this dissertation aimed to a) develop psychological interventions, that could also be applied to people with more extreme attitudes, thereby putting a special emphasis on collecting a diverse sample; b) gain knowledge about target- and outcome specific effects: Who benefits from which intervention and how can specific prosocial actions be predicted in order to develop interventions that guide needs-based actions; and c) shed light on potential underlying mechanisms of the interventions.
The dissertation will be introduced by the socio-political background that motivated the line of research pursued, before providing an overview of the conceptualization of social conflicts and potential psychological inhibitors and catalyzers for conflict transformation. Based on past research on socio-psychological interventions and their limitations, the aims of the dissertation will be presented in more detail, followed by a short summary of each manuscript. Overall, the present thesis comprises four manuscripts that were summarized in the general discussion into a road map for social-psychological interventions to put them into a broader perspective. The road map aspires to provide recommendations for increasing – either approach-oriented or support-oriented actions – by the socio-psychological interventions for a variety of host society groups depending on their pre-existing attitude towards refugees.
A Paradoxical Intervention targeting central beliefs of people with negative attitudes towards refugees influenced inhibitory and catalyzing factors for conflict transformation over the course of three experiments – thereby providing an effective tool to establish approach-oriented action tendencies, such as the willingness to get in contact with refugees. Further, the dissertation presents a novel mechanism – namely Cognitive Flexibility – which could explain the Paradoxical Interventions’ effect of past research. By positively affecting a context-free mindset, the Paradoxical Intervention could impact more flexible thought processes in general, irrespective of the topic tackled in the Paradoxical Intervention itself. For people with rather positive attitudes addressing emotions may increase specific support-oriented action tendencies. The dissertation provides evidence of a positive relation between moral outrage and hierarchy-challenging actions, such as solidarity-based collective action, and sympathy with prosocial hierarchy-maintaining support-oriented actions, such as dependency-oriented helping. These exclusive relations between specific emotions and action intentions provide important implications for the theorizing of emotion-behavior relations, as well as for practical considerations. In addition, a diversity workshop conducted with future diplomats showed indirect effects on solidarity-based collective action via diversity perception and superordinate group identification, thereby extending past research by including action intentions and going beyond the focus on grassroot-initiatives by presenting an implementable intervention for future leaders in a real world context.
Taken together, this dissertation provides important insights for the development of socio-psychological interventions. By integrating a diverse sample, including members of institutions on meso- and macro-levels (non-governmental organizations and future politicians) of our society, this dissertation presents a unique multi-perspective of host society members on the social conflict of refugee acceptance and support. Thereby, this work contributes to theoretical and practical advancement of how social psychology can contribute not only to negative peace – by for example (indirectly) reducing support of violence against refugees – but also to positive peace – by for example investigating precursors of hierarchy-challenging actions that enable equal rights.
The scientific interest in nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) has increased in the last two decades. High prevalence and comorbidity rates, low quality of life and increased risk of suicidality highlight the importance of this research field. The present thesis focuses on intra- and interpersonal factors associated with the development and maintenance of NSSI.
The aim of study 1 was the examination of personality traits of adolescents with NSSI without Borderline Personality Disorder (NSSI-BPD), adolescents with NSSI and BPD (NSSI+BPD), clinical controls (CC) and nonclinical controls (NC). Results showed that adolescents with NSSI disorder scored significantly higher on novelty seeking and harm avoidance and lower on persistence, self-directedness, and cooperativeness than CC. In adolescents with NSSI+BPD this personality pattern was even more pronounced than in adolescents with NSSI-BPD.
Adolescents´ NSSI leads to distress that affects the whole family system, often resulting in conflicts and disrupted family communication and functioning. Parents report feelings of distress, insecurity and helplessness. Adolescents with NSSI report more parental criticism and control and less support than adolescents without NSSI. Study 2 investigated the parenting behavior in families of adolescents with NSSI. Adolescents with NSSI reported less maternal warmth and support than NC adolescents. Mothers of adolescents with NSSI showed higher psychopathology scores than NC mothers and less parental satisfaction than CC and NC mothers.
Siblings are also reported to suffer from changes in family dynamics. The aim of study 3 was to examine the sibling relationship quality of adolescents with NSSI, CC and NC. Siblings reported a wide range of negative emotional and familial consequences as a result of their sister´s NSSI. Siblings of adolescents with NSSI experienced significantly more coercion in the relationship with their sister compared to CC and NC siblings. Adolescents with NSSI reported significantly less warmth and empathy in the sibling relationship and higher rivalry scores between their siblings and themselves than NC adolescents. For both, adolescents with NSSI and their siblings, associations were found between sibling relationship quality and internalizing problems.
Study 4 aimed to further explore the family emotional climate. Therefore, the level of expressed emotion (EE) was assessed in adolescents with NSSI, CC, NC and their mothers. Parental high EE (HEE) is linked to adolescent NSSI, especially parental criticism seems to be strongly associated with NSSI. Previous research into NSSI and EE has focused on parental EE, however, the conceptualization of EE as a unidirectional construct from parent to child may present an incomplete picture. Therefore, the current study included both, adolescent and maternal EE. Adolescents in the NSSI and CC group more often met criteria for HEE than NC. Adolescents with NSSI exhibited significantly more covert criticism and critical tone toward their mothers than CC and NC. HEE of adolescents with NSSI was associated with a range of difficulties in emotion regulation. For the total sample, moderate concordance was found between adolescents and mothers EE-status.
The research presented in this thesis has important clinical implications. The differences in personality traits of adolescents with NSSI with and without BPD underline the need for a dimensional personality assessment as well as specific treatment programs for adolescents with NSSI-BPD. Problems within the family are frequent triggers for NSSI. Therefore, interventions for adolescents with NSSI should include both, the improvement of emotion regulation and family interaction and communication. Along with the reduction of negative relationship aspects, psychotherapy should also focus on the enhancement of positive relationship quality. The emotional burden of family members stresses the need for emotional and practical support for parents and siblings.
Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit euroskeptischen Äußerungen in der Parteienkommunikation und der Medienberichterstattung im Vorfeld der Europawahl 2014. Die Arbeit verwendet ein akteurszentriertes Forschungsdesign, welches eine differenzierte Betrachtung der öffentlichen Debatte europäischer Themen erlaubt. Die Analyse deckt auf, welche nationalen Parteien euroskeptische Positionen vertreten und inwiefern diese Einzug in die mediale Berichterstattung finden. Auch die Positionierung der Medien selbst wird durch die Untersuchung meinungsbezogener Artikel berücksichtigt. Die den Studien zu Grunde liegende Konzeptualisierung des Euroskeptizismus-Begriff umfasst neben globalen und konkreten negativen Bewertungen der EU auch die Zuschreibung von Problemverantwortung als weitere Spielart euroskeptischer Äußerungen. Die Arbeit nimmt weiterhin eine international vergleichende Perspektive ein, um den Einfluss nationaler Kontextfaktoren auf die Verbreitung euroskeptischer Positionen aufzuzeigen.
Die Ergebnisse der Analyse decken zunächst auf, dass das Vorhandensein erstarkender euroskeptischer Oppositionsparteien nicht zwangsläufig zu einer Politisierung der europäischen Debatte führt, da sich die europhilen Mainstream-Parteien verschiedener Strategien zur Vermeidung einer solchen Kontroversen bedienen. Die Analysen ergeben weiterhin, dass europhile Regierungsparteien zwar mehrheitlich vor konkreten negativen Bewertungen der EU zurückschrecken, diese aber in Bezug auf die europäische Finanzkrise vorwiegend als Verursacher von Problemlagen skizzieren. Letztlich verdeutlichen die Ergebnisse, dass die mediale Berichterstattung zu Themen mit EU-Bezug eine starke Synchronizität zwischen Nachrichten- und Meinungsteil aufzeigt. Dies gilt sowohl in Bezug auf die geäußerten Bewertungen zur Europäischen Union als auch hinsichtlich der Darstellung von Verantwortlichkeit.
This dissertation deals with the opportunities and restrictions that parties face in an election campaign at the supranational level of the EU. Using communication science concepts of agenda-setting (focus: media) and agenda-building (focus: political parties), the first part of the study is based on the election campaign for the European Parliament (EP) in 2014. It analyses to what extent political parties put the EU on the agenda. Second, it is examined whether parties have used their structural advantage of being able to influence the media agenda at the supranational level during the election campaign in the context of the EP election campaign. Third, it is examined whether parties can gain an advantage for the visibility of their campaigns by rejecting EU integration and the associated conflictual communication. Fourth and final, it will be explored whether agenda-building can influence the rankings of specific policy issues on the media agenda in the European context.
First, the analyses show that a European political focus of election campaign communication can no longer be found only on the part of the small (eurosceptic) parties. Second, parties have a good chance of being present in media coverage if the they pursue a European political focus in their campaign communication. Third, a negative tone in party communication turns out not to be decisive for the parties' visibility in the election campaign. Fourth, a clear positioning on political issues also prepares parties for restrictions of the further development of a European thematic agenda. After a discussion of these results, the paper concludes with an assessment of the analysis limitations and an outlook on further research approaches.
Previous research revealed that teachers hold beliefs about gifted students combining high intellectual ability with deficits in non-cognitive domains, outlined in the so-called disharmony hypothesis. Since teachers’ beliefs about giftedness can influence which students they identify as gifted, the empirical investigation of beliefs is of great practical relevance. This dissertation comprises three research articles that investigated teacher beliefs about gifted students’ characteristics in samples of pre-service teachers using an experimental vignette approach. Chapter I starts with a general introduction into beliefs, and presents the research aims of the present dissertation. The first article (Chapter II) focused on the interaction of beliefs about giftedness and gender in a sample of Australian pre-service teachers and tested if social desirability occurred when using the vignette design. Beside evidence for beliefs in line with the disharmony hypothesis, results revealed typical gender stereotypes. However, beliefs about giftedness appeared not to be gender specific and thus, to be similar for gifted girls and boys. The vignette approach was found to be an adequate design for assessing teacher beliefs. The second article (Chapter III) investigated teacher beliefs and their relationship to motivational orientations for teaching gifted students in a cross-country sample of German and Australian pre-service teachers. Motivational orientations comprise cognitive components (self-efficacy) and affective components (enthusiasm). Findings revealed beliefs in the sense of the disharmony hypothesis for pre-service teachers from both countries. Giftedness when paired with beliefs about high maladjustment was found to be negatively related to teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching gifted students. The third article (Chapter IV) examined the role of teachers’ belief in a just world for the formation of beliefs using a sample of Belgian pre-service teachers. It was found that the stronger pre-service teachers’ belief in a just world was, the more they perceived gifted students’ high intellectual ability as unfair and thus, neutralized that injustice by de-evaluating students’ non-cognitive abilities. In a general discussion (Chapter V), findings of the three articles are combined and reflected. Taken together, the present dissertation showed that teacher beliefs about gifted students’ characteristics are not gender specific, generalizable over countries, negatively related to teacher motivation and can be driven by fairness beliefs.
Student misbehavior and its treatment is a major challenge for teachers and a threat to their well-being. Indeed, teachers are obliged to punish student misbehavior on a regular basis. Additionally, teachers’ punishment decisions are among the most frequently reported situations when it comes to students’ experiences of injustice in school. By implication, it is crucial to understand teachers’ treatment of student misbehavior vis-à-vis students’ perceptions. One key dimension of punishment behavior reflects its underlying motivation and goals. People generally intend to achieve three goals when punishing misbehavior, namely, retribution (i.e., evening out the harm caused), special prevention (i.e., preventing recidivism of the offender), and general prevention (i.e., preventing imitation of others). Importantly, people’s support of these punishment goals is subject to hierarchy and power, implying that teachers’ and students’ punishment goal preferences differ. In this dissertation, I present three research projects that shed first light on teachers’ punishment and its goals along with the students’ perception of classroom intervention strategies pursuing these goals. More specifically, I first examined students’ (i.e., children’s) general support of each of the three punishment goals sketched above. Furthermore, I applied an attributional approach to understand and study the goals teachers intend to achieve when punishing student misbehavior. Finally, I investigated teachers’ and students’ support of the punishment goals regarding the same student misbehavior to directly compare their views on these goals and reactions pursuing them. In sum, the findings show that students generally prefer retribution and special prevention to general prevention, whereas teachers prefer general prevention and special prevention to retribution. This ultimately translates into a "mismatch" of teachers and students in their preferences for specific punishment goals, and the findings suggest that this may indeed enhance students’ perception of injustice. Overall, the results of the present research program may be valuable for the development of classroom intervention strategies that may reduce rather than enhance conflicts in student-teacher-interactions.
Maßnahmen der Führungskräfteentwicklung verfolgen das Ziel den Führungsnachwuchs des Unternehmens zu bilden und für einen reibungslosen Einstieg in die Füh-rungsaufgabe zu sorgen. In der Literatur gibt es zahlreiche Theorien und Modelle zu Führung und deren Entwicklung, doch offen bleibt meist, wie es um den praktischen Einsatz und die Effektivität steht. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Identifikation wesentlicher Bestandteile der Führungskräfteentwicklung, die effektiv Einfluss auf (Nachwuchs-)Führungskräfte nehmen. Drei Studien beschäftigen sich jeweils mit unter-schiedlichen Schwerpunkten mit der Gestaltung und Wirksamkeit von modularen Programmen der Führungskräfteentwicklung. Zur Beschreibung der Gestaltung wurde eine Expertenbefragung unter Verantwortlichen für Führungskräfteentwicklung in 4 Großunternehmen durchgeführt. Zur Prüfung der Wirksamkeit wurden zwei Prädiktoren erfolgreichen Führens, die praktische Führungsintelligenz und die Führungswirksamkeitserwartung (FWE), in zwei repräsentativen modularen Programmen gemessen. Dafür wurden zwei quasiexperimentelle Designs mit Prätest-Posttest durchgeführt: ein Design mit zusätzlicher Kontrollgruppe (Nexp = 14, Nkontr = 12), ein Design mit zusätzlicher Fremdeinschätzung (N = 11 bis N =57 je nach Messzeitpunkt und beteiligten Variablen). Die praktische Führungsintelligenz wurde anhand eines für die Untersuchung entwickelten Situational Judgment Tests (SJTs) gemessen. Neben der FWE (in Anlehnung an die Skala zur Erfassung der beruflichen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung, BSW-Skala) wurden weitere Konstrukte wie Selbstregulation (Locomotion-Assessment-Fragebogen, L-A-F), Optimismus (Skala Optimismus-Pessimismus-2, SOP2) Selbstmanagement (Fragebogens zur Erfassung von Ressourcen und Selbstmanagementfähigkeiten, FERUS) erfasst, sowie explorativ entwicklungsförderliche Merkmale erhoben. Entsprechend der Annahme verdichten sich die Ergebnisse auf drei Merkmale wirksamer Trainingsgestaltung: Erfahrungssammlung, Feedback, Selbstreflexion. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass Programme mit hohem erfahrungsorientiertem Trainingsanteil, die Erfolgserlebnisse und Modelllernen fördern sowie persönliche Gespräche und Feedback beinhalten, die FWE (ŋ2 = .24, ŋ2 = .50) und die praktische Führungsintelligenz (ŋ2 = .54). signifikant (p<.05) steigern. Deutlich wurde auch der enge Zusammenhang zwischen Merkmalen der Person (wie Ausprägung der FWE oder Selbstregulationsfähigkeiten) und der Wirksamkeit der Programme. Aus den Ergebnissen werden Empfehlungen zur praktischen Umsetzung in der Führungskräfteentwicklung abgeleitet und Anregungen für zukünftige Forschung diskutiert.
Homonegative discrimination such as the denial of leadership qualities and higher salaries concern not only lesbians and gay men but also individuals who were perceived as lesbian or gay (Fasoli et al., 2017). Hence, it is assumed that especially straight people become victims of homonegative discrimination (Plöderl, 2014). The perception of sexual orientation is indeed stereotype-driven (e.g., Cox et al., 2015) but there is a lack of knowledge on how accurate stereotypes are – particularly those referring to speech. Despite a variety of sociophonetic and social psychological research related to sexual orientation and gender, an encompassing understanding is missing on how sexual orientation is expressed and perceived.
The present thesis aims to fill these gaps. The two major aims of the present work are a) the examination of the accuracy of speech stereotypes in the context of sexual orientation and b) the development of a model on how sexual orientation is interpersonally construed. Overall, the present thesis comprises five manuscripts with the following aspects in common: They integratively deal with social psychological and sociophonetic perspectives, share a social identity approach, and primarily center speech instead of facial appearance. Moreover, mostly German and German native speaking participants, respectively, have been investigated.
Manuscript 1 establishes the Traditional Masculinity/Femininity-Scale as a reliable and valid instrument for assessing gender-role self-concept. The invention was necessary because existing scales insufficiently represented the self-ascribed masculinity/femininity yet (e.g., Abele, 2003; Evers & Sieverding, 2014). Manuscripts 2, 3, and 4 address the (in)accuracy of speech stereotypes regarding stereotypic content and suggested within-group homogeneity. This is carried out by the application of different methodological approaches. On the one hand, relevant acoustic parameters of lesbian/gay and straight women and men were averaged for each group. On the other hand, voice morphing was applied in order to create prototypical and naturally sounding voice averages (Kawahara et al., 2008). Lesbians and straight women differed in none, gay and straight men in one of the analyzed acoustic parameters only. In contrast, a fine-grained psychological analysis yielded various evidence for acoustic within-group heterogeneity. In particular, the exclusivity of sexual orientation and gender-role self-concept have been acoustically indexicalized which suggests that speech stereotypes are inaccurate. However, voice averages do carry perceivable sexual orientation information. Hence, speech stereotypes can be considered as exaggerations of tiny kernels of truth. In Manuscript 5, previous literature on the interpersonal construction of sexual orientation is integrated in a model: The Expression and Perception of Sexual Orientation Model (EPSOM). This model postulates an indirect route and describes how sexual orientation information is transmitted from producer to perceiver by proposing three mediating components. Thereby, the model is able to offer an explanation why sexual orientation can be perceived with above-chance but far-away-from-perfect accuracy.
Overall, the present thesis provides meaningful impulses for enhancements of research on social markers of sexual orientation and gender. This thesis offers a model on how sexual orientation is expressed and perceived, shows the benefits of combining sociophonetic and social psychological approaches, and points out the value of applying novel methods and technologies. Beyond that, the present thesis offers useful implications for practice. Speech stereotypes in the context of sexual orientation can be rejected as inaccurate – for example, native German straight men do not nasalize more or less than gay men. Thereby, the present thesis contributes to an erosion of stereotypes and a potential reduction of homonegative discrimination.
Science education has been facing important challenges in the recent years: the decline in student’s interest in scientific topics, and moreover, the decrease of students pursuing science beyond their compulsory studies (Bennett, Hogarth, Lubben, 2003). As a result, research has focus on examining different approaches that could attempt to improve the situation. One of these approaches has been the use of context-based problem-solving tasks (Kölbach & Sumfleth, 2011; Bennett, Hogarth, Lubben, 2003). While research into context-based problem-solving tasks suggest that they are very motivating for students, it is still unclear how they influence motivation. Following an experimental pretest-postest design, two studies examined the effects of context-based task characteristics of contextualization, complexity, and transparency, on students’ motivational variables, performance, and metacognitive experiences.
Results from both studies suggest that the task characteristic of contextualization directly influences how students’ interest is triggered and maintained throughout the task. On the other hand, the task characteristics of complexity and transparency had different effects for the other dependent variables of effort, difficulty, and solution correctness.
Moreover, data shows that other motivational variables such as anxiety and success expectancies are strongly influenced by the interaction of the parameters under study. The dissertation concludes that appropriate design and use of context-based task characteristics can benefit students’ learning processes and outcomes.
Ein zentrales Problem der stationären Behandlung psychischer und psychosomatischer Störungen ist die Nachhaltigkeit von Therapieerfolgen. Im Rahmen einer Pilotstudie wurde ein SMS-basiertes Nachsorgeprogramm zur Modifikation Perfektionismus-bezogener Kognitionen im Anschluss an eine stationäre Behandlung von Burnout-Patienten evaluiert.
Es handelte sich um eine kontrollierte Verlaufsstudie mit vier Messzeitpunkten (Aufnahme, Entlassung, 6 und 10-Wochen-Katamnese). Die Patienten der Versuchsgruppe (n=31) erhielten zusätzlich zur Routine-Behandlung eine 6-wöchige kognitiv ausgerichtete individualisierte SMS-Nachsorge. Als Kontrollgruppe (n=30) diente eine Gruppe von Patienten mit einer stationären Routine-Behandlung. Zur Erfassung der Burnout-Symptomatik wurde das Maslach Burnout Inventory General Survey (MBI-GS-D) eingesetzt, die depressive Symptomatik wurde mit dem Beck-Depressions-Inventar-V (BDI-V) erhoben. Zur Erfassung der Facetten des Perfektionismus dienten Items aus der Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS und HMPS) sowie der Almost Perfect Scale (APS-R).
Ein sehr hohes Interesse, eine hohe Inanspruchnahme sowie eine hohe Akzeptanz des Nachsorgeprogramms konnte anhand der Bereitschaft zur Teilnahme und der von den Teilnehmern bewertete Nutzen aufgezeigt werden.
Eine Wirksamkeit der SMS-Nachsorge bzgl. Burnout und depressiver Symptomatik sowie dysfunktionalen Facetten des Perfektionismus konnte mittels zweifaktoriellen Kovarianzanalysen (Gruppe, Zeit, Baseline als Kovariate) nicht nachgewiesen werden. Ein Grund hierfür könnte sein, dass der Interventionszeitraum von 10 Wochen nach der stationären Entlassung für eine effektive Nachsorge zu kurz bemessen wurde. Bzgl. einiger dysfunktionaler Perfektionismusskalen (Concern over Mistakes, Discrepancy, Socially Prescribed Perfectionism) zeigten sich kleinere Interaktionseffekte, die einen ersten Hinweis liefern, dass die eingesetzten SMS-Nachrichten Perfektionismus-bezogene Kognitionen verändern können. Da das vorgestellte Interventionsprogramm ein ökonomisches und niedrigschwelliges ambulantes Nachsorge-Konzept darstellt und sich erste Hinweise auf eine Wirksamkeit ergeben, wären für die Zukunft weitere Studien wünschenswert, die sich über einen längeren Interventionszeitraum erstrecken. Es sollten weitere Messinstrumente einbezogen und die Implementierung eines Feedbackprozesses erwogen werden.
Externe Repräsentationen spielen eine wichtige Rolle für die Lösung von mathematischen Textaufgaben. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Effekte bereitgestellter Repräsentationen beim Lösen problemhaltiger Textaufgaben in der Grundschule. Insbesondere problemhaltige Textaufgaben sind für Schüler anspruchsvoll, da sie nicht direkt mit den eingeübten und routinierten Rechenoperationen gelöst werden können. Sie zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass sich der Lösungsweg nicht auf einen Blick erschließt, die mathematische Grundstruktur daher zunächst erkannt, entfaltet und verstanden werden muss und häufig mehrere Aufgabenbedingungen bei der Planung und Beschreitung des Lösungswegs bedacht und verarbeitet werden müssen. Um diesen komplexen Anforderungen begegnen zu können, benötigen Schüler die Fähigkeit, das Problem adäquat zu repräsentieren. Dabei können verschiedene Darstellungsformen wie Zeichnungen und Tabellen verwendet werden, die dann als Werkzeuge für die kognitiven Lösungsprozesse dienen. Da Grundschüler von sich aus häufig keine externen Repräsentationen erstellen, geht die vorliegende Studie den Fragen nach, (1) ob vorgefertigte Repräsentationen das Problemlösen verbessern und erleichtern, (2) ob sich eine Auseinandersetzung mit vorgefertigten Tabellen und Zeichnungen auch auf späteres Problemlösen ohne bereitgestellte Hilfsmittel auswirkt, (3) welche Repräsentationsform (Zeichnung oder Tabelle) und (4) wie viel Vorstrukturierung der bereitgestellten Repräsentation dabei hilfreicher ist. In einem experimentellen Studiendesign arbeiteten 199 Viertklässler an unterschiedlichen problemhaltigen Textaufgaben. Das Design bestand aus drei Tests: (1) Vor-, (2) Treatment- und (3) Transfertest. Im Vortest wurde die Ausgangsleistung der Probanden bei problemhaltigen Textaufgaben gemessen. Im Treatment-Test wurde die Performance beim Problemlösen mit vorgegebenen Repräsentationen erhoben: Probanden der Experimentalgruppe erhielten Zeichnungen und Tabellen in unterschiedlichen Vorstrukturierungsgraden zu den Aufgaben (Intervention), eine Kontrollgruppe erhielt keine Repräsentationen. Im Transfertest bearbeiteten die Teilnehmer vergleichbare Aufgaben wiederum ohne vorgegebene Repräsentationen, um die Problemlöse-Performance nach der Intervention zu messen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten erstens, dass die bereitgestellten Repräsenta-tionen entgegen der Annahme die Problemlöseprozesse insgesamt nicht verbessert und erleichtert haben. Zweitens: Wurde eine Repräsentation bereitgestellt, war eine Zeichnung wie angenommen hilfreicher als eine Tabelle. Jedoch war dieser Effekt abhängig vom Problemtyp und vom Grad der Vorstrukturierung. Offensichtlich genügte es nicht, Zeichnungen und Tabellen einfach nur bereitzustellen, da die Probanden vielfach Schwierigkeiten bei der Interpretation und adäquaten Verwendung der Repräsentationen hatten. Dies spricht für die Notwendigkeit eines Trainings zur Ausbildung und Förderung einer frühen „diagram literacy“ bereits bei Grundschülern.
This study had two main aims. The first one was to investigate the quality of lesson plans. Two important features of lesson plans were used as a basis to determine the quality of lesson plans. These are adaptability to preconditions and cognitive activation of students. The former refers to how the planning teacher considers the diversity of students pre-existing knowledge and skills. The latter refers to how the planning teacher sequences deep learning tasks and laboratory activities to promote the cognitive activation of students.
The second aim of the study was to explore teachers thinking about and explanation of externally generated feedback data on their students’ performance. The emphasis here was to understand how the teachers anticipate planning differentiated lessons to accommodate the variations in students learning outcomes revealed by the feedback data.
The study followed a qualitative approach with multiple sources of data. Concept maps, questionnaires, an online lesson planning tool, standardized tests, and semi-structured interviews were the main data collection instruments used in the study. Participants of this study were four physics teachers teaching different grade levels. For the purpose of generating feedback for the participant teachers, a test was administered to 215 students. Teachers were asked to plan five lessons for their ongoing practices. The analysis showed that the planned lessons were not adapted to the diversity in students pre-existing knowledge and skills. The analysis also indicated that the lessons planned had limitations with regard to cognitive activation of students. The analysis of the interview data also revealed that the participant teachers do not normally consider differentiating lessons to accommodate the differences in students learning, and place less emphasis on the cognitive activation of students. The analysis of the planned lessons showed a variation in teachers approach in integrating laboratory activities in the sequence of the lessons ranging from a complete absence through a demonstrative to an investigative approach. Moreover, the findings from the interviews indicated differences between the participant teachers espoused theory (i.e. what they said during interview) and their theory- in –use (i.e. what is evident from the planned lessons). The analysis of the interview data demonstrated that teachers did not interpret the data, identify learning needs, draw meaningful information from the data for adapting (or differentiating) instruction. They attributed their students’ poor performance to task difficulty, students’ ability, students’ motivation and interest. The teachers attempted to use the item level and subscale data only to compare the relative position of their class with the reference group. However, they did not read beyond the data, like identifying students learning needs and planning for differentiated instruction based on individual student’s performance.
Diese Arbeit betrachtet das Thema Führung und Gesundheit und hat hierzu verschiedene Erkenntnisse der Literatur zusammengefasst, um diese von Führungskräften aus Wirtschaft und Polizei sowie von Personal- und Organisationsentwicklern bewerten zu lassen. Das Ziel war hierbei herauszufinden, ob die Führungskräfte und die Personal- und Organisationsentwickler das Thema als wichtig erachten, welche Hauptursachen sie für Fehlzeiten sehen und wie sie verschiedene Erkenntnisse der Literatur zum Gesundheitsmanagement einschätzen. Zusätzlich sollten sie bewerten, welche Maßnahmen sie als geeignet betrachten und welche Ressourcen notwendig sind, um die Mitarbeiter bei der Gesunderhaltung zu unterstützen. Schließlich sollten die Führungskräfte und die Personal- und Organisationsentwickler beurteilen, welcher Führungsstil als gesundheitsförderlich angesehen wird. Die Wirtschafts- und Polizeiführungskräfte sowie die Personal- und Organisationsentwickler erachten das Thema Gesundheit als wichtig und sehen es nicht nur als Modetrend an. Ihre Einschätzungen zu geeigneten Maßnahmen, die die Gesundheit der Mitarbeiter verbessern können, entsprechen überwiegend den aus der Literatur abgeleiteten Vorschlägen zur gesundheitsgerechten Führung. Die weitgehende Übereinstimmung der Sichtweisen in Forschung und Praxis legt nahe, dass die Erkenntnisse der Literatur zum Gesundheitsmanagement vermutlich von Praktikern als plausibel wahrgenommen werden.
Emotion regulation – an empirical investigation in female adolescents with nonsuicidal self- injury
Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) was included as a condition for further study in the DSM-5. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the suggested diagnostic criteria and the clinical and psychological correlates. In order to provide an optimal treatment best tailored to the patients need, a clear differentiation between Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and NSSI is needed. The investigation of personality traits specific to patients with NSSI might be helpful for this differentiation. Furthermore, social difficulties can often be a trigger for NSSI. However, little is known about how adolescents with NSSI perceive social situations. Therefore, we examined how adolescents with NSSI process emotional expressions. A new emotion recognition paradigm (ERP) using colored and morphed facial expressions of happiness, anger, sadness, disgust and fear was developed and evaluated in a student sample, selected for being high (HSA) or low socially anxious (LSA). HSA showed a tendency towards impaired emotion recognition, and the paradigm demonstrated good construct validity.
For the main study, we investigated characteristics of NSSI, clinical and psychological correlates, personality traits and emotion recognition. We examined 57 adolescents with NSSI diagnosis, 12 adolescents with NSSI without impairment/distress and 14 adolescents with BPD, 32 clinical controls without NSSI, and 64 nonclinical controls. Participants were interviewed regarding mental disorders, filled out self-report questionnaires and participated in the ERP.
Results indicate that adolescents with NSSI experienced a higher level of impairment than clinical controls. There were similarities between adolescents with NSSI and adolescents with BPD, but also important differences. Adolescents with NSSI were characterized by specific personality traits such as high harm avoidance and novelty seeking compared to clinical controls. In adolescents with BPD, these personality traits were even more pronounced. No group differences in the recognition of facial expressions were found. Nonetheless compared to the control group, adolescents with NSSI rated the stimuli as significantly more unpleasant and arousing.
In conclusion, NSSI is a highly impairing disorder characterized by high comorbidity with various disorders and by specific personality traits, providing further evidence that NSSI should be handled as a distinct diagnostic entity. Consequently, the proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for NSSI are useful and necessary.