Year of publication
Document Type
- Bachelor Thesis (75)
- Diploma Thesis (42)
- Master's Thesis (33)
- Doctoral Thesis (5)
- Study Thesis (1)
- Augmented Reality (8)
- Computergrafik (8)
- Computervisualistik (7)
- GPGPU (5)
- Raytracing (5)
- Android (4)
- Computergraphik (4)
- Line Space (4)
- OpenGL (4)
- Analyse durch Synthese (3)
In scientific data visualization huge amounts of data are generated, which implies the task of analyzing these in an efficient way. This includes the reliable detection of important parts and a low expenditure of time and effort. This is especially important for the big-sized seismic volume datasets, that are required for the exploration of oil and gas deposits. Since the generated data is complex and a manual analysis is very time-intensive, a semi-automatic approach could on one hand reduce the time required for the analysis and on the other hand offer more flexibility, than a fully automatic approach.
This master's thesis introduces an algorithm, which is capable of locating regions of interest in seismic volume data automatically by detecting anomalies in local histograms. Furthermore the results are visualized and a variety of tools for the exploration and interpretation of the detected regions are developed. The approach is evaluated by experiments with synthetic data and in interviews with domain experts on the basis of real-world data. Conclusively further improvements to integrate the algorithm into the seismic interpretation workflow are suggested.
This work represents a quantitative analysis and visualisation of scar tissue of the left ventricular myocard. The scar information is shown in the late enhancement data, that highlights the avitale tissue with the help of a contrast agent. Through automatic methods, the scar is extracted from the image data and quantifies the size, location and transmurality. The transmurality shows a local measurement between the heart wall und the width of the scar. The developed methods help the cardiologist to analyse the measurement, the reason and the degree of the heart failure in a short time period. He can further control the results by several visual presentations. The deformation of the scar tissue over the heart cycle is implemented in another scientific work. A visual improvement of the deformation result which extracts the scar out of the data is aspired. The avital tissue is shown in a more comfortable way by eliminating the unnecessary image information and therefore improves the visual analysis of the pumping heart. Both methods show a detailed analysis of the scar tissue. This supports the clinic practical throughout the manual analysis.
This thesis deals with the development of an authoring system for modeling 3D environments with physical description. In contrast to creating scenes in other common modeling tools, one can now compute and describe physical entities of a scene additional to the usual geometry. It is very important for those authoring systems to be extendable and customizable for specific requirement of the user. The focus lies on developing simple program architecture, which is easy to extend and to modify.
Die Herzkranzgefäße sind verantwortlich für die Blutversorgung des Herzmuskels. Eine Störung des Blutflusses durch Verengungen oder gar Verstopfungen dieser Gefäße kann Herzerkrankungen bis hin zum Herzinfarkt auslösen. Eine Analyse dieser Strukturen ist damit von vitalem Interesse für die Diagnostik solcher Erkrankungen als auch die Planung einer möglichen Therapie. Im Rahmen dieser Diplomarbeit soll ein Verfahren entwickelt und implementiert werden, das es ermöglicht, einzelne Projektionsbilder aus der Angiographie mit tomographischen Volumendaten (CT, MR) in Deckung zu bringen, d.h. zu matchen. Die Fragestellung dahinter ist die nach der Korrelation der aus den Volumendaten gewonnenen Informationen über die Herzkranzgefäße mit dem gegenwärtigen "Gold-Standard" - der Angiographie. Dazu notwendig ist die Entwicklung eines Ansatzes zur Generierung von, den Angiographiebildern entsprechenden, künstlichen Projektionsbildern aus den (bereits segmentierten) Volumendaten. Die Festlegung der Projektionsparameter sowie das Matching selbst sollen automatisch erfolgen.
For definite isolation and classification of important features in 3D multi-attribute volume data, multidimensional transfer functions are inalienable. Yet, when using multiple dimensions, the comprehension of the data and the interaction with it become a challenge. That- because neither the control of the versatile input parameters nor the visualization in a higher dimensional space are straightforward.
The goal of this thesis is the implementation of a transfer function editor which supports the creation of a multidimensional transfer function. Therefore different visualization and interaction techniques, like Parallel Coordinates, are used. Furthermore it will be possible to choose and combine the used dimensions interactively and the rendered volume will be adapted to the user interaction in real time.
Der Zwang zur Entwicklung immer neuer Technologien hat den Entwicklungsaufwand vieler Spiele enorm in die Höhe getriebenen. Aufwändigere Grafiken und Spiele-Engines erfordern mehr Künstler, Grafiker, Designer und Programmierer, weshalb die Teams immer größer werden. Bereits jetzt liegt die Entwicklungszeit für einen Ego-Shooter bei über 3 Jahren, und es entstehen Kosten bis in den zweistelligen Millionenbereich. Neue Techniken, die entwickelt werden sollen, müssen daher nach Aufwand und Nutzen gegeneinander abgewogen werden. In dieser Arbeit soll daher eine echtzeitfähige Lösung entwickelt werden, die genaue und natürlich aussehende Animationen zur Visualisierung von Charakter-Objekt-Interaktionen dynamisch mithilfe von Inverser Kinematik erstellt. Gleichzeitig soll der Aufwand, der für die Nutzung anfällt, minimiert werden, um möglichst geringe zusätzliche Entwicklungskosten zu generieren.
Research has shown that people recognize personality, gender, inner states and many other items of information by simply observing human motion. Therefore the expressive human motion seems to be a valuable non-verbal communication channel. On the quest for more believable characters in virtual three dimensional simulations a great amount of visual realism has been achieved during the last decades. However, while interacting with synthetic characters in real-time simulations, often human users still sense an unnatural stiffness. This disturbance in believability is generally caused by a lack of human behavior simulation. Expressive motions, which convey personality and emotional states can be of great help to create more plausible and life-like characters. This thesis explores the feasibility of an automatic generation of emotionally expressive animations from given neutral character motions. Such research is required since common animation methods, such as manual modeling or motion capturing techniques, are too costly to create all possible variations of motions needed for interactive character behavior. To investigate how emotions influence human motion relevant literature from various research fields has been viewed and certain motion rules and features have been extracted. These movement domains were validated in a motion analysis and implemented in a system in an exemplary manner capable of automating the expression of angry, sad and happy states in a virtual character through its body language. Finally, the results were evaluated in user test.
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der Thematik "Frauen und Computerspiele". Um einen kurzen Überblick über die Thematik zu geben, werden zunächst einige aktuelle Studien präsentiert. Anschließend werden bisherige Erkenntnisse zu den Vorlieben weiblicher Computerspieler herausgestellt. Insbesondere wird untersucht, was Frauen motiviert, Computerspiele zu spielen, welche Themen und Konfliktlösungen sie bevorzugen. Auch die Zugangsweise zum Computer wird betrachtet und die Frage, wie hoch die Fehlertoleranz von Frauen bei Computerspielen ist. Um die Präferenzen weiblicher Spieler untersuchen zu können, wird ein Casual Game mit zwei unterschiedlichen Leveln entwickelt. Das erste ähnelt vom Aufbau her Casual Games, die aktuell im Internet zu finden sind und schon einige Frauen begeistert haben, z.B. "Cake Mania". In das Spiel, insbesondere in das zweite Level, sind zusätzliche Elemente eingebaut, welche den ausgearbeiteten Vorlieben entsprechen. Abschließend wird das Spiel weiblichen Testpersonen über das Internet zur Verfügung gestellt, und über einen Online-Fragebogen werden die herausgearbeiteten Thesen überprüft.
Statistical Shape Models (SSMs) are one of the most successful tools in 3Dimage analysis and especially medical image segmentation. By modeling the variability of a population of training shapes, the statistical information inherent in such data are used for automatic interpretation of new images. However, building a high-quality SSM requires manually generated ground truth data from clinical experts. Unfortunately, the acquisition of such data is a time-consuming, error-prone and subjective process. Due to this effort, the majority of SSMs is often based on a limited set of this ground truth training data, which makes the models less statistically meaningful. On the other hand, image data itself is abundant in clinics from daily routine. In this work, methods for automatically constructing a reliable SSM without the need of manual image interpretation from experts are proposed. Thus, the training data is assumed to be the result of any segmentation algorithm or may originate from other sources, e.g. non-expert manual delineations. Depending on the algorithm, the output segmentations will contain errors to a higher or lower degree. In order to account for these errors, areas of low probability of being a boundary should be excluded from the training of the SSM. Therefore, the probabilities are estimated with the help of image-based approaches. By including many shape variations, the corrupted parts can be statistically reconstructed. Two approaches for reconstruction are proposed - an Imputation method and Weighted Robust Principal Component Analysis (WRPCA). This allows the inclusion of many data sets from clinical routine, covering a lot more variations of shape examples. To assess the quality of the models, which are robust against erroneous training shapes, an evaluation compares the generalization and specificity ability to a model build from ground truth data. The results show, that especially WRPCA is a powerful tool to handle corrupted parts and yields to reasonable models, which have a higher quality than the initial segmentations.
Tracking is an integral part of many modern applications, especially in areas like autonomous systems and Augmented Reality. For performing tracking there are a wide array of approaches. One that has become a subject of research just recently is the utilization of Neural Networks. In the scope of this master thesis an application will be developed which uses such a Neural Network for the tracking process. This also requires the creation of training data as well as the creation and training of a Neural Network. Subsequently the usage of Neural Networks for tracking will be analyzed and evaluated. This includes several aspects. The quality of the tracking for different degrees of freedom will be checked as well as the the impact of the Neural Network on the applications performance. Additionally the amount of required training data is investigated, the influence of the network architecture and the importance of providing depth data as part of the networks input. This should provide an insight into how relevant this approach could be for its adoption in future products.
E-Learning Anwendungen sind heutzutage im Trend. Jedoch nicht nur aus diesem Grund sind sie vom großen Interesse. Im Vordergrund steht ihr didaktisches Konzept. Heutzutage ist es technisch möglich, die Teilnehmer interaktiv in einen
E- Learning Kurs einzubinden. Die Lernschritte können durch die Anwendung kontrolliert werden. Im Gegensatz zu einer Vorlesung, kann die Theorie direkt mit der Praxis verknüpft werden. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist die Erstellung eines Konzeptes und die Entwicklung eines Prototypen einer interaktiven Entwicklungsumgebung von Java für Programmieranfänger. In dieser Arbeit wurden aktuelle E-Learning Plattformen zu Java analysiert. Aus den gewonnen Erkenntnissen wurde ein Konzept für eine E-Learningplattform entwickelt. Dieses Konzept wurde erfolgreich als Prototyp implementiert. Für die Implementation wurden bewährte Technologien, wie das Django-Framework und das Javascript-Framework Vue.js eingesetzt. Der Kurs wurde von neun Teilnehmern getestet. Zusätzlich wurde eine Umfrage zu der Kursanwendung durchgeführt. Das Testergebnis bestätigt, dass die Teilnehmer den Kurs bestanden haben.
This thesis shows an interaction of primitives in a three-dimensional space which is done by gestures. Functions which are difficult to do by gestures without any absolute feeling of the position are implemented with a touchscreen. Besides the touchscreen a second input device, a Leap-Motion, is used to obtain data of the motion of the hand. To get its data the Leap-Motion uses two CCD-cameras and three infrared LEDs. The interactions that can be done without any feedback of the absolute position are the translation, rotation and scale. These three and the movement through space are implemented as gestures in this thesis. This is done in Blender with the BlenderrnGame Engine and Python. The only function which has been implemented for the touchscreen is to select an object. Later on, a comparative control of the mouse was invented to contrast it with the control of the gestures. There are two big differences between these two controls. On the one hand, the gesture controls can be done in a three-dimensional space but most people aren't used to it yet. On the other hand, there is just a two-dimensional input possibility with the mouse control. Otherwise it is familiar to most persons. The evaluation should reveal if people prefer interaction by mouse control or by gestures. The result shows that the prefered control is done by the mouse. However in some categories of the tests the gestures are quite close to the result of the mouse.
Dynamisches Tone Mapping einer High Dynamic Range Echtzeit 3D-Umgebung mit der Grafik Hardware
Augmented reality is being present for many years. Through progress in technology smaller augmented reality glasses became possible. These new technologies allow many new ways of interaction and usage of augmented reality.
This thesis is about the Microsoft HoloLens and its possiblities for consumers and industry. In the context of this thesis a new interactive and augmented application to measure the possiblities and limitations of the Microsoft HoloLens has been developed. The scene is an assembly szenario with a step by step instruction of building with Lego bricks. The evaluation showed that the HoloLens can already be used to assist in assembling scenarios and offers some advantages over other methods, although the glasses still have some flaws.
This thesis is about the design and the implementation of a virtual reality experience. The goal is to answer two questions: Is it possible to create an immersive virtual reality experience which is mainly using impulses and triggers to scare and frighten users? Secondly, is this immersion strong enough to create an illusion in which the user can't separate the real world from the virtual world? To realise this project the design program Unity3D as well as Visual Studios 2017 were used. Furthermore, in order to verify that the experience is indeed immersive for the user, an experiment with a sample size of seven people was created. Afterwards the candidates were interviewed via a questionnaire how they felt during the virtual reality application. As a result the study showed that the application has tendencies to be immersive but the users were still aware of the situation. It can be concluded that the immersion was not strong enough to fool users regarding the separation of virtual and real world.
This thesis presents two methods for the computation of global illumination. The first is an extension of Reflective Shadow Maps with an additional shadow test in order to handle occlusion. The second method is a novel, bidirectional Light-Injection approach. Rays originating from the light source are traced through the scene and stored inside the shafts of the Linespace datastructure. These shafts are a discretization of the possible spatial directions. The Linespaces are embedded in a Uniform Grid. When retrieving this pre-calculated lightning information no traversal of datastructures and no additional indirection is necessary in the best-case scenario. This reduces computation time and variance compared to Pathtracing. Areas that are mostly lit indirectly and glas profit the most from this. However, the result is only approximative in nature and produces visible artifacts.
In dieser Arbeit wurden effektive und flexible Ansätze zur Erstellung von Shaderprogrammen für grafikkartenbasiertes Volumenrendering untersucht sowie ein Framework mit diesem Einsatzzweck konzipiert und prototypisch umgesetzt. Dazu wurden zunächst Ansätze zur Metaprogrammierung von Shadern vorgestellt, die Programmiersprachen für Shader um zusätzliche Möglichkeiten zur Kapselung von Code erweitern. Eine Umfrage zu Anforderungen an Volumenrendering bei MEVIS zeigte, dass dort ein Shaderframework für Volumenrendering ein Expertenwerkzeug wäre.Der Analyseteil stellte die zentralen Anforderungen an das zu erstellende Framework vor: Erstellung von Shadern des Volumenrenderers mittels Rapid Prototyping, modularer Aufbau der Shaderprogramme, Eignung für verschiedene Volumenrendering-Algorithmen und die Möglichkeit detaillierter Anpassungen am Volumenrendering-Shader, um für den Einsatz durch Experten geeignet zu sein.
Helicopters are crucial in today’s life. A vast amount of applications prove
their range, which are not coverable by other types of aircraft. But they are
very complex systems, both, technically and physically. This is one of the
reasons why pilot training for helicopters is quite challenging. In the last
two decades flight simulators became a supplementary instrument in the
educational process of pilots. With flight simulators it is possible to replay
uncommon or dangerous situations. In this thesis a simple flight simulator
for helicopters will be developed based on rigid body physics. The foundation is a simplified rotor model which omits complex fluid dynamics. This
helps to keep the implementation simple and illustrative as well as provide simulation rates at real-time. The modules are implemented within
the Unreal Engine in such way, that changing helicopter characteristics is
very easy.
Real-time graphics applications are tending to get more realistic and approximate real world illumination gets more reasonable due to improvement of graphics hardware. Using a wide variation of algorithms and ideas, graphics processing units (GPU) can simulate complex lighting situations rendering computer generated imagery with complicated effects such as shadows, refraction and reflection of light. Particularly, reflections are an improvement of realism, because they make shiny materials, e.g. brushed metals, wet surfaces like puddles or polished floors, appear more realistic and reveal information of their properties such as roughness and reflectance. Moreover, reflections can get more complex, depending on the view: a wet surface like a street during rain for example will reflect lights depending on the distance of the viewer, resulting in more streaky reflection, which will look more stretched, if the viewer is locatedrnfarther away from the light source. This bachelor thesis aims to give an overview of the state-of-the-art in terms of rendering reflections. Understanding light is a basic need to understand reflections and therefore a physical model of light and its reflection will be covered in section 2, followed by the motivational section 2.2, that will give visual appealing examples for reflections from the real world and the media. Coming to rendering techniques, first, the main principle will be explained in section 3 followed by a short general view of a wide variety of approaches that try to generate correct reflections in section 4. This thesis will describe the implementation of three major algorithms, that produce plausible local reflections. Therefore, the developed framework is described in section 5, then three major algorithms will be covered, that are common methods in most current game and graphics engines: Screen space reflections (SSR), parallax-corrected cube mapping (PCCM) and billboard reflections (BBR). After describing their functional principle, they will be analysed of their visual quality and the possibilities of their real-time application. Finally they will be compared to each other to investigate the advantages and disadvantages over each other. In conclusion, the gained experiences will be described by summarizing advantages and disadvantages of each technique and giving suggestions for improvements. A short perspective will be given, trying to create a view of upcoming real-time rendering techniques for the creation of reflections as specular effects.
In this thesis the possibilities for real-time visualization of OpenVDB
files are investigated. The basics of OpenVDB, its possibilities, as well
as NanoVDB and its GPU port, were studied. A system was developed
using PNanoVDB, the graphics API port of OpenVDB. Techniques were
explored to improve and accelerate a single ray approach of ray tracing.
To prove real-time capability, two single scattering approaches were
also implemented. One of these was selected, further investigated and
optimized to achieve interactive real-time rendering.
It is important to give artists immediate feedback on their adjustments, as
well as the possibility to change all parameters to ensure a user friendly
creation process.
In addition to the optical rendering, corresponding benchmarks were
collected to compare different improvement approaches and to prove
their relevance. Attention was paid to the rendering times and memory
consumption on the GPU to ensure optimal use. A special focus, when
rendering OpenVDB files, was put on the integrability and extensibility of
the program to allow easy integration into an existing real-time renderer
like U-Render.
In order to plan the interior of a room, various programs for computers,
smart phones or head-mounted displays are available. The transfer to the
real environment is a difficult task. Therefore an augmented reality approach
is developed to illustrate the planning in the real room. If several
people want to contribute their ideas, conventional systems require to
work on one device together. The aim of this master thesis is to design and
develop a collaborative spatial planning application in augmented reality.
The application is developed in Unity with ARCore and C#.
In der Computergrafik stellte die Berechnung von Reflexionen lange ein
Problem dar. Doch mit der ständigen Weiterentwicklung der Hardware
und Vorstellung neuer Verfahren ist eine realitätsnahe,
echtzeitfähige(durchschnittlich 60 FPS) Berechnung von Reflexionen möglich. In der folgenden Ausarbeitung werden verschiedene Reflexionsverfahren vorgestellt. Alle mathematischen und physikalischen Grundlagen werden gegeben, um die Algorithmen nachvollziehen zu können. Da eine Reflexion immer das Abtasten eines reflektierten Vektors bedeutet, werden zwei verschiedene Abtastungsverfahren für blickabhängige Reflexionen vorgestellt und anschließend implementiert. Zuletzt werden die Verfahren auf Basis von Qualität und Performance gegenübergestellt.
This thesis tests several methods and measures in pathtracing for selecting either the Line Space or the Bounding Volume Hierarchy data structure to make use of the advantages of both. The structures are defined locally around each object and each Line Space shaft contains one candidate ID each. All implementation is done as a C++ and OpenGL framework with compute shaders handling the pathtracing and Line Space generation. The measures include the probability distribution, the effect dependency, as well as a distance threshold and are tested against several different scenes. In most situations, the results show a noticeable increase in performance, partly only with minor visual differences, with the probability measure producing the highest quality images for a given performance. The fundamental problems of the Line Space concering the high memory consumption and a long generation time compared to the BVH still persist, despite the object local structure, a minimal amount of data per shaft and the compute shader implementation.
The goal of this thesis was to develop an interactive cloud simulation based on physical laws from fluid and cloud dynamics that can be used to visualize the physical processes involved in the cloud formation process. Chapter 2 showed that a great number of cloud modeling methods already exist, both procedural and physically motivated. Since the simulation developed in this thesis is based on computational fluid dynamics, the most influential works in this field in relation to computer graphics were also identified. Next, the cloud formation process in the atmosphere was explained, demonstrating the connections between air pressure, temperature and humidity. The temperature distribution of the atmosphere was identified as the most significant factor in cloud formation, before two different kinds of cloud classifications were introduced. The following chapter was dedicated to formulating the previously described cloud formation process in terms of physics. It presented the Navier- Stokes equations of incompressible fluid motion as the method of describing the movement of air masses in the atmosphere and explained how they can be simplified. Furthermore, this chapter was used to introduce concepts from thermodynamics that are necessary for the description of cloud dynamics, and to present a water continuity model that defines the state changes of water in the atmosphere. It was also explained where and how the presented concepts abstract from reality. In chapter 5, it was first described how the cloud model was developed based on the concepts evaluated before, identifying the temperature, water vapor, cloud water, and velocity as the state variables necessary for a cloud simulation. Next, the unconditionally stable implicit semi-Lagrangian method for the solution of the Navier-Stokes equation was presented, and it was explained how the equations for the water continuity, latent heat, and buoyant force computations are solved. All the steps were then summarized and put into context by describing the simulation loop that is executed for every step of the cloud simulation. In the following, details were given about the simple rendering method for the clouds, and the visualization methods for the velocity field and the temperature were evaluated. Finally, the user interface that controls the parameters of the simulation was explained. Chapter six showed the results of the simulation of convective and stratus clouds and commented on the performance of the system.
This bachelor thesis implements a system for camera tracking based on a particle filter. For this purpose, a marker tracking is realized and the camera position is calculated based on the marker position. The marker is to be found with a particle filter and in order to accomplish this possible marker positions are simulated, also called particles, and weighted with Likelyhood-Functions. The focus lies on the evaluation of different Likelihood-Functions of the particle filter. The Likelyhood functions were implemented in CUDA as part of the implementation.
In this thesis, we deal with the question if challenge, flow and fun in computer games are related to each other, and which influence the motivational, psychological components motivation of success, motivation of failure and the chance of success do have. In addition, we want to know if a free choice in the level of difficulty is the optimal way to flow. To examine these theories, a study based on an online survey was executed, in which the participants played the game “flOw“. The results were evaluated with the help of a two-factorial analysis of variance with repeated measurement and tests on correlation. Thereby we found out that there actually exists a relation between challenge, flow and fun and that motivation does matter indirectly.
Clubs, such as Scouts, rely on the work of their volunteer members, who have a variety of tasks to accomplish. Often there are sudden changes in their organization teams and offices, whereby planning steps are lost and inexperience in planning occurs. Since the special requirements are not covered by already existing tools, ScOuT, a planning tool for the organization administration, is designed and developed in this work to support clubs with regard to the mentioned problems. The focus was on identifying and using various suitable guidelines and heuristic methods to create a usable interface. The developed product was evaluated empirically by a user survey in terms of usability.
The result of this study shows that already a high degree of the desired goal could be reached by the inclusion of the guidelines and methods. From this it can be concluded that with the help of user-specific concept ideas and the application of suitable guidelines and methods, a suitable basis for a usable application to support clubs can be created.
In this thesis, an interactive application is developed for Android OS. The application is about a virtual-reality game. The game is settled in the genre of first-person shooters and takes place in a space scenario. By using a stereo renderer, it is possible to play the game combined with virtual-reality glasses.
This thesis deals with the conception and implementation of an action role-playing game using the game engine Unity. Within the context of an evaluation, the game was supposed to be evaluated with regard to the usability of the integrated control modes, the visual conviction of the animations and the user-friendliness of the tools and visualizations provided. In addition, weaknesses and problems in the game were to be identified through open feedback. The results of the evaluation showed that the game is still expandable in terms of usability and user-friendliness, but has left a good impression on the test persons.
Zusätzlich zum Rendern wird die Rechenleistung moderner Grafikkarten immer häufiger auch für allgemeine Berechnungen (GPGPU) genutzt. Für die Umsetzung stehen verschiedene Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung, die von der Verwendung der Renderingpipeline bis zu eigenständigen Schnittstellen reichen. In dieser Arbeit werden mit Render-To-Texture, Transform Feedback, Compute Shader und OpenCL vier verschiedene GPGPU-Methoden untersucht. Anhand von Partikelsystemen werden sie hinsichtlich der benötigten Berechnungszeit, der GPU-Auslastung, Lines of Code und Portierbarkeit miteinander verglichen. Dazu wurden sowohl das N-Körper Problem, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics und ein Partikelschwarm als Partikelsysteme umgesetzt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass insbesondere OpenCL und Compute Shader sehr gute Ergebnisse liefern.
In dieser Arbeit wird die Konzeption, Implementierung und Evaluierung einer Augmented Reality-App beschrieben. Diese wurde mit dem Ziel entwickelt, Objekte im realen Raum mit virtuellen Hilfsmitteln auszumessen, sodass diese Anwendung einen Holzgliedermaßstab ersetzen kann. Hinzu kommt die praktische Speicherung der Messwerte. Angefertigt wurde die App mit der Unity Engine und programmiert in C#.
Schwerpunkte dieser Arbeit sind die Benutzerfreundlichkeit der App, sowie die Eignung von AR Foundation für das Ausmessungstool.
Die Anwendung wird auf die genannten Kriterien im Rahmen eines Nutzertests in einer abschließenden Evaluation bewertet.
Als Ergebnis ließ sich festhalten, dass sich die AR-App noch im Prototyp-Stadium befindet, aber im Allgemeinen schon als benutzerfreundlich gilt. Kleinere Änderungen sollen und müssen noch vorgenommen werden, um auch den Umgang mit dem AR-Tool zu vereinfachen.
Virtual reality is a growing field of interest as it provides a particular intuitive way of user-interaction. However, there are still open technical issues regarding latency — the delay between interaction and display reaction — and the trade-off between visual quality and frame-rate of real-time graphics, especially when taking visual effects like specular and semi-transparent surfaces and volumes into account. One solution, a distributed rendering setup, is presented in this thesis, in which the image synthesis is divided into an accurate but costly physically based rendering thread with a low refresh rate and a fast reprojection thread to remain a responsive interactivity with a high frame-rate. Two novel reprojection techniques are proposed that cover reflections and refractions produced by surface ray-tracing as well as volumetric light transport generated by volume ray-marching. The introduced setup can enhance the VR experience within several domains. In this thesis, three innovative training applications have been realized to investigate the added value of virtual reality to the three learning stages of observation, interaction and collaboration. For each stage an interdisciplinary curriculum, currently taught with traditional media, was transferred to a VR setting in order to investigate how virtual reality is capable of providing a natural, flexible and efficient learning environment
In this thesis the feasibility of a GPGPU (general-purpose computing on graphics processing units) approach to natural feature description on mobile phone GPUs is assessed. To this end, the SURF descriptor [4] has been implemented with OpenGL ES 2.0/GLSL ES 1.0 and evaluated across different mobile devices. The implementation is multiple times faster than a comparable CPU variant on the same device. The results proof the feasibility of modern mobile graphics accelerators for GPGPU tasks especially for the detection phase in natural feature tracking used in augmented reality applications. Extensive analysis and benchmarking of this approach in comparison to state of the art methods have been undertaken. Insights into the modifications necessary to adapt and modify the SURF algorithm to the limitations of a mobile GPU are presented. Further, an outlook for a GPGPU-based tracking pipeline on a mobile device is provided.
In der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit wurde gezeigt, wie sich Ambient Occlusion in einer Szene aus frei transformierbaren Starrkörpern unter Verwendung von Coherent Shadow Maps in interaktiven Frameraten berechnen und darstellen lässt. Die Vorteile von Ambient Occlusion im Vergleich zu klassischen lokalen Beleuchtungsmodellen wurden aufgezeigt - den Ansatzpunkt bildet die Approximation von Umgebungslicht und indirekter Beleuchtung durch einen konstanten Farbwert - und die vereinfachenden Annahmen, die im Vergleich zu einer Simulation globaler Beleuchtung gemacht werden, wurden nachgezeichnet - Die Gültigkeit von Ambient Occlusion beschränkt sich demnach eigentlich auf eine direkte Beleuchtung diffuser Materialien mit konstanter Leuchtdichte. Um einen umfassenden Überblick zu gewährleisten, wurden zahlreiche existierende Ansätze zur Berechnung von Ambient Occlusion ausführlich vorgestellt. Anschließend wurde auf die Berechnung der Visibilität mittels CSMs eingegangen. Es wurde gezeigt wie sich die Komprimierungsrate von CSMs durch eine gleichmäßige Verteilung der zu komprimierenden Depth Maps deutlich erhöhen lässt und ein XML-konformes Dateiformat, das die beliebige Wiederverwendung einmal komprimierter Depth Maps erlaubt, wurde eingeführt.
This thesis presents an approach to optimizing the computation of soft shadows from area lights. The light source is sampled uniformly by traversing shadow rays as packets through an N-tree. This data structure stores an additional line space for every node. A line space stores precomputed information about geometry inside of shafts from one to another side of the node. This visibility information is used to terminate a ray. Additionally the graphics processing unit (short GPU) is used to speed up the computations through parallelism. The scene is rendered with OpenGL and the shadow value is computed on the GPU for each pixel. Evaluating the implementation shows a performance gain of 86% by comparison to the CPU, if using the GPU implementation. Using the line space instead of triangle intersections also increases the performance. The implementation provides good scaling with an increasing amount of triangles and has no visual disadvantages for many rays.
The goal of simulations in computergraphics is the simulation of realistic phenomena of materials. Therefore, internal and external acting forces are accumulated in each timestep. From those, new velocities get calculated that ultimately change the positions of geometry or particles. Position Based Dynamics omits thie velocity layer and directly works on the positions. Constraints are a set of rules defining the simulated material. Those rules must not be violated throughout the simulation. If this happens, the violating positions get changed so that the constraints get fullfilled once again. In this work a PBD-framework gets implemented, that allows simulations of solids and fluids. Constraints get solved using GPU implementations of Gauss-Seidel and Gauss-Jakobi solvers. Results are physically plausible simulations that are real-time capable.
Konzept und Umsetzung eines E-Learning Nähkurses mit Integration von 3D-Modellen und Animationen
Augmented reality (AR) applications typically extend the user's view of the real world with virtual objects.
In recent years, AR has gained increasing popularity and attention, which has led to improvements in the required technologies. AR has become available to almost everyone.
Researchers have made great progress towards the goal of believable AR, in which the real and virtual worlds are combined seamlessly.
They mainly focus on issues like tracking, display technologies and user interaction, and give little attention to visual and physical coherence when real and virtual objects are combined. For example, virtual objects should not only respond to the user's input; they should also interact with real objects. Generally, AR becomes more believable and realistic if virtual objects appear fixed or anchored in the real scene, appear indistinguishable from the real scene, and response to any changes within it.
This thesis examines on three challenges in the field of computer vision to meet the goal of a believable combined world in which virtual objects appear and behave like real objects.
Firstly, the thesis concentrates on the well-known tracking and registration problem. The tracking and registration challenge is discussed and an approach is presented to estimate the position and viewpoint of the user so that virtual objects appear fixed in the real world. Appearance-based line models, which keep only relevant edges for tracking purposes, enable absolute registration in the real world and provide robust tracking. On the one hand, there is no need to spend much time creating suitable models manually. On the other hand, the tracking can deal with changes within the object or the scene to be tracked. Experiments have shown that the use of appearance-based line models improves the robustness, accuracy and re-initialization speed of the tracking process.
Secondly, the thesis deals with the subject of reconstructing the surface of a real environment and presents an algorithm to optimize an ongoing surface reconstruction. A complete 3D surface reconstruction of the target scene
offers new possibilities for creating more realistic AR applications. Several interactions between real and virtual objects, such as collision and occlusions, can be handled with physical correctness. Whereas previous methods focused on improving surface reconstructions offline after a capturing step, the presented method de-noises, extends and fills holes during the capturing process. Thus, users can explore an unknown environment without any preparation tasks such as moving around and scanning the scene, and without having to deal with the underlying technology in advance. In experiments, the approach provided realistic results where known surfaces were extended and filled in plausibly for different surface types.
Finally, the thesis focuses on handling occlusions between the real and virtual worlds more realistically, by re-interpreting the occlusion challenge as an alpha matting problem. The presented method overcomes limitations in state-of-the-art methods by estimating a blending coefficient per pixel of the rendered virtual scene, instead of calculating only their visibility. In several experiments and comparisons with other methods, occlusion handling through alpha matting worked robustly and overcame limitations of low-cost sensor data; it also outperformed previous work in terms of quality, realism and practical applicability.
The method can deal with noisy depth data and yields realistic results in regions where foreground and background are not strictly separable (e.g. caused by fuzzy objects or motion blur).
Die Leistungsfähigkeit moderner Graphikkarten steigt zur Zeit schneller an, als die von CPUs. Dabei kann diese Leistung nicht nur zur Darstellung von 3D Welten, sondern auch für allgemeine Berechnungen (GPGPU) verwendet werden. Diese Diplomarbeit untersucht daher, ob mit Hilfe der GPU Volumendaten schneller gefiltert werden können, als mit der CPU. Dies soll insbesondere am Beispiel von Rausch-Filtern, die auf Videosequenzen angewendet werden, untersucht werden. Dabei soll das Video als Volumen repräsentiert und mit Volumenfiltern gefiltert werden. So soll eine höhere Qualität und eine kürzere Berechnungszeit als mit herkömmlichen CPU und Frame-basierten Verfahren erreicht werden, insbesondere auch bei den z.Z. stark aufkommenden hochauflösenden HDTV-Standards. Das Framework soll jedoch nicht auf Videosequenz-Bearbeitung beschränkt sein, sondern so konzipiert werden, dass es z.B. in bestehende Volumenvisualisierungssysteme integriert werden kann. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist die Einarbeitung in die notwendigen theoretischen Grundlagen, daran anschließend die prototypische Implementierung des Frameworks mit abschließender Bewertung der erreichten Ergebnisse insbesondere der Geschwindigkeit im Vergleich zu existierenden Systemen.
Simulation von Schnee
Physic simulations allow the creation of dynamic scenes on the computer. Computer generated images become lively and find use in movies, games and engineering applications. GPGPU techniques make use of the graphics card to simulate physics. The simulation of dynamic snow is still little researched. The Material Point Method is the first technique which is capable of showing the dynamics andrncharacteristics of snow.
The hybrid use of Lagrangian particles and a regular cartesian grid enables solving of partial differential equations. Therefore articles are transformed to the grid. The grid velocities can then be updated with the calculation of gradients in an FEM-manner (finite element method). Finally grid node velocities are weight back to the particles to move them across the scene. This method is coupled with a constitutive model to cover the dynamic nature of snow. This include collisions and breaking.
This bachelor thesis connects the recent developments in GPGPU techniques of OpenGL with the Material Point Method to efficiently simulate visually compelling, dynamic snow scenes.
With the emergence of current generation head-mounted displays (HMDs), virtual reality (VR) is regaining much interest in the field of medical imaging and diagnosis. Room-scale exploration of CT or MRI data in virtual reality feels like an intuitive application. However in VR retaining a high frame rate is more critical than for conventional user interaction seated in front of a screen. There is strong scientific evidence suggesting that low frame rates and high latency have a strong influence on the appearance of cybersickness. This thesis explores two practical approaches to overcome the high computational cost of volume rendering for virtual reality. One lies within the exploitation of coherency properties of the especially costly stereoscopic rendering setup. The main contribution is the development and evaluation of a novel acceleration technique for stereoscopic GPU ray casting. Additionally, an asynchronous rendering approach is pursued to minimize the amount of latency in the system. A selection of image warping techniques has been implemented and evaluated methodically, assessing the applicability for VR volume rendering.
This thesis imparts a general view of the mechanics and implementation of latest voxelization strategies using the GPU. In addition to established voxelization procedures using the rasterization pipeline, new possibilities arising from GPGPU programming are examined. On the basis of the programming language C++ and the graphics library OpenGL the implementation of several methods is explained. The methods are compared in terms of performance and quality of the resulting voxelization and are evaluated critically with regards to possible use cases. Furthermore, two exemplary applications are detailed that use a voxelized scene in such a way that the augmentation of established techniques of real time graphics are facilitated. To this end, the concepts and the implementations of Transmittance Shadow Mapping and of Reflective Shadow Mapping utilizing a voxel based ambient occlusion effect is explained. Finally, the prolonging relevance of voxelization is put into prospect, by addressing latest research and further enhancements and applications of the presented methods.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Geometry-Shaders in Bezug auf die Triangulierung von Freiformflächen untersucht. Dazu steht die Konzeption und Entwicklung eines Geometry-Shaders im Vordergrund, der Freiformflächen möglichst performant zur Laufzeit triangulieren kann. Hierzu werden NURBS-Datensätze eingelesen, trianguliert und dargestellt.
Simulation von Schnee
Using physics simulations natural phenomena can be replicated
with the computer. The aim is to calculate a physical feature as correclty as
possible in order to draw conclusions for the real world. Fields of Application
are, for example, medicine, industry, but also games or films.
Snow is a very complex natural phenomenon due to its physical structure
and properties. To simulate snow, different material properties have to be
The most important method that deals with the simulation of snow and its
dynamics is the material point method. It combines the Lagrangian particles
based on continuum mechanics with a Cartesian grid. The grid enables
communication between the snow particles, which are not actually connected.
For calculation of particles data is transferred from these particles to
the grid nodes. There, calculations are carried out with information about
neighboring particles. The results are then transferred back to the original
particles. Using GPGPU techniques, physical simulations can be implemented
on the graphics card. Procedures like the material point method
can be parallelized well with these techniques.
This paper deals with the physical basics of the material point method and
implements them on the graphics card using compute shaders. Then performance
and quality are evaluated.
The development of a game engine is considered a non-trivial problem. [3] The architecture of such simulation software must be able to manage large amounts of simulation objects in real-time while dealing with “crosscutting concerns” [3,p. 36] between subsystems. The use of object oriented paradigms to model simulation objects in class hierarchies has been reported as incompatible with constantly changing demands during game development [2, p. 9], resulting in anti-patterns and eventual, messy refactoring.[13]
Alternative architectures using data oriented paradigms revolving around object composition and aggregation have been proposed as a result. [13, 9, 1, 11]
This thesis describes the development of such an architecture with the explicit goals to be simple, inherently compatible with data oriented design, and to make reasoning about performance characteristics possible. Concepts are formally defined to help analyze the problem and evaluate results. A functional implementation of the architecture is presented together with use cases common to simulation software.
Ray tracing acceleration through dedicated data structures has long been an important topic in computer graphics. In general, two different approaches are proposed: spatial and directional acceleration structures. The thesis at hand presents an innovative combined approach of these two areas, which enables a further acceleration of the tracing process of rays. State-of-the-art spatial data structures are used as base structures and enhanced by precomputed directional visibility information based on a sophisticated abstraction concept of shafts within an original structure, the Line Space.
In the course of the work, novel approaches for the precomputed visibility information are proposed: a binary value that indicates whether a shaft is empty or non-empty as well as a single candidate approximating the actual surface as a representative candidate. It is shown how the binary value is used in a simple but effective empty space skipping technique, which allows a performance gain in ray tracing of up to 40% compared to the pure base data structure, regardless of the spatial structure that is actually used. In addition, it is shown that this binary visibility information provides a fast technique for calculating soft shadows and ambient occlusion based on blocker approximations. Although the results contain a certain inaccuracy error, which is also presented and discussed, it is shown that a further tracing acceleration of up to 300% compared to the base structure is achieved. As an extension of this approach, the representative candidate precomputation is demonstrated, which is used to accelerate the indirect lighting computation, resulting in a significant performance gain at the expense of image errors. Finally, techniques based on two-stage structures and a usage heuristic are proposed and evaluated. These reduce memory consumption and approximation errors while maintaining the performance gain and also enabling further possibilities with object instancing and rigid transformations.
All performance and memory values as well as the approximation errors are measured, presented and discussed. Overall, the Line Space is shown to result in a considerate improvement in ray tracing performance at the cost of higher memory consumption and possible approximation errors. The presented findings thus demonstrate the capability of the combined approach and enable further possibilities for future work.
Algorithmische Komposition
Algorithmic composition is an interdisciplinary topic that unites music and science. The computer is able to generate algorithmic music with the aid of a specific algorithm. In this bachelor thesis, algorithmic composition is realized with the biology-inspired algorithms called Lindenmayer-system and cellular automaton. In order to realize the compositions, several techniques are presented as well as implemented and evaluated. Those techniques map the generated data from the algorithms on a meaningful musical result.
Augmented Reality has many areas of application. It can be used to simplify everyday life as well as working processes. However, since there are
many manufacturers that offer greatly varying systems, choosing the correct system according to application as well as cross-platform development are dfficult. This thesis attempts to develop an application which can be used to simulate Augmented Reality devices on Virtual Reality systems. This should simplify the processes of choosing a system as well as cross-platform
Since the simulation will be designed to run on mobile devices, it should be possible to render high quality, realistic environments in advance, using a panoramic image. On a Virtual Reality device, they need to be displayed as a stereoscopic image. To achieve this, several methods are presented that can be used to perform this conversion. An editor will be created which will allow the creation of scenes, configuration of Augmented Reality devices and displaying them on a Virtual Reality system. For closing this thesis a test will be performed, to check the quality of the simulation as well as improvements that can be made.
Das Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer hardwarebeschleunigten Einzelbildkompression zur Videoübertragung. Verfahren zur Einzelbildkompressionrn existieren bereits seit längerer Zeit. Jedoch genügen die gängigen Verfahren nicht den Anforderungen der Echtzeit und Performanz, um während einer Videoübertragung ohne spürbare Latenz zum Einsatz zu kommen. In dieser Arbeit soll einer der geläufigsten Algorithmen zur Bildkompression auf Parallelisierbarkeit, unter zu Hilfenahme der Grafikkarte, untersucht werden, um Echtzeitfähigkeit während der Kompression und Dekompression von computergenerierten Bildern zu erreichen. Die Ergebnisse werden evaluiert und in den Rahmen aktueller Verfahren parallelisierter Kompressionstechniken eingeordnet.
A special challenge of the basic musical education of children is to give them an understanding of reading and writing musical scores. During the training of young choristers it is furthermore important to educate them in directly transforming the written scores into sounds.
Therefore it is an interesting idea to play the sounds to the children via piano or keyboard and simultaneously present them on a screen in musical notation.
The aim of this bachelor thesis is the implementation of such a system that allows to enter scores using a MIDI-compatible keyboard and then depicting these as musical notation. The prototype of the application operates in three steps. It receives the musical scores via keyboard in form of MIDIdatasets. These MIDI-information are converted to the MusicXML-format. Based on this MusicXML-notation the software finally generates and displays the visual output.
This thesis describes the conception, implementation and evaluation of a collaborative multiplayer game for preschoolers for mobile devices.
The main object of this thesis is to find out, if mobile devices like smartphones and tablet computers are suitable for the interaction of children. In order to develop this kind of game relevant aspects were researched. On this basis a game was designed which was finally tested by preschoolers.
In no other field of computer science has the hardware been evolved more
quickly than in computer graphics. Therefore the GPU offers, aside from
the pure rendering of triangles, a bunch of further pipeline steps that allows
visualisation of other graphics objects, like freeform surfaces.
This bachelor’s thesis is about the rendering of freeform surfaces, in particular
bezier surfaces. For that reason an implementation for management
and visualisation of bézier surfaces was created for the rendering framework
of the university Koblenz (CVK). For this purpose first a triangulation
was implemented and finally a tesselation of bezier surfaces with normals
and texture coordinates, as well as the handling of trim curves.
Die Computergrafik befasst sich mit der Erzeugung von virtuellen Bildern. Im Bereich der 3D-Computergrafik werden die dargestellten Objekte im dreidimensionalen Raum beschrieben. Dazu bedient man sich diverser Generierungsverfahren. Einer dieser so genannten Renderer ist das Raytracing-Verfahren. Es erfreut sich in der Computergrafik wegen der erreichten Bildqualität bei ueberschaubarer Komplexität großer Beliebtheit. Dabei wird versucht, immer realistischere Ergebnisse zu erreichen. In der Vergangenheit wurde Raytracing deswegen beispielsweise um globale Beleuchtungsmodelle oder um reflektierende beziehungsweise um transparente Objekte erweitert. Dabei wurde aber ein wichtiger Punkt häufig vernachlässigt, welcher ebenfalls den Grad an Realismus deutlich erhöhen kann: die Kamera. Meistens geht man auch heutzutage von einem vereinfachten Lochkameramodell aus. Aus diesem Grund genügen solche Modelle nicht den Ansprüchen physikalisch-korrekter Renderingverfahren. Eine wirklich umfassend korrekte Abbildung von Szenen darf also nicht vernachlässigen, dass ein generiertes Bild durch ein Linsensystem noch einmal entscheidend beeinflusst wird. In dieser Arbeit wird deswegen ein physikalisch korrektes Kameramodell vorgestellt, welches die geometrischen Eigenschaften des Linsensystems berücksichtigt und die Belichtung auf der Bildebene korrekt berechnet.
Markerloses Tracking unter Verwendung von Analyse durch Synthese auf Basis von Featuredetektoren
In der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit wurde ein auf "Analyse durch Synthese" sowie Featuredetektoren basierendes Trackingsystem implementiert, beschrieben und getestet. Das Ziel war die Untersuchung im Hinblick auf den Mehrwert der Computergraphik in einem markerlosen Trackingablauf, indem der Ansatz der "Analyse durch Synthese" zur Poseschätzung eingesetzt wird.
Point Rendering
In this thesis different methods for rendering point data are shown and compared with each other. The methods can be divided into two categories. For one visual methods are introduced that strictly deal with the displaying of point primitves. The main problem here lies in the depiction of surfaces since point data, unlike traditional triangle meshes, doesn't contain any connectivity information. On the other hand data strucutres are shown that enable real-time rendering of large point clouds. Point clouds often contain large amounts of data since they are mostly generated through 3D scanning processes such as laser scanning and photogrammetry.
This bachelor thesis investigates the utilization of the Wii Balance Board
in virtual reality applications. For the investigation a snowboard game is
implemented, in which the virtual avatar can be controlled with the pressure
sensors of the Wii Balance Board. The user should be able to move
playfully and intuitively through the virtual environment by balancing his
body. The immersiveness and the influence on motion sickness and cybersickness
will be investigated. In Addition, the Wii Balance Board will be
compared with the Xbox Controller. The aim of the work is to evaluate
whether the Wii Balance Board is able to allow free movement in virtual
environments and whether it is more advantageous to use it rather than
a conventional controller. The results of the survey indicate that the Wii
Balance Board has a positive influence on the immersivness of the game,
despite better game results by using a conventional controller. The survey
also reveals that the use of the Wii Balance Board is responsible for more
motion-sickness/cybersickness cases.
Shadows add a level of realism to a rendered image. Furthermore, they support the user of an augmented reality application through the interactions of virtual objects. The reason for this is that shadows make it easier to judge the position and the size of a virtual object. In 1978, Lance Williams published the shadow mapping algorithm with the aim to render a shadow of objects in a virtual scene. This master thesis presents a modified shadow mapping approach that can additionally be used in Augmented/Mixed Reality applications. First of all the standard algorithm ist extended by a PCF-filter. This filter is used to handle the aliasing-problem on the edges of the shadow and also to soften the shadow. Phantom objects are necessary to be able to operate this approach in a Mixed Reality application. These objects simulate the position and the geometry of the real objects for the algorithm. The approach consists of three steps: First the camera image is drawn into the framebuffer. After that a shadow map, of the virtual objects only, is created. When rendering these objects shadow mapping creates the shadows of virtual objects onto other virtual objects and on themselves. Afterwards the phantom objects are rendered. The depth test is performed on the fragment shader. If a fragment lies in a shadowed region it will get the color of the shadow. However, if it is beeing lit its transpareny value will be set to 1 so that it will not be seen. By applying this procedure all shadows from the virtual objects onto the real objects will be drawn. The results show that the approach can be used in real time in Mixed Reality environments. Additionally a comparison with a modified version of a shadow volume algorithm that can also be used for Mixed Reality applications shows that the approach of this master thesis casts a more realistic shadow in a shorter period of time. All in all this approach increases the level of realism in augmented reality applications and it helps the user measure distances and sizes of the virtual objects more easily.
Simulation von Rauch
This bachelor thesis deals with the simulation of smoke in a particle
system. Here the possibilities are investigated to implement smoke as
realistically as possible in a particle system and to calculate it in real time.
The physical simulation is based on the work of Müller and
Ren, who deal with the physical properties of fluids and gases.
The simulation was implemented on the GPU using C++, OpenGL and
the compute shaders available in OpenGL. Special attention was paid
to the performance of the simulation. Hoetzlein techniques are
used to accelerate the particle system. Two acceleration methods were
then implemented and compared. The runtime, but also the used memory
space of the GPU is discussed.
The mitral valve is one of the four valves in the human heart. It is located in the left heart chamber and its function is to control the blood flow from the left atrium to the left ventricle. Pathologies can lead to malfunctions of the valve so that blood can flow back to the atrium. Patients with a faulty mitral valve function may suffer from fatigue and chest pain. The functionality can be surgically restored, which is often a long and exhaustive intervention. Thorough planning is necessary to ensure a safe and effective surgery. This can be supported by creating pre-operative segmentations of the mitral valve. A post-operative analysis can determine the success of an intervention. This work will combine existing and new ideas to propose a new approach to (semi-)automatically create such valve models. The manual part can guarantee a high quality model and reliability, whereas the automatic part contributes to saving valuable labour time.
The main contributions of the automatic algorithm are an estimated semantic separation of the two leaflets of the mitral valve and an optimization process that is capable of finding a coaptation-line and -area between the leaflets. The segmentation method can perform a fully automatic segmentation of the mitral leaflets if the annulus ring is already given. The intermediate steps of this process will be integrated into a manual segmentation method so a user can guide the whole procedure. The quality of the valve models generated by the method proposed in this work will be measured by comparing them to completely manually segmented models. This will show that commonly used methods to measure the quality of a segmentation are too general and do not suffice to reflect the real quality of a model. Consequently the work at hand will introduce a set of measurements that can qualify a mitral valve segmentation in more detail and with respect to anatomical landmarks. Besides the intra-operative support for a surgeon, a segmented mitral valve provides additional benefits. The ability to patient-specifically obtain and objectively describe the valve anatomy may be the base for future medical research in this field and automation allows to process large data sets with reduced expert dependency. Further, simulation methods that use the segmented models as input may predict the outcome of a surgery.
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Konzepten für die Anzeige eines frei programmierbaren Kombinationsinstrumentes (FPK). Ziel ist es, die zunächst theoretischen Anzeigekonzepte auf Basis einer zu ermittelnden Hard- und Softwareplattform zu entwickeln. Zu Beginn wird die Evolution von analogen, mechanischen Kombinationsinstrumenten zum FPK beschrieben. Darauf folgt ein Überblick bereits bestehender FPK-Konzepte mit einer genaueren Sicht auf dargestellte Anzeigeelemente. Dabei wird besonders auf die Personenwarnung in der Night-view-Anzeige und eine Anzeige der ökologischen Fahreffizienz eingegangen. Die Arbeit ist Teil eines in Entwicklung befindlichen FPK-Projektes. Basierend auf den durch dieses Projekt vorgegebenen Anforderungen wird eine geeignete Soft- und Hardwareplattform für die Umsetzung eines FPK ermittelt. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die optimale Plattform nur durch eine präzise Änderungsdefinition des graphischen Systems bestimmt werden kann. Da die Projektanforderungen nicht präzise genug sind, wird Adobe Flash in Verbindung mit Actionscript zur Umsetzung der Anzeigekonzepte eingesetzt, um Plattformunabhängigkeit zu erreichen. Mittels Techniken des User-centered Designs wurden Konzepte einzelner und kombinierter Anzeigeelemente entwickelt. Dabei wurde besonders darauf geachtet, die Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten durch die Größe der zur Verfügung stehenden Anzeigefläche des FPK auszunutzen. Nach theoretischen Überlegungen bezüglich des Verwendungskontexts und wahrnehmungspsychologischer Erkenntnisse werden entwickelte Konzepte skizzenhaft beschrieben und die erstellten Animationen erläutert. Den Schluss bildet eine Evaluation einzelner Prinzipien. In einer Umfrage mit 14 Probanden konnte die intuitive Erkennbarkeit einzelner Konzepte teilweise bestätigt oder widerlegt werden. Die Wirksamkeit einer entwickelten Warnmeldung zur Steuerung der Aufmerksamkeit wurde anhand eines Tests mit Nutzern in einer Simulation bestätigt. Die Warnmeldung und andere Konzepte sind nur in einem FPK umzusetzen. So wird gezeigt, dass der Einsatz eines FPK zu einer erhöhten Sicherheit und besseren Bedienbarkeit führen kann. Das FPK sollte jedoch nicht isoliert vom restlichen HMI betrachtet werden, damit seine Möglichkeiten voll ausgeschöpft werden können. Der Einsatz echter 3-D-Graphik für FPK ist zweifelhaft. Über den Bedarf muss im Einzelfall nach einem Test auf Usability entschieden werden. Die Evaluation zeigt, dass Konventionen eines herkömmlichen Kombinationsinstrumentes auch bei der Gestaltung von Anzeigeelementen für ein FPK genutzt werden sollten, um eine Lesbarkeit zu garantieren.
One of the greatest goals in computer graphics is the aesthetic representation of objects. In addition to conventional methods, another field focuses on non-photorealistic renderings. The so-called example-based rendering is an area where users can transfer their art style to a pre-computed 3D rendering, using a hand-painted template. There are some algorithms that already provide impressive results, but their problem is that most of these procedures count as offline methods and are not able to produce results in real-time. For this reason, this work show a method that satisfies this condition. In addition, the influence of the run-time reduction on the results is investigated. Requirements are defined, to which the method and its results are examined. Other methods in this field are referenced and compared with their results.
Im Laufe der Zeit fallen in einem Unternehmen große Mengen von Daten und Informationen an. Die Daten stehen im Zusammenhang mit unternehmensinternen Vorgängen, mit dem Marktumfeld, in dem das Unternehmen positioniert ist, und auch mit den Wettbewerbern. Sie sind vielfältiger Art, normalerweise inhomogen und aus verteilten Datenquellen zu beziehen. Um in dieser Flut von Daten die Übersicht zu behalten, die Menge an Informationen effektiv für das Unternehmen nutzbar zu machen, vor allem auch nachhaltig für kommende Entscheidungsfindungen, müssen die Daten analysiert und integriert werden. Diese Optimierung der Entscheidungsfindung durch Zugang zu Informationen, deren Analyse und Auswertung wird häufig unter dem Begriff "Business Intelligence" zusammengefasst. Der Wert der vorhandenen Informationen hängt stark von dem erwähnten Zugang und einer ausdrucksstarken Repräsentation ab. RIA-Techniken ermöglichen eine einfache Verfügbarkeit der verarbeiteten Geschäftsdaten über Inter- und Intranet ohne große Anforderungen an ihre Nutzbarkeit zu stellen. Sie bieten zudem spezialisierte leistungsfähige und in großem Maße programmierbare Visualisierungstechniken. Die Diplomarbeit soll zwei Schwerpunkte habe. Zum Einen wird sie sich mit Arten der Informationsvisualisierung im Allgemeinen und deren Eignung für Geschäfsdaten beschäftigen. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf Daten und Informationen in Management-Informationsberichten. Ziel ist eine Visualisierungsform, die es dem Nutzer ermöglicht, die zu kommunizierenden Informationen effizient auszuwerten. Zum anderen untersucht die Diplomarbeit die Vor- und Nachteile des Einsatzes von RIAs. Der Implementierungsteil umfasst eine RIA als "Proof of Concept", deren Hauptaugenmerk auf eine dynamische Interaktion und optimierte Informationsvisualisierung gerichtet sein soll. Die Diplomarbeit wird bei der Altran CIS in Koblenz durchgeführt.
Magnetic resonance (MR) tomography is an imaging method, that is used to expose the structure and function of tissues and organs in the human body for medical diagnosis. Diffusion weighted (DW) imaging is a specific MR imaging technique, which enables us to gain insight into the connectivity of white matter pathways noninvasively and in vivo. It allows for making predictions about the structure and integrity of those connections. In clinical routine this modality finds application in the planning phase of neurosurgical operations, such as in tumor resections. This is especially helpful if the lesion is deeply seated in a functionally important area, where the risk of damage is given. This work reviews the concepts of MR imaging and DW imaging. Generally, at the current resolution of diffusion weighted data, single white matter axons cannot be resolved. The captured signal rather describes whole fiber bundles. Beside this, it often appears that different complex fiber configurations occur in a single voxel, such as crossings, splittings and fannings. For this reason, the main goal is to assist tractography algorithms who are often confound in such complex regions. Tractography is a method which uses local information to reconstruct global connectivities, i.e. fiber tracts. In the course of this thesis, existing reconstruction methods such as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and q-ball imaging (QBI) are evaluated on synthetic generated data and real human brain data, whereas the amount of valuable information provided by the individual reconstruction mehods and their corresponding limitations are investigated. The output of QBI is the orientation distribution function (ODF), where the local maxima coincides with the underlying fiber architecture. We determine those local maxima. Furthermore, we propose a new voxel-based classification scheme conducted on diffusion tensor metrics. The main contribution of this work is the combination of voxel-based classification, local maxima from the ODF and global information from a voxel- neighborhood, which leads to the development of a global classifier. This classifier validates the detected ODF maxima and enhances them with neighborhood information. Hence, specific asymmetric fibrous architectures can be determined. The outcome of the global classifier are potential tracking directions. Subsequently, a fiber tractography algorithm is designed that integrates along the potential tracking directions and is able to reproduce splitting fiber tracts.
The goal of this work is the induction, conception, implementation and evaluation of an interactive game application among Android. The game genre of the app is a 2D-Jump ‘n’ Run Side-Scroller, whose graphical implementation is based on the four elements earth, fire, water and wind. The application should have classic functions of a Jump ‘n’ Run game and allow the player to overcome the four game worlds to find the finish. The implementation is based on Unity Engine and Adobe Photoshop. A user test asks basic questions about the application and specific questions about the research question, which are then evaluated. The research question examines the connection between fun factor and color perception while playing the app. Represented by the natural color combinations of the four elements. At the end possibilities for expansion and future prospects will be discussed.
In der Computergrafik stellte das echtzeitfähige
Rendern von Haaren und Fell ein Problem dar. Die
Berechnung der Beleuchtung, Schattierung und
Transparenz erfordert einen hohen Rechenaufwand,
welcher sich negativ auf die Performanz auswirkt.
Doch durch verbesserte Hardware und neue Verfahren
ist es möglich, solch komplexe Effekte in Echtzeit
zu simulieren. In folgender Arbeit werden die
Grundlagen des Renderings von Haaren erläutert.
Außerdem wurde im Rahmen der Arbeit eine
echtzeitfähige Demo implementiert, deren zugrunde
liegende Verfahren und Funktionalitäten beschrieben
werden. Um die Demo zu evaluieren wurde die mögliche
Anzahl an Bildern pro Sekunde bei Modellen
unterschiedlicher Komplexität gemessen. Schließlich
wurden die Ergebnisse mit Bildern von echten Haaren
This thesis presents a novel technique in computer graphics to simulate realtime
global illumination using path tracing. Path tracing is done with compute shaders on the graphics card (GPU) to perform rendering in a highly parallelized manner. To improve the overall performance of tracing rays, the Line Space is used as an acceleration data structure in different variations, resulting in better
empty space skipping. The Line Space saves scene information based on a previous voxelization in direction-dependent shafts and is generated and traversed on the GPU. With this procedure, indirect lighting and soft shadows can be computed in a physically correct way. Furthermore, using the Line Space, path tracing can be performed mostly independent of the complexity of the scene geometry with over 100 frames per second, which is truly real-time and much faster than using a comparable voxel grid. The image quality is not affected negatively by this technique and the shadow quality is in most cases much better compared to shadow-mapping.
This thesis deals with the development of an interactive Android card game. As an example, the Hebrew game Yaniv was implemented. Focus is the elaboration of required background components and the corresponding implementation in that application. Required game processes will be screened and a possible solution will be identified.
The Material Point Method (MPM) has proven to be a very capable simulation method in computer graphics that is able to model materials that were previously very challenging to animate [1, 2]. Apart from simulating singular materials, the simulation of multiple materials that interact with each other introduces new challenges. This is the focus of this thesis. It will be shown that the self-collision capabilities of the MPM can naturally handle multiple materials interacting in the same scene on a collision basis, even if the materials use distinct constitutive models. This is then extended by porous interaction of materials as in[3], which also integrates easily with MPM.It will furthermore be shown that regular single-grid MPM can be viewed as a subset of this multi-grid approach, meaning that its behavior can also be achieved if multiple grids are used. The porous interaction is generalized to arbitrary materials and freely changeable material interaction terms, yielding a flexible, user-controllable framework that is independent of specific constitutive models. The framework is implemented on the GPU in a straightforward and simple way and takes advantage of the rasterization pipeline to resolve write-conflicts, resulting in a portable implementation with wide hardware support, unlike other approaches such as [4].
Procedural content generation, the generation of video game content using pseudo-random algorithms, is a field of increasing business and academic interest due to its suitability for reducing development time and cost as well as the possibility of creating interesting, unique game spaces. Although many contemporary games feature procedurally generated content, the author perceived a lack of games using this approach to create realistic outer-space game environments, and the feasibility of employing procedural content generations in such a game was examined. Using current scientific models, a real-time astronomical simulation was developed in Python which generates star and planets object in a fictional galaxy procedurally to serve as the game space of a simple 2D space exploration game where the player has to search for intelligent life.
Point Rendering
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, bestehende Point Rendering Verfahren zu untersuchen und darauf aufbauend einen eigenen Point Renderer zu entwickeln. Mit diesem sollte dann die Anwendbarkeit auf weniger komplexe Modelle geprüft werden. Dabei galt es auftretende Probleme zu analysieren und gegebenenfalls Lösungsansätze zu finden.
This thesis addresses the implementation of a particle simulation of an explosion. The simulation will be displayed via ray tracing in near real time. The implementation makes use of the openCL standard. The focus of research in this thesis is to analyse the performance of this combination of components.
In the context of augmented reality we define tracking as a collection of methods to obtain the position and orientation (pose) of a user. By means of various displaying techniques, this ensures a correct visual overlay of graphical information onto the reality perceived. Precise results for calculation of the camera pose are gained by methods of image processing, usually analyzing the pixels of an image and extracing features, which can be recognized over the image sequence. However, these methods do not regard the process of image synthesis or at least in a very simplyfied way. In contrast, the class of model-based methods assumes a given 3D model of the observed scene. Based on the model data features can be identified to establish correspondences in the camera image. From these feature correspondences the camera pose is calculated. An interesting approach is the strategy of analysis-by-synthesis, regarding the computer graphics rendering process for extending the knowledge about the model by information from image synthesis and other environment variables.
In this thesis the components of a tracking system are identified and further it is analyzed, to what extend information about the model, the rendering process and the environment can contribute to the components for improvement of the tracking process using analysis-by-synthesis. In particular, by using knowledge as topological information, lighting or perspective, the feature synthesis and correspondence finding should lead to visually unambiguous features that can be predicted and evaluated to be suitable for stable tracking of the camera pose.
In this bachelor thesis a code for astrophysical self-gravitating fluid
simulation is developed. The code runs mainly on the GPU. Minimal
simplifications of the physical model and some parameters for accuracy
and tuning allow simulations to be performed at interactive framerates
on most modern consumer grade computers that feature a dedicated
graphics card. It is used to simulate the birth of stars from a turbulent
molecular cloud. Multiple features of star formation, like accretion
discs and fragmentation, can be observed in the simulation, even when
low particle counts are used.
Implementierung eines Subsurface Scattering Shader Plugins für die Augenblick Raytracing Engine
In dieser Ausarbeitung werden drei Beleuchtungsverfahren und mögliche Implementierungen zur Realisierung eines Subsurface Scattering Shaders vorgestellt und diskutiert. Subsurface Scattering bezeichnet allgemein den Lichttransport in die Oberfläche von Objekten hinein und durch sie hindurch. Die korrekte Darstellung dieses Phänomens ist sehr komplex und ist nicht mittels einer einfachen BRDF und gängiger Beleuchtungsverfahren darstellbar. Die drei Verfahren sind: Physikalisch korrektes Subsurface Scattering durch das Monte Carlo Pathtracing, vereinfachtes Subsurface Scattering durch Nutzung eines Licht-Lots, stark vereinfachtes Subsurface Scattering durch ein normalenabhängiges Aufhellen der Kanten. Durch die Nutzung des Monte Carlo Pathtracers können zudem Beleuchtungseffekte wie das sogennante Colorbleeding, dass heißt Lichttransport von einer farbigen Fläche auf eine andere mittels indirekter Beleuchtung, ermöglicht werden. Jedes Verfahren beinhaltet eine andere Kombination der bekanntlich gegenläufigen Eigenschaften Performanz und Korrektheit, je nachdem in welchem Rahmen und Aufgabenbereich Subsurface Scattering benötigt wird.Am Schluss der Arbeit werden Ergebnisse präsentiert, diskutiert und ein Ausblick auf weiterführende Arbeiten gegeben. Alle drei Verfahren wurden als Plugin für den Raytracer Augenblick von Oliver Abert realisiert.
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, Techniken zu zeigen, die es ermöglichen in der heutigen Zeit ohne besonderen Mehraufwand große und authentische Spielewelten zu schaffen. Nicht nur das räumliche Ausmaß der Welt soll ohne zusätzlichen Aufwand wachsen, sondern auch der Abwechslungsreichtum und somit Wiederspielwert soll ansteigen. All dies soll am Szenario einer futuristischen Großstadt gezeigt werden. Bereits die US-amerikanische Spielefirma Blizzard Entertainment Incorporated hat mit der Spielereihe Diablo gezeigt, dass es möglich ist, authentische Welten aus einem kleinen Vorrat von Bausteinen zu erzeugen, so dass diese Welten qualitativ hochwertig sind und einen enormen Wiederspielwert besitzen.
The market for virtual reality is rapidly evolving regarding its hardware components. Further applications are the result of this progress. In addition to the gaming market virtual reality offers further possibilities and advantages in research. That way this technology provides the investigation of perceptual phenomena. Therefore the present thesis aimed to examine the induced roelofs effect in a virtual environment and in reality in front of a computer screen. The roelofs effect describes a misperception that occurs if a persons midline and a target surrounding frame are offset, which results in a false localisation of the object. Thus the present study provides insight into the influence of a computer screen regarding this effect. Moreover, conclusions concerning the suitability of virtual reality in perceptual research are drawn. The results obtained by the virtual reality indicated a greater degree of perceptual distortion. Therefore the fixed frame of the computer screen can be assumed as an additional orientation.
Im Mittelpunkt dieser Diplomarbeit stand die Entwicklung eines Modells zur Charakterisierung einer HDR-Kamera mit CMOS-Sensorelement und logarithmischer Kamerakennlinie. Unter Beachtung der spezifischen Eigenschaften der Kamera sollte ein Verfahren gefunden werden, um von der Kamera aufgenommene Farbwerte, farbmetrisch korrekt in einen geräteunabhängigen Farbraum zu überführen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ein zweiteiliges Charakterisierungsmodell entwickelt, welches zwischen Vorwärtsmodell und Inversem Modell unterscheidet.
Development of an Android Application for the Recognition and Translation of Words in Camera Scenes
This bachelor- thesis describes the conception and implementation of a translation software for the Android platform. The specific feature of the software is the independent text recognition based on the view of the camera. This approach aims to enhance and accelerate the process of translation in certain situations. After an introduction into text recognition, the underlying technologies and the operation system Android useful applications are described. Then the concept of the software is created and the implementation examined. Finally an evaluation is conducted to identify strengths and weaknesses of the software.
The goal of this thesis is to create and develop a concept for a mobile city guide combined with game-based contents.
The application is intented to support flexible and independent exploration of the city of Koblenz.
Based on the geographical data, historical information for and interesting stories of various places were provided in this application. These informations are combined with playful elements in order to create a motivating concept.
Therefore, related approaches were examined and, combined with own ideas, a new concept has been developed. This concept has been prototypically implemented as an Android application and afterwards evaluated by 15 test persons. A questionnaire was used to examine the operability, the motivation of game patterns and the additional value of the application.
In einer Welt, in der mittlerweile "Die Cloud" als Lösung für nahezu alles angepriesen wird, stellt sich immer häufiger die Frage, ob man seine persönlichen Daten einem Fremden anvertrauen möchte, oder sie doch lieber unter der eigenen Kontrolle behält. Für die Befürworter der letzten Option steht "ownCloud" als freies Softwarepaket zur Verfügung, um eine eigene Cloud aufzusetzen und ihre Inhalte mit Anderen zu teilen.
Um das Teilen von Lernwerkzeugen zu vereinheitlichen und damit zu vereinfachen, wurde von IMS GLOBAL die "Learning Tools Interoperability" Spezifikation - kurz LTI - entwickelt. Diese wird inzwischen von einer zunehmenden Anzahl von Lernmanagementsystemen und Lernressourcen unterstützt. Eine interessante Herausforderung ist daher, zu untersuchen, ob und wie man ownCloud mit verschiedenen bestehenden Lernwerkzeugen mittels LTI verbinden und daraus Nutzen ziehen kann.
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, ein Plugin für ownCloud zu konzeptionieren und zu entwickeln, das die Kommunikation mit Lernwerkzeugen per LTI
ermöglicht. Dabei soll sowohl die Consumer- als auch die Providerseite mit einem Proof of Concept berücksichtigt werden, um jeweils die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen dieser Verbindungen zu untersuchen.
Zielsetzung Ziel der Diplomarbeit ist die Erforschung und Evaluation verschiedener multimodaler Interaktions- und Präsentationstechniken mit der Nintendo Wii Fernbedienung. Der zentrale Ansatz besteht darin, die verschiedenen alternativen Ein- und Ausgabemöglichkeiten der Nintendo Wiimote für Multimediapräsentationen im Bereich Bildung und Lehre nutzbar zu machen. Gesucht ist eine möglichst benutzerfreundliche Kombination verschiedener Präsentationslösungen in einem Eingabegerät, zu einem Bruchteil der Kosten existierender Lösungen. WiinterAct Um die Verbindung zwischen den multimodalen Interaktionsmöglichkeiten der Nintendo Wii Fernbedienung und den gewünschten Präsentationstechniken am Computer herzustellen, wurde die Software WiinterAct entwickelt. Mit Hilfe von WiinterAct lässt sich eine beliebige Präsentationssoftware über die Bedienknöpfe der Wiimote oder per Gestenerkennung steuern. Zusätzlich wurden alternative Mauszeigermanipulationsmöglichkeiten implementiert. So kann der Mauszeiger per interaktiver Laserpointer Metapher oder über ein interaktives Whiteboard auf Basis der Wiimote bewegt werden. Die hierfür nötige 4-Punkt-Kalibrierung wurde dabei stark vereinfacht. Neben einer intuitiven Visualisierung der Accelerometer- und Infrarotdaten aus der Wiimote wurde ferner eine Demoapplikation (FittsLaWii) zum Messen der Eingabegeschwindigkeit und Benutzerfreundlichkeit verschiedener Interaktionsmethoden bzw. Interaktionsgeräten entwickelt. Fazit Zusammenfassend lassen sich die Ergebnisse der Arbeit in viele andere Bereiche der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion übertragen.
This thesis deals with the exploration of different interaction possibilities
for three-dimensional, virtual objects in a real environment. The focus lies
especially on interaction possibilities from new AR-technologies.
A playful prototype of an application for Microsofts HoloLens will be
designed and implemented. The prototype consists of three parts. The first
part is the scan-process of the real environment of the user. In the second
part the user can augment the real environment with three-dimensional,
virtual objects. In the third part the user is supposed to navigate a virtual
avatar through the real environment.
The interaction possibilities of the HoloLens like Gaze, Gesture and VoiceInput
will be evaluated in the following categories menu navigation, positioning
of three-dimensional objects in a real environment and controlling an
In this bachelor thesis a system for the simulation of the movements of molecules is developed. The calculation of the forces between chemically bonded atoms as well as intermolecular forces is done almost entirely on the GPU. The visualization of the simulation happens at an interactive framerate. To achieve rendering in realtime on off-the-shelf graphics cards, apt optimizations and slight abstractions of the underlying physical models are needed. One can control the execution speed or completely stop the simulation at any given moment. Some of the parameters of the underlying physical models of the simulation can be modified at runtime. With the right settings for the parameters, some phenomena of molecular dynamics can be observed, for example the spacial structure of the molecules.
In this thesis, the theory of video seethrough is fundamentally presented on the basis of a panoramic view from several camera frames of
different perspectives. Based on this, a system was designed and implemented in which video streams are put together into a panoramic image by
perspective distortion. This is then projected onto the inside of a cylinder
with the virtual position of the viewer in the middle. Finally, the resulting
video panoramas will be displayed in VR glasses. Within the implementation some optimizations are also presented, among others those that make
the system real-time capable beyond the task. Furthermore, the developed
system will be evaluated and compared with two other methods.
A Kinect device has the ability to record color and depth images simultaneously. This thesis is an attempt to use the depth image to manipulate lighting information and material properties in the color image. The presented method of lighting and material manipulation needs a light simulation of the lighting conditions at the time of recording the image. It is used to transform information from a new light simulation directly back into the color image. Since the simulations are performed on a three-dimensional model, a way is searched to generate a model out of single depth image. At the same time the text will react to the problems of the depth data acquisition of the Kinect sensor. An editor is designed to make lighting and material manipulations possible. To generate a light simulation, some simple, real-time capable rendering methods and lighting modells are proposed. They are used to insert new illumination, shadows and reflections into the scene. Simple environments with well defined lighting conditions are manipulated in experiments to show boundaries and possibilities of the device and the techniques being used.
Für die realistische Betrachtung einer virtuellen Szene spielt neben der direkten Beleuchtung auch die Ausbreitung des indirekten Lichtes eine wichtige Rolle. Die Berechnung der indirekten Beleuchtung benötigt grundsätzlich Informationen über die gesamte Szene, nicht nur über den für die Kamera sichtbaren Ausschnitt, der in bildraumbasierten Techniken zum Einsatz kommt. Mittels Voxelisierung kann die Szene in eine dreidimensionale, diskrete und GPU-freundliche Repräsentation überführt werden. In dieser Arbeit werden Voxelrepräsentationen hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für den globalen Lichtaustausch in dynamischen und großen Szenen untersucht. Nach einer Einführung und einem Literaturüberblick über existierende Voxelisierungs- und Beleuchtungsverfahren, die Voxel als Grundlage nutzen, wird ein Voxelisierungsverfahren entwickelt, das sich für Szenen mit dynamischen Objekten eignet. Auf der Grundlage des Strahlenschnitt-Tests mit binärer Voxelhierarchie werden dann zwei Beleuchtungsalgorithmen umgesetzt, implementiert und evaluiert: Monte-Carlo-Integration der Hemisphäre eines Szenenpunktes und Beleuchtung der Szenenpunkte mit virtuellen Punktlichtquellen.
The following work describes the prototypical conception and development of the stat-raising game "Adventurer's Guild" using the game engine Ren'Py. The game's narrative is influenced by player decisions and the planning of activities. The game is to be visually pleasing and enjoyable.
After giving an overview of stat-raising as a genre, the existing games "Dandelion - Wishes Brought to You", "Pastry Lovers", "Long Live the Queen" and "Magical Diary" are analysed to pinpoint various strengths and weaknesses of their different takes on the genre.
The resultant findings are used for the conception of a new stat-raising game.
The game mechanics and the design decisions made are then shown in screenshots and thoroughly explained.
In a final assessment, the game will be examined with regard to the given task. Further possibilities for potential improvements and expansions will be detailed at the end.
This bachelor thesis deals with the conception, implementation and evaluation of a Jump'n'Run game and the consideration of the influence of achievment systems on players. In the game Age of Tunes you play Bardur, the beardless bard and have to try to free the cursed magical creatures in the world Harmonica. The emphasis of the thesis was the clean conception and gradual development of the game, appealing graphic quality, integration of opponents, a mini-game and the consideration of effects of an achievment system on players. In a final evaluation the game and the behavior could be evaluated regarding the achievments.
A gonioreflectometer is a device to measure the reflection properties of arbitrary materials. In this work, such an apparatus is being built from easily obtainable parts. Therefore three stepper-motors and 809 light-emitting diodes are controlled by an Arduino microcontroller. RGB-images are captured with an industrial camera which serve as refelction data. Furthermore, a control software with several capture programs and a renderer for displaying the measured materials are implemented. These allow capturing and rendering entire bidirectional reflection distribution functions (BRDFs) by which also complex anisotropic material properties can be represented. Although the quality of the results has some artifacts due to shadows of the camera, these artifacts can be largely removed by using special algorithms like inpainting. In addition, the goniorefelctometer is applied to other use cases. One can perform 3D scans, light field capturing and light staging without altering the construction. The quality of these processes also meet the expectations in a positive way. Thus, the gonioreflectometer built in this work can be seen as a widely applicable and economical alternative to other publications.
Photo realistic rendering of fur is a common problem in computer graphics and is often needed in animation films. This work presents two illumination models, originally presented for human hair rendering. The first model is from Marschner et al. presented in 2003, which is the basis of many other models. The second model is from d’Eon et al., which was presented in 2011. Both models are implemented into a path tracer, which simulates global illumination. The special features of fur fibers in contrast to human hair fibers will be shown and an explanation, to why both models can also be used for fur rendering, will be given. The main point of interest is a realistic visualization of fur. In addition to that the performance of both models will be compared and a suggestion to improve the performance will be given and evaluated in form of the use of a cylindrical intersection object for path tracing.
This Bachelor thesis describes the conception, implementation and evaluation of a playful augmented reality application for mobile devices. Building on the ARCore SDK, the game pARcours was developed, where the player can place virtual objects in the real environment to build their own parcours. This must be flown through with a likewise virtual aircraft. The main focus in the implementation of the game was on the interaction with the virtual objects and the collision detection of these with real surfaces. Furthermore, various input methods for building the parcours and controlling the aircrafts were examined. In a final evaluation both the game and the various input methods could be evaluated, as well as ARCore with regard to the development of augmented reality applications.
With the appearance of modern virtual reality (VR) headsets on the consumer market, there has been the biggest boom in the history of VR technology. Naturally, this was accompanied by an increasing focus on the problems of current VR hardware. Especially the control in VR has always been a complex topic.
One possible solution is the Leap Motion, a hand tracking device that was initially developed for desktop use, but with the last major software update it can be attached to standard VR headsets. This device allows very precise tracking of the user’s hands and fingers and their replication in the virtual world.
The aim of this work is to design virtual user interfaces that can be operated with the Leap Motion to provide a natural method of interaction between the user and the VR environment. After that, subject tests are performed to evaluate their performance and compare them to traditional VR controllers.
Ray Tracing enables a close to reality rendering implementation of a modelled scene. Because of its functioning, it is able to display optical phenomena and complex lighting. Though, numerous computations per pixel have to be done. In practice implementations can not achieve computer graphics" aim of real-time rendering close to 60 frames per second. Current Graphics Processing Units (GPU) allows high execution parallelism of general-purpose computations. By using the graphics-API OpenGL this parallelism can be achieved and it is possible to design and realize a Ray-Tracer, which operates entirely on the GPU. The developed approach will be extended by an Uniform Grid - a Ray-Tracing acceleration structure. Hence, a speed-up is expected.
This thesis` purpose is the implementation of Ray-Tracer, which operates completely on the GPU, and its expansion by integrating an Uniform Grid. Afterwards, the evaluation of maximum achievable performance takes place. Possible problems regarding GPU-programming will be identified and analysed.
Gerade bei der Garten- und Landschaftsgestaltung eröffnen sich viele kreative Möglichkeiten, die zwar der Landschaftsarchitekt, aber nicht dessen Kunde auf Anhieb überblicken kann. Es fehlt eine strukturierte Anwendung mit dessen Hilfe der Kunde auch ohne Fachkenntnisse diese Möglichkeiten erkennen und nutzen kann. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist eine webbasierte Auswahlumgebung zu schaffen, die Benutzer Schritt für Schritt durch die Anwendung führt und dabei den gestalterischen Ansprüchen von Landschaftsarchitekten genügt. Für Nutzer ohne Fachkenntnisse soll eine leicht verständliche Selektion ermöglicht werden mit Hilfe themengebundener Einschränkungen (z.B. nur mediterane Objekte/Pflanzen), die jedoch auch Erweiterungen erlauben. Um dem Benutzer seine gewählten Pflanzen und Objekte auch anschaulich zu machen, soll jederzeit eine Vorschau zur Verfügung stehen. Je nach Auswahl, kann eine X3D-Datei dynamisch erzeugt und mittels X3D-Browser dargestellt werden.
Der natürliche Prozess der Verwitterung ist ein komplexer Vorgang, der von unterschiedlichsten Parametern beeinflusstwird. Hauptbestandteil dieses Prozesses ist das Zusammenziehen des Fruchtvolumens infolge von Wasserverlust durch Transpiration sowie die Veränderung der Fruchtfarbe und Oberfläche. Es wurden bereits Verfahren entwickelt, die diese Eigenschaften mit Hilfe von Parametrisierung sowie physikalischer Ansätze simulieren. Die in dieser Arbeit erstellte Anwendung simuliert das Fruchtfleisch durch ein Tetraedernetz und die Veränderung der Haut mit Hilfe von dynamischer Texturanpassung. Der entwickelte Algorithmus arbeitet in linearer Laufzeit und seine Ergebnisse werden anhand selbst erstellter Fruchtmodelle präsentiert.
Volumetrische Beleuchtung
Volumetric lighting is a common lighting phenomena in nature and carries an important role in the realistic appearance of computergenerated images. This thesis explains the physical background of this phenomena and lists common modells for visualising volumetric lighting in Computergraphics. Following this, this thesis compares three methods for visualising volumetric lighting with modern graphics hardware and compares these according to their abilities, restrictions and performance in an OpenGL implementation.